Becoming an alpha male

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by g2stop, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    On reading his forum, I am beginning to understand the benefits of nofap.

    - being more socially confident
    - being better with women
    - being better in bed

    These appear to be characteristics of alpha males. Are there any other characteristics we should try and develop to help us on this journey?

    Would like to hear your thoughts.
  2. Philip1990

    Philip1990 Fapstronaut

    There are alot of things you can develop to be alpha male!

    - Go to the gym
    - Eat healthy
    - Stop using any drugs
    - Sleep well
    - Stop complaining about anything
    - Facing your Fears (Stepping out of Comfortzone)

    All of this will strengthen your confidence , your body your intelligence and soul.
    I Recommend reading No more mr nice guy to learn about game.The power of now from eckhard tolle to learn about your spiritual side and calm yourself.Also i recommend awaken the giant withing from tony robbins to be successful in life.I also recommend reading everything about self - improvement.

  3. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    The alpha/beta male dichotomy is very descriptive in terms of picking up girls and being socially confident, but it's a very narrowed view because it comes mainly from marketing of the PUA gurus.

    I just want you to be aware that being alpha is not being an overconfident arrogant macho who gets big and sleeps with a lot of women. That's very good when you are in a position of need, but there's life after that. Being alpha is being a true leader, with charisma, intelligence, a sense of humor, influence, who aims at perfection in every aspect of his life, works hard, plays hard, and helps others.

    It's no surprise that most men who once were really bad with women (like me), achieve a level of personal development that's unknown to most people, because consciously gaining awareness of all the steps needed to change makes for huge insight and inner growth.

    The more you follow the following process, the better you'll be at anything, and the more "alpha" you'll become.

    Learn (read) --> Take action --> Learn --> Take action --> Learn --> Take action...
    Bestfootie1, Kman20, Bretto and 3 others like this.
  4. Philip1990

    Philip1990 Fapstronaut

    Totaly agree with TotalLifeChange.And its a blessing that we have no success with woman.We are forced to improve ourselves.Women in general and some men dont need this because they look superhot.But thats about it....ITS a blessing really.I can tell you that it is good to avoid super hot women and men.most of them lack personality because they get everything for free because of looks.specialy women.I often say "The hotter the woman the more underdeveloped her personality"

    And Purity alpha doesnt mean asshole and shouldnt be associated with pickup.
    I dare you to read no more mr nice guy.Alpha is confident , alpha is nice but he wont get stepped on.He wont let his boundaries get pushed.And he doesnt need to prove anything but himself to himself.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    levidaniel92 likes this.
  5. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    The term alpha male should not even be applied to human beings IMO.

    #1. Stop Hiding Behind the "Alpha" Label

    You are not an alpha male; you're just being marketed to. Some jaded hipster dickhead in lensless eyeglasses that cost more than your house used the entire "alpha" movement to sell you energy drinks and those shirts that look like douchebag scrimshaw.

    Human beings are not wolves. We're not even pack hunters anymore. Modern society has no place for an alpha, a beta, or anything resembling a carnivorous predatory social structure. "Alpha" is just a positive-sounding synonym for "asshole," and it is not an acceptable excuse for behaving like a cocksock, because the sad reality is, there is never an excuse for behaving like a cocksock. Wouldn't it be nice if there were? If there were some social theory, psychological disorder, or gypsy curse you could use to excuse your off-putting behavior? It sure would. But there never has been, and there never will be. It was all a giant lie sold to you by Big Energy to trick you into a mild stimulant addiction, an untruth you received free with every three-pack of TapouT shirts.

    I understand why it seems reasonable at first. What is an alpha male if not a beloved antihero, a Wolverine or Han Solo type? Did you agree with that statement? You shouldn't have. It was a trick. See, the alpha mentality slipped through our cultural defenses on the back of an actual truth: Confidence and, yes, even cockiness is attractive.

    Here's the difference: An alpha male embraces the label because he secretly suspects that he might be a face full of dicks and he needs a way to spin that into a positive thing. A confident man would shun the very concept of labels because he knows that that's the shit insecure people use to feel accepted. The very second you open your mouth to self-identify as "alpha," you're admitting that you're too insecure to face life alone and on your own terms. You're giving everybody who speaks to you a disclaimer: "I'm going to be a dick to you, and here's why it's OK and you still have to like me." A truly confident man would never give enough of a shit to make that statement.

    Another interesting bit: Move Over, Alpha Males. Why Being a Beta May Be Better (at Least for Baboons)

    Now that we got that out of the way,

    wouldn't a more appropriate name for this thread be, how to BE MORE MANLY? Yeah, that sounds better to me OP, and honestly I don't think you realized what using the term alpha male really meant. Anyways that is just my biased opinion.

