Did anyone develop high blood sugar/ diabetes because of excessive masturbation ? Please help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by stack85, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. Adamshuwadamboa

    Adamshuwadamboa Fapstronaut

    Well, my brother, this is ur own case but for most of us here in this group have testified that masturbation caused our high glucose. I even presented my 3 times of test results. So I totally believed that masturbation is the cause of almost all the chronic diseases including diabetes
  2. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @Daddict Very true .... Porn triggers OVERMASTURBATION ..... which causes zinc deficiency, triggering all sorts of health issues especially fatty liver. Go on a long streak .... the real struggle is completing the long streak to heal after being so addicted to it ...
  3. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @Daddict Very true .... Porn triggers OVERMASTURBATION ..... which causes zinc deficiency, triggering all sorts of health issues especially fatty liver. Go on a long streak .... the real struggle is completing the long streak to heal after being so addicted to it ...
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  4. I had this kind of symptoms in my journey. I'm 11 months hardmode now and most of them disappeared. Nofap is the solution. Pmo is one of the greatest enemy of mankind or manhood.
  5. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @Fenix Rising IT DOES INDEED CAUSE DIABETES. I am a living proof of that, and others on this thread.
  6. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    I quoted my answer for you!
  7. Yep it is indeed completely hard to accomplish a long streak after so many years. My longest streak before this one was 70'ish days. Then I I've done a lot of 10-60 days(60 days 3 times in a row) a lot of kindling tbh. But in those 60 days, my brain made me think that I was healing. WRONG! That's my realization after 11 months harmode(although my hands sometimes find a way to slip into my "thing" a couple nights while sleeping).
  8. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Try not to look at no PMO as a x-days challenge but rather as stepping on a path to recovery. I imagine myself hiking towards the mountain top. I might stumble or even fall, but as long as I keep walking, I'll reach the top. Steven Adler once said: "Part of recovery is relapse. I dust myself off and move forward again." That's the right mentality we should follow.

    The part where you immediately dust myself off and move forward is the most important. I can confirm it from my own experience with nofap in the last 2 years. If I'd manage to do listen to it, I'd have a year of recovery behind me. But I blew it with all or nothing mentality (all too commonly seen on the forum). I felt so guilty and ashamed after I slipped, that I've thrown 200 days of the progress away by entering in 4 months long binge so I had to start from scratch and go through all the withdrawal hell all over again. One slip means nothing for your progress if you immediately return on recovery path, but full blown relapse wipes it away.
  9. Daddict

    Daddict Fapstronaut


    I have been active in sports all my life, visually in really good shape, dont smoke, dont drink, and I dont eat junk food at all.

    Yet, I was feeling really sick all the time. Then I bought a glucometer, and started measuring. I was not full blown diabetic, but i started having very bad blood sugar control.

    I don't have parents or siblings with blood sugar problems..

    After some research- it turns out all stems from brain dysfunction because of the long years of PMO abuse on the body and mind. Mainly has to do with the hypothalamus and pituitary. They are the master glands , controlling thyroid, adrenals, sex hormones, neurotransmitter levels, insulin production etc. You break the body's normal negative feedback loop between your hormonal glands and the brain and then you can start having all sorts of symptoms.
    brahmacarya and Fenix Rising like this.
  10. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Then you should try hard mode and see it things improve. From a brain perspective, brain scan studies have shown that brain of long term addicts (5-25 years) return to normal after 250 days of abstinence on average (180-314 days). You'll see how you feel after that period.
  11. Adamshuwadamboa

    Adamshuwadamboa Fapstronaut

    My hair started to grow and my man boobs started to disappear. Nofap is working for me. No jealousy please
  12. osimodel

    osimodel Fapstronaut

    For all those who have doubts in no PMO.

    The healing indeed does take a long time. I said it before that if you ejaculate more than 2 times a month, I think most likely you will regress. If you do 2 times a month, which I have been doing for the last 12 month on avg, you will slowly progress. And let me tell you, the progress at times is so slow that I myself sometimes forget about my results over the past month and start thinking of something else as a solution. This is all because the progress is indeed incredibly slow, so slow that if you asked me how I feel from 1 to 10, I think I would tell you the same answer now and 12 month ago. This is because I almost forgot how badly I felt 12 month ago. However, if I really think deeply and go back to those days I realize I felt so much crappy 12 month ago, but now I am so much better and my distention is almost gone.

    I posted some links before where they say "Excessive sexual activity hastens the old age"
    From this I can deduce that old age itself will eventually bring the same weakness. Most likely this is the age
    when the body won't be producing any sperms. At that time, we will just slowly lose all our remaining strength from whatever strength we were able to save up to that point.
  13. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Why not going hard mode or monk mode then? Isn't it kind of a self-torture to ejaculate 2 times a month? I'd think about it for 13 days, do it and think about it for next 13 days in my early days of recovery.
  14. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    I hope so, but i'm quite sure that i'm not different, if not worst, than when i started 14 months ago.
  15. osimodel

    osimodel Fapstronaut


    My distention further reduced like 30 min ago lol.
    It's like stomach pockets opening and releasing long trapped juices.

    Became a lot better :D
  16. osimodel

    osimodel Fapstronaut


    I know. I relapsed for explainable reasons. My intention is without any relapse.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  17. Adamshuwadamboa

    Adamshuwadamboa Fapstronaut

    Hi guys. Though I didn't check my blood sugar yet but I don't feel any diabetic feeling anymore. Am in nofap for less than 2 months. All of you guys are kept relaspsing and no one has successfully said that he has been cured of high blood sugar and other symptoms?
  18. Adamshuwadamboa

    Adamshuwadamboa Fapstronaut

  19. Jajadeja

    Jajadeja Fapstronaut

    Guys I'm diabetic since more than 5 years I can't tell exactly but now I feel excess PMO may be the cause of diabetic .....
  20. Adamshuwadamboa

    Adamshuwadamboa Fapstronaut

    How long have u been masturbating and what is ur test results ?