So...being a strong man is a disorder now.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Slick Willie, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Harvard recently published a study confirming the male sjw will never sex in his lifetime.
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  2. HAHA Ohhh cruel twist of fate! This is what justice looks like...mixed with a bit of vengeance. Is that actually real though?? I was only half-serious. If so, it's only a matter of time before they become woman-hating incels.
  3. I think it’s that there’s more weak than strong men these days (at least in the West) There’s a huge imbalance of feminity and masculinity imo. Is it not ironic that even after women get their way, they’re still not satisfied? They always want more and it’s never enough but they respect a man that knows when to say no. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel this is nature’s way of weeding out the weak. I’ve even seen documentaries of Islam converts that appear to be what we call hardcore feminists. Not to single out one religion, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how “inferior” women are to muslim men and I would consider muslim men to be very masculine.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2019
  4. Muslim men take it too far though where if one rapes a woman, it's her fault. I don't hate women, I just want this whole sordid mess to end and I think the only real way is with a softer, gentler, version of the patriarchy. I don't think women will admit it, but I think they want this too.
    Fixmybrain, jwitcher and Hros like this.
  5. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    Here's a "review" of the recommendation from a Stetson University psychology professor. It's all golden, and hits the obvious points:
    • "this appears to be a progressive advocacy agenda, not a clinical goal."
    • "the guidelines make excellent points about reaching out to non-traditional men. It’s unfortunate that the guidelines do not seem intent on extending the same courtesy to traditional men."
  6. Coolyorky

    Coolyorky Fapstronaut

    I feel sorry for generation snow flake! Oh wait no I don’t ha
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  7. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Its just more social engineering.
  8. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I bet this same organization that wrote this stupid article approve of Nambla and say fuck drumph.
  9. Orange man bad.
    Ra's Al Ghul and Gotham Outlaw like this.
  10. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I bet you heard that on MSNPC
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Steven Colbert in a nutshell:
    Orange Man (Audience Gasps)
    Bad (Audience ROFL)
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  12. More conditioning horseshit.

    Unless as a psychologist or policy maker it is your job to confront these issues on a social front, do not for a minute play into these shell games that the modern gynocentric/misandristic elements of society try and push. These are agendas based on foundations of sand, if left alone they will crumble from the weight of their own bullshit. The best thing we can do is produce good ideas and actions. When we focus our energy on countering these people we allow them to define the game.

    Be more masculine in ways you can be, set goals and accomplish them. Learn to defend yourself (martial arts), learn to be more self reliant (cooking, vehicle repair etc.), learn bushcraft, learn the history of powerful men (Napoleon, Maurice De Saxe, Musashi etc.), obtain high value skills in whatever your preferred domain. Don't get resentful, don't complain. Lead and win by example and lift others along the way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2019
  13. Reap4u

    Reap4u New Fapstronaut

    lol, none of those things (aside from maybe looking into male role models) are masculine traits. They are good human traits.
  14. Nah.

    I did not state that the traits following my first sentence were exclusive to masculinity. Please be more attentive to details. Traits which are 'good human traits' aren't magically precluded from doubling as especially pertinent masculine traits.
  15. EthanW.

    EthanW. Fapstronaut

    A direct attack on the alpha male. Because the alpha male is able to deflect attacks made on his woman, his house, his kin and friends, his resources and his livelihood, they choose to attack him directly. Absolutely ridiculous.

    Let them try. The men who have responded to this thread have largely expressed Chad beliefs. It is a good start!
  16. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

  17. I agree completely. Nothing wrong with men being men and women being women. Men need to stop acting like women so that women can be women again. This is why I started NoFap and lifting weights. Once I'm done focusing on size and strength, I want to start martial arts. I found a great place here that teaches BJJ, Muay Thai, and Boxing. I could take them all if I really wanted to. I use to be really interested in outdoor hobbies and I really want to get back to that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. THAT'S ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS IVE EVER HEARD. Thanks so much for posting this! 10/10 would watch again
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  19. Be careful of this one if you can't handle "red pill rage."
  20. I think that's a good method. I have around 1 year of BJJ under my belt but I've stopped to prioritize lifting. Not many people in the Martial Arts realm agree with that method but I personally think it's a great move - particularly if you're on the skinnier side. It's much more difficult to gain muscle than it is to maintain it. Gaining muscle while doing other forms of intense anaerobic or aerobic exercise is difficult due to the interference effect. Getting 0.5-2 years of weightlifting done before transitioning to combat will also bolster joint strength, the stronger I got the less injuries I sustained in BJJ. I'm currently lifting/bulking and once I'm at a strength level I'm happy with I'll be dropping gym work to 2x per week full body workouts to maintain/slowly gain to prioritize combat.
    Deleted Account likes this.