    Perhaps this blog could help you learn The Art of Manliness?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
  6. Philip1990

    Philip1990 Fapstronaut

    Being a man is Alpha nowadays purity.Because the majority of "men" today dont behave like men should.The majority of men are boys in a matured body.I love the art of manliness by the way!Totaly recommended.
    Optimum Fortitude and Grandpa61 like this.
  7. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    I agree with purity. Only in the animal kingdom is "Alpha" mean anything. See there are times you lead and times you follow its life. I hope you don't try to alpha to the cop that pulls you over because thats going to end horribly.

    See pick up sites use alpha as a way to make socially awkward people think oh thats the answer just be an asshole. It is marketing all of it. The whole term "alpha" has no meaning in society. How can there be more than one alpha in a tribe. Its just people who are insecure with themselves and feel they have to dominate everyone they come across or rather just be an asshole. Don't get lost in that. There are traits you should build but you shouldn't label yourself as something like that. I think its also easy to get lost in the myth of "alpha" society just doesn't work that way.

    Confidence, the ability to face the truth, the ability to better yourself, discipline those are traits that you should want. Most guys think oh if I'm alpha girls with flock to me well its not true. Couldn't be further from the truth. Yes some girls like bad guys but those probably aren't girls you want. See they may be pretty they may be nice but the truth is theres more to someone than that theres a lot more.

    And to say the majority of men are boys. Well not necessarily its actually feminism. Its made us believe that being aggressive is bad and that going for what we want can be dangerous.Its the feminist. So guys as we are instead of saying what we want we attempt to be "alpha" we don't use our words. So in a sense your still acting like a boy just in another way.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    Bretto likes this.
  8. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Lol, just lol. Being a confident, upright, manly, all around strong and awesome dude does not make you an Alpha.
  9. Whatever

    Whatever Fapstronaut

    Attitude is very important. It is scientifically proven that attitude and posture change your biochemistry, your testosterone levels and such.
    levidaniel92 likes this.
  10. In my opinion body Language is a great skill to learn. If you usually cross Your arms, feet, scratch Your face all the, avoiding eye contact then you are reserving yourself from contact. A key to understand how body Language Works is to think that you should try to take up Space. Birds make themself bigger to flirt or fight. Cats do the same by raising their backs. As a general rule of thumb taking up Space signalizes that you are dominant and not afraid of confontation. Try standing With some distance between Your feet, let Your arms take up more Space when you are sitting. Also if you are protecting voulnerable body parts you are signalizing insecurity. Expose Your balls by having some distance between Your legs. Hand gestures should generally not cover Your face in any way. Keep them low or out to the sides. There is alot more to it so check it out if it sound interesting.
  11. elmechanico

    elmechanico Fapstronaut

    Step 1: Be a man.

    Men nowadays are soft, wimpy creatures. Through the lack of male role models and the rise of feminism and technology men are becoming more and more like women. I am 18 years old and I see this everyday in my peers.
    Watch old movies and study the body language of the male actors. John Wayne, Marlon Brando, Steve Mcqueen, those were all real men.

    That doesn't mean you have to walk around with a mean stare and pretend that you are going to kick everyone's ass. That is not being alpha, that is being a moron. Being alpha is about more than being the biggest, toughest guy.
    It's about being confident in your own skin. It's about having charisma, especially towards women. But don't take no shit, not from anyone. You are no pushover. Have a backbone. Don't be scared to get in a fight if someone is harassing you(I am not advocating you should beat someone up). Stand up for yourself and I guarantee you, nobody will ever try to push you down again.

    Step 2: Be kind to your family and take care of your relatives.
    "A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man" - Don Vito Corleone

    Step 3: Have some hobbies outside of work/school. Getting hammered in a club every weekend does not constitute a hobby. Start lifting weights, do some martial arts, read more books, learn a instrument or study a foreign language. Be well read and have a sense of history and culture.
    Bestfootie1 and levidaniel92 like this.
  12. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    I think this is unrealistic. Most of the people who claim alpha male status are either sociopaths or con artists. The others who claim to be alphas are just pretenders. True alpha males are a rarity. Basically, you are either born with it, or you aren't. Instead of trying to be something you aren't, why not focus on exalting the traits you were born with?
  13. beastinthegym

    beastinthegym New Fapstronaut

    Becoming an Alpha Male is about becoming your best self! NoFap and quitting porn is soooo worth it!
    levidaniel92 likes this.
  14. Be a better person and you may just become the best, and you won't even notice, cus you're too good and don't care about status or society's labeling, but being good makes you feel good.

