The 2019 X90 Hard Mode High Accountability Elimination Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. Awesome job!! Yes 40 is an excellent number, I cannot wait for both of us to get there though a friend would remind me to enjoy every moment in between.

    Have a great day!
  2. Great job dude! Thank you for showing up every day and working towards your goals, that inspires me the most!
  3. Awesome dude, busy does keep the mind occupied. Keep it up, Great job!
  4. Awesome dude!!
  5. glnb8

    glnb8 Fapstronaut


    You are actually right. I might have mis-analized that. Thanks for the enlightenment.
    Happy to be with people with whom I can share a common purpose against PMO.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Equanimous_breathtoair

    Equanimous_breathtoair Fapstronaut

    Day 15 check in. Keep it up everyone! (no pun intended ;))
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Daniel1

    Daniel1 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Checking in för my day 10! No PMO (but some serious cravings).

    My brain was/is making all kinds of stories about how "I've already made it pretty far" or that "something soft won't do much damage" or "I'll start again tomorrow".

    Thats the addiction speaking, not me. I know that as soon as that short-lived moment is over, I'd be filled with regret.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. glnb8

    glnb8 Fapstronaut

    Keep fighting the urge, brother. Don't let it win no matter what. And it will just pass. It will become weak, and you strong.
    Focus on things that matter to you. Oftentimes temptations come when you don't anything to do.
  9. glnb8

    glnb8 Fapstronaut

    Checkingbin for Day 14. No PMO. :)
    I feel more confident each passing day. I observed small but significant improvements in my mood, my interactions with other people, my decision-making, etc.
    Great thing I kept kicking out the urges even the it's hard sometimes. Totally worth it, brothers.
    The benefits are real. :)
  10. Awesome dude!
  11. Awesome dude, it's great that you thought your way thru that.
  12. Totally worth it, I truly agree!! The benefits are real and they never end.
    glnb8 and Deleted Account like this.
  13. lolman123

    lolman123 Fapstronaut

    Day 15 Complete, Still going strong No PMO. longest streak in my life, have to keep it up.
  14. i'm checking in today.
    I had some stress today which hurt my head. It's not driving me to p at all thankfully. It's funny though as I look thru my social media apps some racy pictures come up and i'm just adjusting the app to inform it that I'm not interested in them. Years ago they would have sent me down the road I don't want to go down. Now I'm sort of like tired of seeing them and thinking I don't really want to see your <bodypart>. I can see how my gf gets tired of it pushed in our faces all the time.

    Anyway, stress today from work. Overthinking things and old programs running in my head. It's fear based crap that i have to think thru in the moment to realize that those thoughts are also not true. I've been thinking about writing in a journal all the times I have similar thoughts. Thoughts that really aren't my own so to speak, so that I can keep track of them. I think it'll help me deflate them and their power.

    If anyone isn't clear on what I'm talking about when I say fear based, I'm speaking of anxieties and insecurities. Those are all fear based thoughts. They're kinda like I'm not good enough, I'm not gonna be able to figure this out, this project is gonna fail, etc.

    Alot of people deal with anxiety, some way worse than what I have. Know that things get easier as you go thru life and learn how to handle it. The same with fighting PMO, eventually it gets easier. Experience kicks a$$ here.
  15. Dude I am so freaking excited to witness this, THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!! 2019, this is your year brother!!! I'll see you tomorrow when you'll shatter your previous record of 15 days!!!
  16. rkim

    rkim Fapstronaut

    Day8 checkin in~:emoji_bar_chart:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Awesome dude!
  18. Thanks! Checking-in, Day 35 no PMO. I was a bit frustrated yesterday evening and was restless and my mind started telling me how it would feel great if I touched myself but I went to bed early. For me no PMO in the longer run is making me more focused, clears my head and makes me more-confident. Men are more eager to assist me - everywhere - when I'm not trying to please or seduce them or make myself look sexy in front of them. I also noticed that I'm feeling the need to spend more time with women, in women circles - as if I am being drawn back to my own pack to take more strength and power from it.
    Yup you're right - we need to enjoy the process not become focused on results. The count of the days is not that important as the process and the feeling of rebooting your mind. Though I have a plan to start my journalling theme in Women in Reboot if I make it to Day 40.
    Reg all this anxiety stuff - I think it is way more common for men because of the social conditioning for them to stay strong no matter what, suck it up, be a warrior not a sissy and blah blah blah. The point here is I guess to embrace all your emotions and be vulnerable in front of yourself - a lot of men who opened up to me told me about this insane pressure upon them from the external world not to show their vulnerability - which totally pisses me off. After all we are humans not robots and we do feel vulnerable from time to time. Why it is ok for girls to cry and to open their emotions out and it is only ok for guys to suck it up in similar situations? That is why they tend to become detached from their own emotional selves and numb them by being aggressive or adopting the escapism thinking (porn is one of escapism routes sadly).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. That is good that you are able to detach from your brain's stories and listen to them. Just remember that you're the one who's making choices. Choosing whether to give up to the urges and let your brain control you or sticking to your own decision and making your brain stick to it. Have you been using the 5 second rule? This might help you.
    Deleted Account and Daniel1 like this.