Efforts to regulate free porn distribution

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by mjones050505, Jul 1, 2019.

Would you support the regulation of "free porn"?

Poll closed Jul 8, 2019.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Does the government protect you from drugs ?

    Does the government protect you from fake news ?

    Does the government protect you from pay inequality ?

    Does the government protect you from illegal search and racial profiling ?

    Does the government protect you from mass killings?

    Does the government protect you from unsustainable student loan debt?

    Does the government protect your information online?

    Does the government protect our free speech?

    Does the government need to protect you from yourself ?

    If I demonstrate that you, are a threat to me in an online forum, should the government incarcerate you to protect me ?
    SilentG likes this.
  2. Best post I’ve seen this week bro.

    I want to add, the hypofrontality is not just at work in observing sex, it is also at work when sexual activity is taken against the frontal cortex’s instruction. In other words, the impact of engaging in sexual activity in spite of your conscience to not do so, rewrites the brain’s pathways. I haven’t seen her videos—- dr.reismann in a while , but I have followed dr. Ted Roberts. He also says the same thing.

    The diversion of blood to the neocortex actually happens when we watch anything , movies, commercials etc are much more common examples where the brain activity reflects a dimming where the blood is redirected and can result in a quasi-hypnosis.

    Ever watched a movie and half way through the lights come on and it takes a second to “go back to normal”? This is a similar effect.

    But obviously in porn this effect can be devastating. Do this mind-numbing exercise multiple times daily for various reasons and you create the perfect zombie race. They can act but not think. It’s scary.
  3. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    Yes, my government imprisons those who sell drugs, punishes those who spread false information, and protects me from everything you said. where do you live???
    randomname3 likes this.
  4. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I advocate for legalization of all drugs. Prohibition never brought anything good. Education and help for those in need is the way to go. Prohibition doesn't work.
    Habbapop likes this.
  5. Mexico and Texas.
  6. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    Mmh USA... now I understand, there are many wrong laws in the usa, now i understand your frustration
    need4realchg likes this.
  7. If watching pornography is voyeurism, then what are other "normal" viewing activities called? For example - watching murder, violence, rape? - something that is part of pretty much any movie these days?
    Going by your logic entire population would be psychopath, maniacs because if you ask people if they enjoy watching murder and violence - they will likely say no but then you ask them about that movie they just watched where someone was shot in every other scene and they will have to admit - it was enjoyable... Good movie indeed!

    Lets be consistent in our judgements.

    Pornography is entertainment, if some people use to to help them get stronger high - its their behavior.
    Video games are also entertainment, and they have addictive properties and many people are addicted to video games spending 10+ hour daily, playing.
    However we can separate people that abuse games and people that play them for entertainment.
  8. diep

    diep Fapstronaut

    Is this an alias of ZenAF?
    Doupleastronaut likes this.
  9. Watching something and experiencing is not the same thing but our ability for modeling does allow up to relate, if it were the same thing, then we would just watch TV and not do anything.
    Brain is able to make that distinction no problem, because you are watching someone else, when we watch someone else in real life, we are able to make that distinction so why are we unable to make it when watching video content?
    You are confusing body's response to content with how it perceives it we may feel physical tension when we see character in the movie getting away and almost getting killed, but that does not mean we felt like the character, we feel same response when reading a book, its reflection of how content makes us feel. It does not mean we do not see the difference.
    Executive function suppression does happen but presenting it with porn specifically is selective. Suppression of executive function is part of normal operation of the brain, it is suppressed when you watch video content in general, anytime you enter trance state and we do that allot.

    Porn addiction affects very small number of people, it it developed in to an addiction the way you describe entire world would have been addicted by now.
  10. You have nothing better to say?
  11. diep

    diep Fapstronaut

    I think you should need real help. Don't try to be an advocate of porn in this forum. This defeats your purpose of being here. Or maybe you have another purpose in this forum. So the admin and moderator should step in to resolve the issue here.
    Doupleastronaut likes this.
  12. Yes obviously someone else must just get "this guy" out of here so you can continue to post whatever. This would be wonderful place for discussion indeed.
    Everyone would just agree on everything and life would be so good. Wonderland!

    There are massive holes in arguments presented and I pointed them out. If you said - "I believe porn is pure evil in molten form, straight from the depths of hell" - I would just shrug and be on my way, believe what you like.
    But you started talking about the brain in a scientific way and presented seemingly scientific arguments - which it seems you have no interest in supporting.
  13. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    I'm not a libertarian, so yes of course I'm in favor of restricting or banning certain things that we as a society find to be degenerative of said society. Drugs like heroin are not in and of themselves bad, but they're known to be highly addictive, harmful both to the individual user, their loved ones, which collectively increases degeneration of our society as a whole.
    Likewise we know pornography is not natural or normal through our evolutionary history, that it's highly addictive, and caused widespread PIED in young males many times higher than before and harms real life male-female relationships. We also know children are being exposed to it now very early on since it's so easily accessible.

