Am I just too far gone now?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ravefist, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    So I guess I'm here now, wondering whats happening because I've relapsed after the longest streaks. Its like its not even worth abstinence because I've already fapped so much. I justdont think I can recover. My question is, why didnt I stop when I knew it was bad for me? Ive known for a year, yet I still kep relapsing, kept doing the wrong thig.
    Mike Bonanno likes this.
  2. Oussama94

    Oussama94 Fapstronaut

    Simply because we are addicted.
    Keep going and stay strong, you can do it ))
  3. blademaster87

    blademaster87 Fapstronaut

    You get stronger every time you fall, IF, you get up. Check out this clip from Jocko Willink's (bad ass navy seal) youtube channel.
    vinnysteeze likes this.
  4. Maybe it's your approach to the problem?

    To me things started to change when I realized that abstinence is just a first of a two steps needed. When I concentrated solely on abstaining I was constantly thinking about the very thing I was not allowed to do, and eventually relapsed sooner or later. Mostly sooner.
    But when I realized that I had to develop new interests towards things that got my thoughts away from anything sex related I started to get ahead. It's so much easier to abstain from something you're not even thinking about. I started to do things that a) got me out of my house, and b) made me better version of myself. To me the answer was physical exercise. I started taking daily walks (usually with a close friend who I could talk about my addiction) and progressed to running. Exercise cleared my mind, gave me something else to focus and exhausted me so I didn't have excess energy when I finally got home.

    This was my solution that worked for me. I'm not saying that jogging is answer to your problem, but I am saying that you might want to have new hobbies that gets you out of you house and most importantly away from your computer. I don't know you so you might be doing this already, but if not, you might want to consider this option. (Also feel free to PM me if this resonates at all with you ;) )

    Point is: get your focus on something else than just thinking how much you can not do that you want to do. First remove the opportunity (by getting away from your computer and your house) and second get something else to think about than sex.

    This approach worked for me. I hope it works for you too.
    Anyway, God Speed to you Sir. I hope you find a way that works to you :)

    - Mike
    Homelander and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much, Sir. I actually exercised so much during my periods of abstinence: up to 2 hours a day, sometimes more. My concern is that I am always grieving my semen loss. I have a, well, psychological attachment to the ideology of semen retention. My concern is, however, that I have lost so much that I may have aged myself beyond recovery.
    Mike Bonanno likes this.
  6. I'm not an doctor or anything even remotely like that, so unfortunately I'm not qualified to take a side for or against semen retention. But as you probably have noticed, physical exercise helps very much abstaining from P and M, am I right? So there's one thing you can do when the urge strikes. I went for a walk in the middle of a night if I had to just to avoid relapsing. To me being little bit tired next day at work was acceptable price to pay for not relapsing. At start I was forced to prioritize my healing process above anything else and I knew that I had to focus all my effort to keeping my streak going. Everything else was secondary for few weeks. This might sound somewhat dramatic, but honestly it wasn't actually completely unbearable. I just had to keep my priorities straight and do whatever necessary to achieve my objective.

    Don't make this sound too big of a deal in your head. A wise man once said: "Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable".

    - Mike
  7. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    Very insightful, thank you very much, Sir. I made abstaining a priority for a long time, but I just can't seem to do so anymore, with work and school and all. Also, exercise helps to alleviate urges, but after relapsing, I just dont have the strength. I'll be incorporating those techniques, soon, however. Thank you once again.
    Mike Bonanno likes this.
  8. vinnysteeze

    vinnysteeze Fapstronaut

    Last year for the first time in years I went more than a week with no PMO. It was awesome and then I relapsed. This year I have gone more than a week several times. So, even though I have yet to brake 10 days I am several times better than I was last year. Next year I'll be dozens of times better maybe even hundreds, because I'm not giving up no matter what. This is a Life style and the ultimate goal is to go free from PMO indefinitely. I will keep getting better even if I chose to give in. Each time I get up from failure Is true victory and that's the attitude I have to have.

    I think rather then focusing on day streaks, it may be better to focus on relapse frequency. If you go 100 days and then fap a couple days, you've reduced your relapse frequency dramatically and that's great. I think the key is to just get yourself back up and go keep doing what your were doing. We have to forgive ourselves to and realize your doing a great thing and you just made a mistake. I know because I'm never giving up that soon I'm going to reach my ultimate goal of being free from PMO forever.
    konluci4 likes this.
  9. Maybe you relapsing because your first priority rooted in eastern religion concepts like "semen retention" etc. Forget those ideologies, and focus 100% on your recovery, this what I would do in your case. There is no "superpower" in semen.

    Mike Bonnano said everything well, 1. avoid triggering enviroment(leave the place as many times you can you used to pmo) 2. aerobic exercise 3. talk with friends.

    Mike Bonanno likes this.