How to deal with suicidal thoughts.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. I been suicidal for Idk really maybe 20 years, but thanks to starting Nofap I got rid of that pretty much, but then I moved and it is back stronger then ever, I been searching for ways to end my life this evening, like I said it has not been this strong before, what held me back before was what it would do to my family if I did end my life but now I don't have them here cause of nofap I moved and started a school so im all alone and it scares me cause it would hurt them so much if I ended my life and I been thinking about it as an actual option and I hate it.

    I really don't know what to do, but wish there was some advice on how to help ease it cause it is all i need to get past it im so lost here and fear I might hurt myself.

    Im fine ATM, this time I got past it but I fear for the text time cause it keeps getting worse and worse.
  2. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    I'm currently experiencing a lot of suicidal thoughts every single second, all from my major depression i think. Do u experience suicidal thoughts becuz of depression or anxiety. If it was anxiety, although the suicidal feeling form anxiety was more intense than it was from depression, it actually lasts shorter than depression, and most of the time gives you a strange meaningful relief when the anxiety is gone. However, depression, less painful, yet very hard to get out, it's the feeling of numbness forever, dat sucks
    RainbowShell likes this.
  3. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Very critical is to develop a social support structure for yourself. You need some friends in this new place to support you, since you're far from family. I've gone into depression when my social structure collapsed on me. You should also talk to a doctor and get some kind of therapy, whether from a psychologist or psychiatrist. You should also be careful about diet and exercise, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and getting enough natural light. Speaking as someone who's dealt with severe depression and suicidal ideation, and have had several inpatient stays.
    RainbowShell likes this.
  4. Happy to have you both here in the thread sorry to hear about your troubles, and yes depression and the feeling of numbness does suck, I know that feeling too well cause it is going on right now, but I have been more anxious as of late due to me feeling like an alien again not being able to connect on any level with my class mates, good people in the class just so different from myself that I cant relate to anyone of them yet, so reason I dont have any social support is cause im just anxious even more around people, but yes maybe it is time to go see a physiologist since I have never been to one. Maybe Ill find some one to relate to soon.

  5. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    I am sorry to hear about your problems. I will send you a video, hopefully, it helps a little. And believe me, you are loved and you also deserve to be loved in the future. Also, you need to love yourself and not to be so strong with yourself. Be gentle with yourself and believe me there is an amazing life waiting behind this wall. You maybe just don't see it right now but you will start to see it soon. I am sorry you had a hard life and you don't like yourself but you are worth and you know that. I am sending a video -

    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  6. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My Journal

    I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling. Rebooting has its ups and downs, just like life. We see many people experiencing both the ups and downs during the reboot, and though it may be hard to see now, these feelings you are having won’t last forever. It will get better with time, if you are patient and wait.

    In the meantime, please seek professional help. I know the idea of calling a helpline might terrify you, but in times of crisis, we often need someone their to put our lives in perspective. So please contact someone who can help and don’t hang up on them. The International Association for Suicide Prevention maintains a list of suicide prevention hotlines for countries all over the world. Also, if you don’t feel up to actually talking to someone on the phone, StopSuicide maintains a list of online instant messaging and chat suicide prevention resources.

    You are not alone in this. There are ways to treat depression. Please contact people that can help you. Being depressed often makes it feel like you don’t have any more options. But that is a lie. That is just the depression talking. These feeling you have won’t last forever. We are in this with you, and we will all be cheering for you to get through this!
    4DCreator likes this.
  7. Hey, brother..

    Remember that in life you can't hit the highs .. if you never hit those lows ... everyone feels it.. think of it as a wave.. that's how you become strong as time goes by!! and suicide will not end the pain ... it just passes it to somebody else ... a friend .. family.
    I've also been there, i had no one .. and i didn't care for anyone tbh so what was the purpose? i didn't had any.

    Once i realized that was the root of my problem.. i went out of my way to make some real conections (the key was saying Yes to everything xD) like that movie with Jim Carrey "Yes Man".. it's silly but helped me.

    Now i live life with this simple rules:
    1º Don't make excuses
    2º ALWAYS be nice and kind to others
    3º Love yourself
    4º Work hard for what you want (if you play easy games.. you get easy prizes)

    If you do those things.... incredible things will happen.. they will happen .. im telling you... it's just true :)

    Everything is gonna be ok
    Stay strong
    4DCreator likes this.
  8. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    Acute anxiety is really painful to bear with. How do u feel now? Are u getting better? Although suicide is a terrifying mental state yet somehow i could feel more of love and empathy to other people during and after an overwhelming anxiety, idk why it happened, it just happened. I guess spiritual enlightenment and suicidal thoughts might somehow be connected.
  9. Jbrks57

    Jbrks57 New Fapstronaut

    Hi Rainbow Shell! Check out my answer above that I gave to Matt who also is feeling "No Hope". We are all in the same boat together with you in this life...all infected with the same force of evil sin living in us that's trying to destroy us all. That's why there's so many different types of addictions it's the same evil force just manifesting itself in different ways in everybody but with the same purpose to kill us. Fortunately we can have hope since the One who made us is more powerful than the sin living in us. I would recommend asking Him to help you and save you by His Almighty Spirit working in you...and get to know Him by reading his Word the Bible... He is love... and He is also the greatest and most powerful being in the universe that He created! He is our only hope and help! He can give you his love, joy, peace, and hopefulness!
    vulture175 likes this.
  10. I think the answer is in your original post. Your life is your life and if you choose to end it, so be it. But there are people who will be extremely hurt if you do. Not for a few weeks or months, but forever. Parents are never the same after their children die. Do you need a stronger reason to stay alive than for the sake of your family and friends? Your mother and father have sacrificed so much for you. Don't let that go to waste.
  11. Pastor Preston

    Pastor Preston Fapstronaut

    In the real world, I have only told one person about my "thoughts"--just a random friend; someone who could handle hearing it. If you looked at me, depression is not what you would think. Remember that my example is not necessarily the one to follow. There most definitely are people to talk to. There most definitely is a reason to live. I don't know what your talents are, but something tells me you are extremely good at something. There is someone who smiled only because of you-guaranteed. If you made someone happy, that counts for more than the world could possibly afford to lose.
  12. Thx for the good feedback I would reply to you all but im exhausted and going to bed but I read everything and Im grateful. Im doing better today, it is not as intense which is great.

    Thank you all again for sharing.
  13. Jnnybrav

    Jnnybrav Fapstronaut

    if the suicidal tendencies are due to no reason check a doctor. There might be deficiency of some vitamin and minerals in your body. If its due to certain expectation that you could not fulfill or have question such as purpose of life and shit then try to do this experiment. hold your breath for as long as you can , just do not breathe...ultimately you will have to breathe....that is the purpose of life breathe or live, rest all is shit.If you cant live then you cant do any shit you want to...enjoy each moment of your life specially the failures...they teach you the most and are there till the end of your life.....
    mtliter likes this.
  14. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    You said you feel scared because you’re alone. It is definitely a big step moving to a school and I personally have had friends tell me at a big university it is so easy to get depressed if you don’t do anything. Try making a friend or 2 in each of your classes. Try and join a club in something that interests you and make plans with friends outside of school. Even if it’s just studying if it’s something you can do with someone else then do it. Isolation itself can cause many problems. Believe when I tell you suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Like another fapstronaut mentioned, it will not end it those feelings you have will pass to your family. Don’t know if you are religious or not but this is one of my favorite verses

    “In this life you will have troubles but take heart, I have overcome the world”