Story of giving up PMO, no sex interests

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Cool1, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Cool1

    Cool1 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys.
    Thanks for this forum as I understand how important is the mental support during any kind of addiction. I'm without PMO cca 10 days. Not sure about that so I set the counter to 1st March but since I had erectile disfunction the last time I laid with my wife, finally got it and got to O. But I decided to visit this page again and quit with any kind of provocating my sexual senses e.g. visiting porn pages, any erotic pics, also ignoring any girls on the street, looking away when something related on tv, etc. I feel pretty stable in this and also this strategy keep me calm and almost without distractions which I'm also effective to get it out of my head if any tries to get in my mind.
    The current stage is unknown. I don't know if it's better or not, also not sure how I should act in my family life as my wife doesn't know and I would like to leave that way. I need to ask you guys who went through this when I hopefully can expect any kind of getting better taste to enjoy our time with my wife. Gonna be months? Years? I have no other way as me and my wife enjoy sex only if the other does enjoy too. So if I have ED means my wife is sad and thinks if she did smthg wrong or she no longer attracts me. I just want to be a good man for my wife and enjoy loving her.
    Note that I'm 32 and masturbated from cca 12 by that time only fantasies, later pics, then internet + porn -> PMO.
    Thank you.
    toomanymany likes this.
  2. Cool1

    Cool1 Fapstronaut

    Ok, I will continue answering my questions by myself. The next question I have if substitue of pmo by playing a video game is anything helping for Pied or pmo addiction as I read about dopamin stuff and its influence in brain and not sure if the cure is to stop "artificial" extra dopamin release because of any addiction or just it's enough to get rid of pmo but another dopamin sources like video games is ok. Hmm.
    WonderingKid21 likes this.
  3. There are many things you do that release dopamine, but they're not all bad for you. I don't think it's anyone's goal to stop any activity that gives you dopamine. The amount of it released during PMO is where the issue is because it is so much more than normal activities would give you. I know some PA's turn to other things like video games when trying to recovery from their addiction, and I suppose it may be helpful for some. Just be careful not to trade one addiction for another as I know that has happened as well.
    Cool1 likes this.
  4. Cool1

    Cool1 Fapstronaut

    Hey. I'm still on track. Again enjoying good times with my wife. I try to focus on the physical part of sex so I can erection and orgasm based on the physical stimulation so my mind is probably still fighting back the 'bad thoughts'. Sometimes I feel the incoming wave which is often the way to relapse but now all this feels like I need something but body doesn't know what it is because porn is just banned. Just focusing on something else gets me over it. Today it's the first month without porn. :) Take care. We can make it.
    hope4healing likes this.