
Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by elevate, Feb 18, 2019.

  1. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    The ego tries to protect itself.

    When you fear the risk of being rejected, failing, or making a mistake... that's the ego protecting itself.

    The ego makes you think that "it's all about me."

    But it really isn't about any of us. In the vastness of time and space we really don't matter.

    Over 7 billion people on Earth. Around 1.3 million Earths could fit inside the sun. The sun and Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Our galaxy alone is about 100,000 light years in size. The diameter of the current observable universe is over 90 billion light years. The universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years old.

    We are a speck of dust. Not even a drop of water in the grand scheme of things.

    Everything changes. Eventually everything dies. We don't really own or control anything. Even if you're a famous billionaire you can die in any moment. Even if you're married with kids your spouse can leave you. There's no guarantees. Nothing is certain. Nothing is permanent.

    So what's the point in protecting your fragile ego / identity? What's the point of avoiding rejection, failure, and mistakes that leads to growth? Even if you achieve success and acceptance, that could change the next day.

    If you want something in life, go for it. Allow negative experiences to condition you to stop allowing your ego to get in your way.

    Sooner or later we're all going to die as if we were never even here. It's a temporary playground that we've arrived in. So play and experiment. Rather than protecting yourself from being embarrassed.
  2. Agonist

    Agonist Fapstronaut

    My New Year's Resolution this year is to do the things I want to do, be the things I want to be, and become the person that I want to become. Fear can suck it.
  3. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut


    To do all that you have to be comfortable with the fact that you might not get the things you want. You have to go through the process of being incompetent and insecure before possibly attaining competence and confidence. You have to take risks, fail, make mistakes, and get rejected even if you don't feel motivated or fearless.

    When you go for what you want in life, you allow the possibilities of both positive and negative experiences. Of both pain and pleasure. Of both problems and solutions. It's only when you escape reality and don't do anything at all to develop yourself that you avoid negative experiences.

    Go for it.
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