    At a minimum, we could require all the largest pornographic websites to require a credit card to enter, with some small fee. That would mean users have the pornographic website show up on their credit card statement, revealing their habits to their partner. And even if kids got on with their parents credit card, it would still show up, and talks and discipline could be had early on. This would be a significant deterrent that wouldn't be very hard to implement: we only need the will to do it.
  14. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    I honestly wish there would be a virus, something that deletes on one day all porn on every device or operating system.

    Porn is bad, an unhealthy habit, something that destroy our minds, our potential, our motivation system, our life, work-balance, feelings, connections to people.
    randomname3 likes this.
  15. Recycled

    Recycled Fapstronaut

    I can't help but be amazed that so many people are wanting something removed from everyone else because a small few can't maintain selfcontrol. As much as I wish I was free from my own addiction not once, ever, would I advocate or support taking something enjoyable to so many because of my own shortcomings.

    I acknowledge I won't be free until I can come to grips with taking complete control back over my life, but you guys who are asking for government or divine intervention to somehow make you whole? That's dangerous - you're still an addict if it disappears tomorrow and nature will not allow a vacuum, you will fill it with something else, perhaps even more destructive. If we can't take responsibility for the situation we're in we'll never get out of it, it only gets worse.
    need4realchg, Pure Taste and ZenAF like this.
  16. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    Nope it's not. It's a site for addicts to come clean.
    Depending on how you define "reacting" this is plain wrong. If by reacting you mean how you're going to act, then no, you definitely have a say whether you're going to touch yourself when you see porn or not. How you process the porn in your brain when you see it, which is also a form of reaction, that of course, you have no control over.
    Be careful with those arguments because they always lead down one road: The shifting of responsibility over your own actions over to a powerless deterministic reality where "you have no control".
    Yes, let's all ignore the fact that you have to be in a completely different state of mind to make the decision to go out to a public place, hide somewhere where you can see somebody you find arousing, take off your pants and masturbate. Versus being at home alone simply browsing through public internet content. I persist on my point that you are inflating the language. But why? To win an argument over semantics? Or maybe because you are indeed seeking another linguistic weapon against watching pornography. I have sympathy for that kind of motivation but I'm against blurring the lines between different actions. The word voyeurism was used long before porn existed for the for mentioned creeps.
    Of course we're enabling prostitution. Where there's a need, there's a market. Of course many of the girls we see in porn were forced to do what they're doing. I'd say most of the girls however had choices in their life and they chose to act in porn. I simply used to consume what they've offered.

    A target of a voyeur however never made any choice. They're not actors, they're just random people. But honestly witnessing the way you guys vehemently overlook the "subtle" difference of a real voyeur versus a porn watcher, I'm getting tired of defending this point. Call watching porn voyeurism if it helps you in any way. I'm further along in my journey of quitting porn than I've ever been before and it's not thanks to playing silly language games.
    Ah come on, after presenting me one sophisticated argument after the other you close with a cheap blow like that? smh
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  17. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    This guy get's it.
    Pure Taste and Recycled like this.
  18. Effective way to tackle any issue is to cultivate people that ask questions, think and make decisions on their own and shoulder full responsibility for what happens to them.
    Not people who look for government to solve problems.
    Heroin + humans is bad, sorry mate but its bad.
    need4realchg likes this.
  19. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Wrong. Apparantly, you didn't understand what I said in the least. Otherwise you would see, that your examples are not comparable to voyeurism. They would be, if there would be specific terms for the act of watching a rape, the act of watching a murder, etc. As far as I know, there are no such terms but let's assume there would be for a minute: If you would now watch rape on your screen, then it would be plausible to use the term as you would for watching it in real life.

    I never said anything different.

    I never said they are the same thing. I said, it's plausible to use the same terminology, since they are so similiar in their core. Of course, the moral judgements attached to the behaviors are very much different.

    Well, since you didn't get the main idea of my arguments, it's a little bit weird to read this sentence. How can you point out "massive holes", when you simple don't understand a thing? But whatever...

    I'll just talk for myself for a second here: I'm not overlooking a difference. As I stated multiple times, of course the actions themselves are different in their moral judgement. But that does not justify the use of different terms. Since that's the keypoint, in which we seem to disagree, further discussion about it doesn't really serve a purpose. So, I'll just leave it there.
  20. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    Strong individuals engaging in rational dialogue and bettering themselves is just the first step.
    Next we realize virtually every single young male with high speed internet is addicted, unable to stop if they wanted to, causing vastly higher rates of PIED etc, not to mention all the messed up stuff within the pornographic industry, or it's more deep seated harm on society at large.
    So the final step is implementing policy that alleviates the problem we discovered, not just being isolated individuals, but projecting positive change throughout the society. Libertarianism is plain old foolishness.