I mean, is porn really thaaaat bad?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by gzoztra, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. Interesting. I have several friends from Germany who I speak with nearly every day, and I do not even live there.

    Like I said, we can always make excuses.
  2. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    So do you believe 5min of porn is better than 5 hours of porn...?
    Do you also believe 1 line of cocaine is better that 7 lines of cocaine?..
    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  3. gzoztra

    gzoztra Fapstronaut

    yes, 5 minutes of porn is better than 5 hours of porn.
  4. miXhal

    miXhal Fapstronaut

    I was speaking mainly about that "gay porn" part...
  5. was brauchst du jemand der dir sagt das alles halb so wild ist damit du beruhigt sein kannst ?
    Nein man! Reiß dich zusammen. Jeder Schritt weg vom Porno Konsum ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung!
    Du bist 35! Je weniger du schaust umso besser. 10 min sind besser als 3-4 stunden. JA! Aber da heißt noch lange nicht das es etwas gutes ist...
    Es ist für jemanden der Süchtig ist egal wie wenig er nimmt. Es ist nicht gut für ihn. Wir sitzen im selben Boot!
  6. gzoztra

    gzoztra Fapstronaut


    ich fürchte, ich kann damit nicht erfolgreich sein. ich mache mir Sorgen, dass ich ganz ohne Porn überhaupt nicht länger als 5 Tage durchhalten kann, und es ist besser, realistische Ziele wie "nur 10 Minuten pro Tag" zu haben, und nicht Porn ganz zu vermeiden, damit nach einer oder drei Wochen wieder 5 Stunden zu fappen.

    p.s - Deutsch ist nicht mein Muttersprache, und ich hoffe, dass ich nicht zu viele Fehler gemacht habe :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. gzoztra

    gzoztra Fapstronaut

    its one thing to have internet buddies, which I also have from all across the globe, and real friends you can share your guts to in person.
    sure, I have some german colleagues and local friends I can grab a beer with, but they will forever keep some distance.
    in some other European countries I've been to before, they could "wed you to their sister" after one week of knowing you, and make you feel like you've known 'em for years and part of their family, but that's really off topic :)
  8. Du musst an das glauben was nicht möglich scheint, damit es möglich wird :)
    Ja mach kleine Ziele. Aber glaub mir es geht auch ohne. Ich meine wenn man zu Besuch bei bekannten ist und übernachtet oder in den Urlaub geht. Da brauchst du ja nicht Pornos schauen. Also ist es möglich ;) Mach kleine Schritte aber hör nicht auf kleine Schritte zu machen :D
    gzoztra likes this.
  9. gzoztra

    gzoztra Fapstronaut

    Schreiben wir Englisch, ok? es gibt viele Leute hier, die sprechen kein Deutsch.

    well, you're right, but the real problem is when I am alone at home, or in the middle of the night when everybody is sleeping
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. If there is a way there is a chance. You can change!
  11. On the cellular level porn can cost you your happiness. The amount of stress hormones released during porn abuse are enough to downregulate levels of the happy neurotransmitter serotonin long term, enough to eventually induce clinical depression. You do not even want to know what this disease entails. Withdrawal from long term porn addiction is enough to set it off, you won't experience it when you are still addicted or at least not as badly since these stress hormones providing the high you get can replace normal energy, but rest assured each time you masturbate to porn you are slapping your own nervous system in the face with a baseball bat. There are pretty knowledgeable doctors out there, doctors like Lawrence Wilson and Michael Lam who have openly condemned masturbation, who have even called it slow suicide. Many knowledgeable doctors and books you can learn from, docs like dr. Donald Hilton, dr. Judith Reisman or books like The Hacking of the American Mind by dr. Robert Lustig. You'll never take happiness for granted again after thoroughly researching porn addiction. Grey matter loss in the brain, specifically in the frontal lobes and in the brain's reward system, is as bad as that seen in cocaine addicts. These are just the facts. Enough scientific studies have been carried out, one of them in your home country by the Max Planck institute. Look it up and learn. It will change your life forever.
    Lilla_My likes this.
  12. gzoztra

    gzoztra Fapstronaut

    no. I cannot do the change.
    I've tried so many times before in the past 20 or so years, and failed again and again.

    when I'm all alone at home, my bed and my phone/computer are just too strong for me to say no to them.
    I've told myself more than a million times before that this time it'll be different, and failed again and again.
  13. Or to put a different light on it 'My problem is not the concept of heroin itself nor injecting, it's the hours i put in it'
    miXhal and NamaClature14 like this.
  14. You never had us before. You know what Einstein said madness is? Madness is when you try the same thing over and over again and expect a different outcome.
    miXhal, NamaClature14 and gzoztra like this.
  15. gzoztra

    gzoztra Fapstronaut

    I'd say it's more like alcohol.
    I drink half a bottle of red wine per week and some 1 liter of beer on the weekend, and that's perfectly fine. but alcoholic peole abuse alcohol, drinking far more and they do it even when they really shouldn't.
    thorswrath32 likes this.
  16. gzoztra

    gzoztra Fapstronaut

    and that's why I am here :)
    finally, after almost 20 years, I hope to really gain control over this obsession
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    Is Porn really that Bad?.... Yes
    Are you gay?..or is it the Porn Escalation case?
    Also, Let go of the grip of your cock, Get a grip on your life.
  18. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    i mean , porn really is thaaat bad
    Hros and Rebooter45674 like this.
  19. gzoztra

    gzoztra Fapstronaut

    being gay is not a bad thing...
    Rebooter45674 likes this.
  20. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    Its not... I just want to know...Are you Homosexual...or is it the "sissy Porno" that made you like that