Just can't quit

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Hugoalsace, Jul 28, 2018.

  1. Hugoalsace

    Hugoalsace Fapstronaut

    Hello, like many people on here I've tried to quit countless times, only to fail every time. My addiction has become worse now and I'm watching porn every night, if left alone. What has made it worse is that I've discovered cam girls and get a new thrill from interacting with them. I'm not deluded into thinking they are girlfriends or that they have any real interest in me, but I just keep coming back. I'm married, 12 years, and have a daughter and I really want to quit but I always fail. My wife knows I had been watching porn as I got caught but I told her I quit 6 months ago and it tears me up that I'm still watching it. If she finds out I am now watching cam girls too, losing £200 in the process, it will probably see me lose her and my daughter.
    I need help and support to end this addiction. My longest recent run of NoFap is 2 weeks and I'm desperate to go longer then quit for good. I've found meditation helps but not enough to overpower the porn urge. What makes matters worse is that I'm home alone now for 2 weeks and I'm fapping more than ever. My target now is to stay clean for 2 weeks until my wife and daughter return then take it from there.
    Any help and advice would be great. I've tried port filters, etc, but can always get round these by using a vpn
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Warrior1991

    Warrior1991 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I’m sorry to hear this. The fact you want to make a change is huge. I’m actually new to this community and have trouble quitting all my life. You’re not alone and don’t beat yourself up because there are men that never admit it’s a problem. I think this community is essential because for me I pretty much have been fighting it on my own. I know you can do this!
    dboy18 likes this.
  3. Hugoalsace

    Hugoalsace Fapstronaut

    Thanks for replying. I realise will power and support are the only ways to win this battle but, like you said, it is the toughest battle. Hopefully we can both win. Tonight, I said my farewells to my favourite cam girls. Hopefully I can resist the temptation to fall back into their virtual arms
    Warrior1991 likes this.
  4. NamoBuddha

    NamoBuddha Fapstronaut

    Hi @Hugoalsace
    I suggest you to build up a good and healthy habit which is very meaningful to you in your life. Porn addiction becomes part of your life because your brain wants more dopamine release stimulated by porn. This process makes your brain addict to porn and increases its tolerance. So, you will need to watch more and more porn to stimulate your brain releasing more dopamine. It becomes hard to quit. However, it is possible to quit it for good since many people succeed in nofap. You will need a good habit to replace it and make the good habit become part of your life. Perhaps, more time with your adorable daughter and wife.
    I have some materials that could help
    A success story, talking about how he overcome PMO.
    A YouTube vid, explaining how addiction work.
    An article, reading the benefits of nofap.
    A human version of rat park

    Good luck to you, dude. I believe you can make it.
    Hugoalsace likes this.
  5. Warrior1991

    Warrior1991 Fapstronaut

    We can do this man!

    Hugoalsace likes this.
  6. Hugoalsace

    Hugoalsace Fapstronaut

    Thanks Namo. Yes, that's very good advice. I'm an author and journalist and my writing output has dropped dramatically due to my addiction. In the times I usually watch porn, I will now try to resume creating writing and meditation. I believe this can help me win the battle. Really appreciate your support and advice