chastity cage

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ScatoPornFaper, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. ScatoPornFaper

    ScatoPornFaper Fapstronaut


    I've been struggling with porn and masturbation. I've completely quit watching porn, looking for images... and I don't miss it and I have no fear I'll ever go back to watching porn. Quitting masturbation however is a much more difficult to me. If I don't push myself I do it 2-3 times a week. If I push myself my best score is 1 month but it's been a while since I made this fapfree month and I've never been able to motivate myself to break that record. Maybe because I never felt any of those positives benefits you fapstronauts always talk about : energy, motivation, self confidence, better social skills, better at seduction...
    So I had this idea : chastity cage !
    When you google chastity cage you'll find only perv stuff on perv forums. It's because this thing is mainly used to spice up a couple's sex life... It actually has nothing to do with chastity LOL
    So I bring the topic here to fapstonauts who are motivated to use their penis a little less. What do you think of this idea ? I realise it is an extreme one but my current goal is extreme as well. I want to break at least the 90 days mark.
    Here are my thoughts and concerns about the cage :
    Main one is penis health. While I want to reduce my masturbation frequency I certainly don't want to take the risk of damaging my penis. I've done some online research but again I mostly found perv talks. Encaging a penis implies no possible erection and I'm no expert but I can only think that long term encaging will have negative impacts on erections. What do you think/know about that ? And don't reply something like well you can still keep the cage on for the day and take it off during the night. If you can put in on and take it off as you want there's no point in having a cage. The whole point is no matter how bad you want to masturbate you just technically can't !
    Then comes the second big issue : the key ! Who holds it (when you're single obv) ?
    I have an accountability partner who is a good friend of mine. We talked about it and we're not comfortable with holding each others key because it feels sooo gay. Holding the key of your friend's sexuality that's not normal.
    Other option : give the key to anyone and just don't tell this person what it is, just tell him/her to give it back after a set period like the 90 days and NOT BEFORE NO MATTER WHAT ! Most people would be way to curious and would want to know what's up. Plus what if you have any kind of issue with your penis encaged or any serious reason to get back the key before the 90days or if you meet a girl you're going to have sex with...
    Other option, the most radical : throw the key away ! The day you want to take it off destroy it. You just take the risk of destroying your penis as well, or the risk that the cage is too solid to be cut so that you have to go to the emergency and explain everything and look stupid. One good benefit of this solution is that it can only motivates you to keep it as long as possible because taking it off means destroying something that cost $100.
  2. Saserman

    Saserman Fapstronaut

    You still gotta pee though....
  3. ScatoPornFaper

    ScatoPornFaper Fapstronaut

    you don't need to take it off to pee
  4. Burner

    Burner Fapstronaut

    As I am one of the pervs that owns one, I can tell you it's not as simple as that. First your body needs to get used to the cage. You might have to buy several different to find one that fits your body anatomically. Second, you need an emergency key, in case something unexpected happeneds. Third, you need to wash your penis at least once a week.

    So, as you can see a cage can work only if you have a partner who can supervise your penis washing, and who you can bee accountable for if the emergency key is ever used.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
  5. Hotshot

    Hotshot Fapstronaut

    Never heard of such a thing until now.
  6. Tombuktu

    Tombuktu Fapstronaut

    Me too. What an education I am getting on this forum :cool:
  7. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    I don't see how this is going to work at all. At least I don't now. I used to have the same thought, when I was an addict. I ended up thinking that if I could just physically prevent myself from M then I would be cured.

    But, you know what? It is a completely unnecessary thing to do. And totally ineffective. Save yourself $100 and all the complications that come with it and instead do what everyone else does on this site. Stop fapping. Make that decision to stop and stick with it. Stop watching P. Learn about your addiction. Learn to identify your addiction's voice. Find a better motivation for quitting PMO than wearing a sex toy. Start a journal. Discuss what you are doing, why you are doing it. Talk to people who can tell you the benefits of no fapping WITHOUT A CAGE for 90 days.

    If you put you penis in a cage you are putting it in prison. You are not learning anything new. You are not changing. There is no rehabilitation. You are just cutting a part of you off. And when you take off the cage, you will fap, because after 90 days you are exactly the same person.

    In my opinion, you didn't have this idea, you addiction did - which is why it is a ridiculous idea. I look forward to the ideas the real you comes up with.

    Good luck!
  8. Hiroki

    Hiroki Fapstronaut

    OP is probably coming forth with this idea from a very desperate place. It's understandable. One time I actually took a belt and lashed myself on the back after a relapse, as 'penance'. HAHAH! I kid you not.

    I did this out of desperation, not knowing how else to cope with the torment of incessant relapse and failure, and feeling I was incapable and doomed to being stuck in PMO unable to break the chains.

    CHANGE. That is the magic word. You must change the way you live, but not just the way you live, you need to change the way you think. It doesn't happen overnight. I can't tell you how many times I've relapsed. Until shit really hit the fan in my life and I said enough is enough. I became clear as CRYSTAL how I want to live my life and developing goals that I will die for before not achieving.


