For books lovers

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Targaryenn, May 15, 2019.

  1. kittyintheworld

    kittyintheworld Fapstronaut

    generally happens with huge fictional series .. and crazy character deaths... what did u last read?
  2. One Strong Girl

    One Strong Girl Fapstronaut

    Amm the last book I read was “something in the water” I felt so heartbroken because the character found out that her husband didn’t love her. I felt like I could feel her emotions.

    I don’t really read a lot of series because it’s hard to find them sometimes in order here. And I don’t think any of the ones I read heals crazy deaths ?
  3. kittyintheworld

    kittyintheworld Fapstronaut

    dont worry if u need to read crazy series fictional just do ebooks .. there are apps where ebooks can be read to u in audio.. its the best i do my reading like that lot of time .. cant afford all the physical books in the world ..

    i read my last book september since then this exam is eating me

    i recently read a local author book it was okayish but i wanna go back to reading amazing books
  4. One Strong Girl

    One Strong Girl Fapstronaut

    I like to read actual books as my eyes get tired from the screen and I feel it’s generally better for some reason lol.

    Wow Since September? That’s so long ago!
    What type of exam is this? (you don’t have to answer)
  5. kittyintheworld

    kittyintheworld Fapstronaut

    a very frustrating one also the one i am gonna fail ryt now and gonna extent till december so overall bbye books..
    One Strong Girl likes this.
  6. One Strong Girl

    One Strong Girl Fapstronaut

    Oh I’m sorry about that! Get help if it’s provided or a tutor maybe (if it’s that type of exam).

    I finished my last exam in 16/5 and now I’m waiting for my certificate and graduation.
  7. For those of you struggling to find time to read, I listen to most of my books on audio, and it's great! Currently listening to The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo :)
    StraightEdge3616 likes this.
  8. Wish I could be better at listening to books on audio but I'm not the best at listening and then comprehending. Just ask my wife :D
  9. One Strong Girl

    One Strong Girl Fapstronaut

    I prefer reading my books. It might be because I read books in other languages so it’s easier to read than listen. I also tend to daydream a lot. Reading keeps me focused.

    I suggest reading in buses, trains and cars (as a passenger of course).
  10. One Strong Girl

    One Strong Girl Fapstronaut

  11. Yeah, I have to be doing something or else my mind wanders too much. I listen to them while I'm cleaning at work :)
    StraightEdge3616 likes this.
  12. Audiobooks are amazing! You just need to get used to them.
    The first audiobook I ever listened to was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone read by Stephen Fry (no need to draw a picture as to who he is)... Man that was awesome.
    The guy even does the voices of the characters, and his Hagrid is spot on!

    Currently listening to Blink by Michael Gladwell (read by the author himself).
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Yeah, audiobooks take some getting used to. There are still some books I prefer to read with my eyes, especially if there's a lot of world building, because sometimes I need to read those parts really slowly to get a good picture in my mind. But I almost prefer audiobooks most of the time now. There are some great voice actors out there who do a wonderful job making the characters come alive.

    I'm really grateful for audiobooks, because with my job, I can listen to an entire book in like 2 days usually. 3 at the most. I would never be able to read that many books if I had to sit down and devote all my attention to them.
    WarriorReborn likes this.
  14. I agree. On physical copies you have the possibility to highlight any passage that attracts your attention. Add to that the fact that not all books are available as audiobooks.

    If you finish a book in 2 or 3 days then how do you manage to remember what you have read, or get anything at all from it ? Like even if it's just a novel, you probably won't even be able to remember the characters' names!
    Isn't it better to go slowly, trying to understand what is being said and get the max out of it ?
    But if it works for you then fine!
  15. I just filmed a video talking about the 10 books I read in may, and I still remember all of them. I don't necessarily remember everybody's names, but I don't really care about that. And it just depends on the book. Sometimes if I really love a book, I don't pick up another one for a couple days, because I just want to keep daydreaming about that world for a while.
    WarriorReborn likes this.
  16. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Biography of a yoghy - ParamanshaYogananda
    3/4 books from wayne dyer
    the 2 old Tony robbins book (awaken the giant within and the other one)
    Think and grow rich - napoleon hill
    The powerof now - eckart tolle
    super brain - deepak chophra
    the art of victory - phil knight
    the richest man in babylon
    4 book from donald trump
    9 books from robert kiyosaki
    Titan - Ron Chernow (rockfeller biography)
    4-5 books on nlp
    about 18 books on trading
    About 50 books on esotherism\spiritualism
    another 30 books on various arguments
    The foundation series - isaac asimov

    And probably many other i don't remember...
  17. That is just great! I mean the video, which I assume is for youTube or something like that.
    If finishing a book in 2 days does work for you then all the best man. I know it doesn't work for me.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Yeah, it was for YouTube :p I go through various spurts or reading a new book every couple days, and then not reading anything for weeks or something. Lol so it really just depends on my mood.
    WarriorReborn likes this.
  19. Aha :D Good luck dude! Takes some courage to do that, and at least you are channeling your energy in a good manner.
    When you have time, and are in a good mood, I suggest you give A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole a shoot. It's available on YouTube!

    By the way sorry to see that your counter has been reset.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Just finished reading "Angels Flight" by Michael Connelly and about to start "Void Moon" by him.