Going bald.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Infrasapiens, Dec 11, 2019.

  1. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    It it terrible.

    One of the few things I liked about myself was my hair.

    For those who are bald, how did you managed to be able to keep a social life despite this? Because I am looking for ways to never show my face again and still be able to not go to jail in the process.
  2. lol, I have a few bald friends and I envy them in some ways. You can certainly carry the look with style, if you can bring yourself to pull it off.
    Visitor X likes this.
  3. OK Saitama.

    Idk maybe it can be a good thing. An excuse to come up with some new fashion and wear funny and cool hats. I like hats.

    I have an afro but my hairline sucks dick, and I'm too poor and cheap to get a haircut every two weeks like what my big sis would want me to do, so I once decided to get myself shaved bald and trim off all my face hair.

    I looked bland as shit but but I looked like that before I was bald, and now my hairline wasn't visible, my cute face was more apparent, and I looked kind of like a monk. I also now had an excuse to wear hats during the winter AND the summer. It made me realize just how much more I could accessorize and express myself.

    But I mean, your hair is only one aspect of yourself, whether if you're a man or a woman, but I'm assuming you're a man. Chicks dig some bald guys.
  4. I’m bald. Been bald for years and I don’t wear a hat.

    Just go out and interact with people not thinking about your head. For me it isn’t even as issue. People will be looking at your personality, not your head.

    Also look at the late Yul Brynner. He was an actor, still active when I was a kid. He was a bad ass without a lick of hair on his head. There are plenty of other bald people who’ve been successful.

    Being bald, hairy, tall, short, fat, thin simply doesn’t matter. It’s about your personality.
  5. There you go OP! This is the positive mindset you need.

    And really: Good people don’t care if you’re bald. People that do care if you’re bald are superficial immature individuals best avoided.
    Stag99 likes this.
  6. We can form the Lex Luthor club
    Knighthawk and (deleted member) like this.
  7. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Can you ask them how to do that? Looks have never been my something.

    I cannot afford new clothes. Good thing I stopped growing 5 years ago. Also, wouldn't be wearing a hat like hiding your baldness?

    I know it is (or was) one aspect of myself, but I only had hair and my sarcasm.

    I am actually worried about attracting women. I don't have much went it comes to appereance, and going bald can make you look weak. Most bald people I see look really, well, pathetic.

    Amusing, but I'm poor so I cannot be Lex Luthor.
  8. Lack of confidence makes a man look weak. Women like men with confidence. Women aren't as concerned about physical looks as men are.

    Yul Brynner was a hit with the women. He didn't let his bald head stop him from being successful with his career or with the ladies.

    Confidence, work on that instead of worrying about growing hair.
    Stag99 likes this.
  9. Well yeah the hat would hide your bald head, but I mean, you would have more reason to wear a hat. And, I guess I'm mostly speaking from my own perspective.
    I don't know about you, but, having a fuck-all afro makes it pretty hard to wear some hats.

    And if you're resourceful and inventive, and have a sewing kit, you can make all kinds of hats out of things you find at thrift shops or laying around at home!

    Also, trust me. Plenty of men look strong af and are scrong af without hair. Just look at Joe Rogan, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

    Hell! Motherfuckin',
    Jason Statham .

    That dude isn't even bald, he's Balding. AND HE STILL LOOK BAD AS FUCK!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Dim Meadow

    Dim Meadow Fapstronaut

    I started to grow my hair out 3 years ago as a last "huzzah" to my youth (and because I've never had longer hair before). My friends loved my (shoulder length) log hair but I noticed I was balding so I chose November of last year to shave it all off, trying to donate hair to charity (it didn't work, it wasn't long enough).

    After two weeks people started saying the bald head suits me really well. You should try it at some point in the next year! If it did anything for me, it gave my hair follicles some room to breathe. Yeah I'm still thinning but it's not as bad/ noticeable now with shorter hair.

    I thought about it this way: I'm going to be bald at some stage in the future so if I do, I'll do it on my own terms. If I practice now I can find what works/ doesn't work for the future. And if I don't like it I'll just grow it back for now.

    Like everyone else said, people won't care that much. If anything they'll probably be too shocked by the baldness that by the time their shock wears off they won't think it was that bad.

    Fair warning though: you'll get a few egghead/ Aryan remarks xD
  11. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I'm actually don't have many things to be confident about.

    You sure like hats, try playing Team Fortress 2.

    Maybe you are right.
  12. Devin Townsend had a skullet. Seems like it was a compromise, between bald and long hair. However, I think he's full on bald now

    As all the others have said embrace it dude. Bald isn't that bad
    Knighthawk and (deleted member) like this.
  13. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    There is a difference between "Embracing" and "Accepting". I think the latter would be more apropiate, as no one wants to be bald.
  14. “No one wants to be bald”


    I’m bald and I now prefer it to having hair. Less to worry about.


    Also tonight I was indoor wall climbing with two women and two other guys. Me and one of the other guys are bald. The two women that were with us hang out with us in the bar afterwards and we had a great time.

    Women do not care if you’re bald or not.

    How many times do we have to say it before you’ll believe us!!!!!
    Hold it in likes this.
  15. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    Brah get some things to be confident about. Get a good job, hit the gym and get a dope body and get some nice clothes. Most people don't even give a fuck how you look as a man, they care about how you act. Whether or not you have good hair or nice fashion doesn't even matter, it will just make it a lot easier to be confiedent.

    I don't know how old you are man but I'm 18 and I have bad balding, I'm talking norwood 2 or 3. Fuck it though, nothing I can do. When it get's bad enough I'll just buzz it and probably look even better. I'm starting to get pretty jacked and I will probably get a few tats soon, I think a buzz will look dope.

    Or I could be a sad cunt about it, take fin and fuck my hormones up or drop a couple grand on a hair transplant, which will do to my confidence what getting a hooker to get over your virginity would do, ie fuck it up. I could get some gay ass comb over which doesn't hide anything and makes me look like my grandad.

    Your not going to pull off bald or a buzz cut with a shit attitude like the one you have. That's why all the bald people you see look pathetic, because they are like you, being sad cunts about not having any hair. Just accept it brother, nothing you can do to change it, and make the best of it.
  16. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I hate this post. Sounds like the ramblings of an edgy fourteen year old.

    But you are right, and I liked the vingin prostitute thing.
    El CID 10 F60.6 likes this.
  17. Ow, you know I once considered doing that in the past. Not anymore though.
  18. In the last year my hair has thinned by about 50%. I'm not sure what caused it, but I wasn't on a proper diet. Even if this is the beginning of the end, I guess you and I just have to embrace what life gives us. Me? I'm picking up talents as I get older so that I'll still be cool no matter how I look.
    Visitor X, Hold it in and lolos like this.
  19. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    oath brother thats the right mentality.
    Visitor X likes this.
  20. Well then I guess the only thing left to do is complain about your hair situation. Seems like life has hit you hard man, but if you hang your hat that much on looks, perhaps the internet isn't the place to seek comfort from.