    'THE deplorable failure of many outward and isolated reforms is traceable to the fact that their devotees pursue them as an end in themselves, failing to see that they are merely steps towards ultimate, individual perfection.

    All true reform must come from within, in a changed heart and mind. The giving up of certain foods and drinks, and the breaking away from certain outward habits, are good and necessary beginnings; but they are only beginnings, and to end there is to fall far short of a true spiritual life. It is good, therefore, to cleanse the heart, to correct the mind, and to develop the understanding, for we know that the one thing needed is a regenerate heart.

    It matters everything what you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and coloured accordingly.'
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  9. UrgeDestroyer

    UrgeDestroyer Fapstronaut

    I feel very uncomfortable with your use of homophobic language. NoFap is one of the most supportive places on the internet. It is used by a wide variety of mostly young people, both straight and gay. Many young people are confused about their sexual orientation, or may be struggling to accept that they are gay. Your comment is inappropriate for NoFap.

    In the UK, there is a nationwide awareness campaign to highlight the damage caused to young people by comments like yours.

    It’s not okay or cool to use homophobic language. I have reported your comments to a moderator.


    Thats so gay poster.jpg
    jonny try harder likes this.
  10. Tombuktu

    Tombuktu Fapstronaut

    Agree with you completely. There was even a member here a few days ago who used the term "faggot" in a rage insulting someone else. While he apologised for the rage he never retracted the word and I didn't know why the that post was not deleted by the moderator. Homophobia is not cool regardless of our views or orientation.
  11. A cage won't help.
    With this, you are only shifting your fantasies - and the next step probably is that you want a "mistress" who controls you.

    No, better try to find out what you really want in life, and make a plan.

    And focus on the things you WANT, not on those you don't want anyway.
  12. Osa

    Osa Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure how effective a chastity cage will be in preventing masturbation since, unless you're pierced and locked through the piercing, have a built-in anti-pullout system, or a chastity belt, you'l probably be able to slip the penis out of the belt to masturbate; although it might make masturbation uncomfortable enough for it to lose its appeal.
    That said, a chastity cage can be highly effective in preventing a sex addict from sleeping around especially if his fetish involves unprotected sex.
    As for a keyholder, the general rule would be to give the keys either to someone in whom you could not possibly become sexually interested or with whom you are willing to accept sexual relations. Never give the keys to someone in whom you could be sexually attracted but with whom you want no sexual relations, even you believe that person could not possibly be sexually attracted to you. You could be wrong and so find yourself in an unwanted relationship. I got burnt that way: I'm speaking from experience.
    For hygienic reasons, you'look probably want an open design like a Jailbird for example, and for safety reasons you'like want some kind of access to the keys, so keep them in the same city at least, even if locked in a breakable box.
    These are just some ideas on the matter. Good luck.
  13. Osa

    Osa Fapstronaut

    This may mean that if you are straight and do not want a relationship at present, you will probably want to give the keys to a man.
  14. JohnDaVon

    JohnDaVon Fapstronaut

    locking your penis in a cage seems like a bad plan. it's like the old notion in the early 200's of throwing away your computer to control the lust. Just not gonna change the way you think.
  15. bob789

    bob789 Fapstronaut

    I agree. Besides you might need your computer for something else. I actually like the idea of being in control of my mind.:) If I can do that I don't need to worry about locking up anything because I know that I am in control.
  16. Osa

    Osa Fapstronaut

    In cases of extreme addiction involving high-STD-risk behaviour, a cage is a good idea in the initial stages to prevent such behaviour as well as to help the addict strengthen his character in the meantime. I agree though that for non-addicts, mild addicts, and addicts who are well into recovery it might be overkill. That said, I would feel morally obligated to strongly encourage any extreme addict who feels compelled to engage in high-STD-risk behaviour to do whatever it takes to prevent such behaviour. To advise such a person to rely on willpower alone when the stakes are so high would be highly irresponsible, especially considering that willpower alone does not suffice for a recovering addict by definition; otherwise he was either never an addict from the beginning or is a recovered or almost-recovered addict already, in which case he no longer has any need for such a forum as this.
  17. Osa

    Osa Fapstronaut

    I would tend to agree though that in cases of addiction involving no physical contact with another person and so no risk of contracting an STD (as is the case with porn addiction), a cage might be overkill, especially considering how porn addiction is not that addictive anyway compared to other forms of sex addiction, and so one that ought to be surmountable through willpower alone.
  18. Osa

    Osa Fapstronaut

    I think what we mustn't forget is that porn addiction sits at the extreme low end of the sex addiction spectrum, with pedophilia and sexual assault addiction sitting at the opposite extreme end and compulsive high-STD-risk behaviour with a consenting adult sitting in the middle of that spectrum.
    We should expect that at least s few porn addicts are likely to also be addicted to sexual behaviour higher up the spectrum too, due to the similarities between these addictions. This is an addictions fotum, so we do need to be careful in discouraging the use of radical reme dies without knowing the details of the problem for the person seeking the advice.
  19. JensDK42

    JensDK42 Guest

    Why is a year old thread bumped and bumped again people?
  20. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Use only will power or don't use anything at all.