    Stereotype "Alpha male" really is a stupid ass, cocky shit face, with the biggest ego and the smallest... everything else: Consciousness, feelings, understanding, respect for women (fucking them doesn't count as respect) - agreed with purity. It's like saying an alpha-female is the "bitch" (cus of shitty attitude, no self-respect, rock hard arnold sixpack, hundreds of instagram likes, lack of dignity and integrity, money hungry, expensive clothes etc.) when it comes to females. It ain't. :(

    Some of you mentioned The Art of Manliness and The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle, which are both exceptional books and Awaken The Giant Withing by Anthony Robbins < This one is even free as PDF, I think.
    Bestfootie1 likes this.
  15. levidaniel92

    levidaniel92 Fapstronaut

    Man, reading all what you wrote before, makes me have the hope that nowadays at least you might have been tried to change a little bit your mind about Alpha concept.

    You know, movies are sometimes inspirations of what directors can see in real life. That's why I like to see Male patrons in their characters. Just look at Harvey Specter or Donald Draper, and see if this kind of "prototypes" makes you think that is the reflect of the masculinity that nowadays are lacking by soft man and feminism.

    I want to say thank you to all alpha movement because my father, who I love with all my heart and I respect a lot, but gave me the wrong education. When the people had money, he becomes a "nice guy" pleasant sometimes like a slave. But when the people hasn't had money, he becomes strong, authoritarian like a dictator. I don't want to talk when this no-money people borrow money from him.

    For me as a life principle, seems like something I don't want to apply for my life: I don't want to be respected for people just for the fucking fact that I have money. And also, my father gave me some money, but no too much in balance with his income. And also if I bought something like a $50 jacket, he always bought at the same place a $800 jacket, just for make the false appearance of "everybody look at me, I'm who I have the money HERE". Alpha "movement" changed my point of view. Money sometimes is related with power, but in my life I saw rich people betrayed by their couples, and "poor" guys respected by another guys and having sex with some beautiful girls. They don't have money (they could have money later) but they have their own clearly boundaries.
  16. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Rule #1: "Alpha" males don't refer to themselves as alphas unironically.
    Rule #2: Get the most out of your life, because once it's over, it's over. Whatever way you need to achieve your goals, do it, for you only get this one shot.

    That's about it tbh, at least for me
    Bestfootie1 likes this.
  17. whatrichme

    whatrichme Fapstronaut

    While I don't recommend the label Alpha, I don't condemn it either. Labels by nature are distant abstract of the truth.
    True alpha though is a lot of things observed thru generations of primates, and needs some translation to apply as modern man.

    Most men are boys because the world implied them to obey parents, teachers and anyone in power. This is a very feminine trait they encouraged.
    Those who bother to rise up above the glass ceiling, will become "True Alpha" and become super attractive & powerful in some way.
    PUA community then branded everything around making you an "alpha".

    Nothing's wrong with that. If you have never seen a rose, it takes a lot of effort to explain how a rose look/feels like to you.
    Same for the bible/Buddhist teachings, an enlightened being may think these tools are dumb. I don't know, I am not enlightened in that sense yet. :p
    Bestfootie1 likes this.
  18. I think it's about being "more alpha" (than beta) rather than being "the" alpha. I also don't like the idea of being better than others as in having an ego, I thinks it just about being a masculine man, confident. We do that by doing NoFap and that makes you more confident and I quote, carefree. You no longer care what other people think so much because you're not doing something you don't approve of. NoFap will make us more confident and better with women but as for being alpha it's not something I'm into. I was into status, JC had a program and I don't think it's a good path. My opinion is to be authentic, even vulnerable and that comes from being authentic and don't try be "the" alpha because these people were always that way, their whole life, they never read a book. I think they come from loving families, had girlfriends from very young etc etc and always had that self esteem. It's better to work on self esteem and confidence by taking more action and learning something. Increase your test through diet, work out with weights, body language and vocal tonality are also very important. If your voice goes up at the end as if asking a question your doing it wrong.

    I say just do NoFap and you will be "more" alpha and less beta, it's a certainty. Voice will increase, eye contact, body language, test will raise, more carefree, confidence, better with women, more self control. Fapping and porn can make you weak and beta and ashamed and do you feel like talking to people after you have a fap? No, it makes you less sociable.
    Bretto likes this.
  19. Alpha males do not exist. The guy who invented the term for wolves apologised and said that even alpha wolves don't exist. In any case, men are not wolves. You are strong and weak depending on the situation you are in.

    The guys who see themselves as alpha are just sexist dickheads. Don't become one of them.

    Forget about all this alpha male and pick up artist bullshit. It just works to make you feel more insecure to sell you stuff.

    Be confident, caring, loving and respectful. Be yourself. Work on improving yourself, nothing wrong with that. You will find the person you love eventually.
    m0vingf0rward and Bretto like this.
  20. I bet you are that type of guy who is always in freondzone.