If only women know....

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Di.Do.555, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Not necessarily. People here is stupid, very very stupid, as in blaming demons for failing a test stupid. If you know how to paint the system in a pretty enough way, people will get into it.

    Ah! Yes, it was a joke, very funny right?
    PeterJL likes this.

  2. This is so self entitled. Women are not on this planet begging for your respect or your lust they are simply people going about their day the same as you. How she dresses is her choice.

    I am going to reword your entire post with the opposite gender and see how silly it sounds

    If he doesn’t want people to treat him like a low life loser he shouldn’t dress like one. I saw a gorgeous man, the other day, in a tailored suit and tie. I had actual respect for him as he was a combination of classy and sexy. I didn’t even think about judging him poorly, because he dressed to be respected. I just appreciated his masculinity. That man had my respect.

    How do I know that man doesn’t dress like a bum 99% of the time? I don’t. Perhaps that woman you saw was coming from the office and on weekends goes clubbing and dresses provocative.

    You said nobody forces those women to throw their self respect out the window and become objects. They do no such thing- you turn them into objects because you’re the addict. Perhaps she’s an addict herself- perhaps she has been sexually abused as a child and this is how she has learned to feel loved? We have no idea other people’s stories and why they do the things they do.

    I do not dress provocative- I’m a mom with stretch marks and no longer have a perfect body- but when my man was giving all of his attention to women who looked like porn stars I felt so disgusting about myself. If I had a better body I probably would have tried to dress like that as a desperate attempt to get his attention back.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2020
    FormerFapaholic and SuperFan like this.
  3. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    There's always a point to the discussion. Some people hold beliefs that are damaging to themselves and to the world around them--I know I'm certainly not immune to self-damaging beliefs. This is a place where we can all challenge one another when we see things that look fishy, and we should welcome those challenges. If someone is right when they challenge me, then I have an opportunity to look at my life and consider making changes. If someone is wrong when they challenge me, I have the opportunity to get better at defending my view. The tension between these two outcomes is one of the things that makes people grow.

    You have a valuable and important perspective here, and I'm glad you share even when you don't think it will make any difference.
  4. I don’t think your a bitch but even if someone else does who cares? Every single person here is working on something to better themselves. Nobody is perfect and we all have different views. Keep voicing your views and opinions because someone will be able to learn and grow by what you say.
  5. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    If you're passionate about something, you should speak your mind. You (and by "you" I mean all of us) just have to make it about the belief and/or the issue, and not the person. It's hard to do sometimes, because passion is a strong emotion and it can feel tempting to just scream "DUDE WHY ARE YOU SO F***ING IGNORANT", but obviously that doesn't help anyone.

    You and I sparred pretty solidly on the issue of nihilism and meaning. It was frustrating as hell for me, but I still appreciated you responding. It's far more interesting to live a life where I can challenge and be challenged, rather than a life where everyone I know agrees with me on everything. God, that would be so boring.

    If you ask me, that's a very humble thing to say and a sign of real growth.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. That’s just it nobody’s opinion is right or wrong it’s just what we believe to be true for ourselves.
    Like this topic here for example... I used to believe women should be able to dress however they wanted. This is because at this point my experiences in life taught me this was correct. Now that my man is a recovering PA my view changed a bit. I wish women weren’t such a temptation for him when out and about. This is because he has an addiction which I am very insecure about. Am I wrong to want my man to have less temptation? Not in my eyes, but years ago I’d say “if he can’t control himself he’s a pig” it’s all about our own life experiences

    Let people msg you if they have a problem but don’t stop voicing your passions
  7. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    With all due respect, WE have control over on how we respond to that, and WE should ultimately take responsibility here.
  8. First they control your dress... And then everything follows!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    We all need to be responsible.
    In my opinion people who wear inappropriately are taking shortcuts.
    Shortcuts lead to disasters ,not always but in 100% of the time.
    As for the debate of democracy, i don't believe it exists( maybe in some nordic countries).
    It is either a dictatorship or a smart dictatorship where they make you believe that you are free while they have brainwash you with their agenda.
    Great example: pedowood.the Porn industry. And the media.
    Another example : how they give you two equally bad candidates to choose from to be your president.
    I could go on for ever.
  10. Julius Evola said something like, "No one can prevent the collapse of civilization so it's pointless to try." It's just making me miserable to even try. They don't get it and most of them never will. Short of just spamming the forums with the 100s of things I've found online, I don't think anything can be done.
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  11. Interesting. I see way more of this:
    ForeverChanges likes this.
  12. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    We should stop calling them nice guys and start calling them insecure guys.
    i like it though.:D
  13. Don't forget this one:
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  14. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    Exactly. That is the trend at the moment. Bashing men for being men.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Insecure, whiteknights, orbitors, manipulative creeps, cucks, male feminsts...it's all the same thing lol
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  16. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    We are talking about "nice men" who are not nice at all. They are insecure and they do nice things to women in order to get validation. It is another shortcut.
  17. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

  18. Yeah like the vast majority of men out there. They'll gladly say something to a man, but god-forbid they should ever hurt a woman's feelings lol.
  19. Sinbad

    Sinbad Fapstronaut

    Just don't look!

    Nah but I understand. When I saw sisters or mother under dress I always ask them please put some clothes on...

    On the other hand I'm almost entirely shirtless the whole summer and I don't care what others think. So what can I expect really?
    It's a mutual problem.

    I think we have to learn to be more comfortable with it. Think garden of Eden comfortable. Before people realized they were naked comfortable.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2019