(I think that) NoFap is bollocks

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. 1. None
    2. I don't know. I don't watch it often. But if it is really as bad as you say than damn it all to hell and I will stop. But you see, I have not noticed any problems with any areas of my life like ever. So it just makes me wonder; is it porn that is so evil and toxic as you claim, or is it something else?
    3. In my humble opinion, porn is just a different category of movies. And that's that.
    To my eye, there isn't really much problem with porn but social stigma having its roots decades ago.
    I don't believe in socially acceptable things. I always think for myself. I don't say it's perfect, but I have never felt more liberated than now, especially when I think what sort of bs I had in my head as a child or a teenager.
    My porn use hasn't affected anything. Sexual urge is a scratch, and masturbation is an itch in my eyes. It doesn't define my worth, who I am, how I feel about myself. It simply does not.
    My life is going forward in all respects. And porn doesn't hold me back.
    4. Nah. I would say it is not too frequent.
    5. I don't buy into self-help. Most of it is bs. But before you sue me: I think that because most of the self-help techniques treat unexisting problems. Author simply creates a problem (read: makes you believe something normal ain't normal therefore something is wrong with you,) and then gives all of us a solution (read: you can buy my super cool product and become healthy again/improve your life/start banging hot chicks like every alpha does/get out of the dump you don't even know you are in/etc.)
    This scammy business scheme can be translated into virtually anything related to self-help and it's why the self-help as a whole gets so much hate from so many people.

    No, no, and no.
    If you think it's a dump then why the hell are you watching this? Besides, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
    Illegal? What happened to the Freedom of Information then? Has it been removed from my list of freedoms? Just because somebody didn't like it? Goddamn it.
    Mentally ill drug addicts doing porn is a popular belief but as far as I know most of them have acting degrees, the sets are professional, and involve people from all walks of life.
    Just like... well, any job in the world?
    You do get alcohol addicts in the supermarket but does that mean you aren't going to buy from it anymore? Because they employ someone with a problem?
    Goddamn it.
    Also, there are amateur porn videos involving normal people not associated with porn industry whatsoever.
    So in my eyes, your whole argument fell through.

    I will also remember that the person who serves me at a supermarket is desperate for the job and does that only for money and their boss is an ass.
    I guess I will just avoid the supermarket completely. Because you know. They are desperate to work there.
    Goddamn it.

    I'm sorry but even if that's the case, what does that prove?
    Assuming I'm watching porn, that is.
    What does that say about me?

    No. It's about promoting their products and making money.
    Open your eyes.
    Gambling addicts don't get treated by online strangers.
    Alcoholics don't get treated by online strangers either.
    That's what psychiatrists are for.

    Have you not noticed this emotional title at the top of the website calling for action against the enemy and its allies?
    'Defend' to show themselves as victims, 'against' to point at the enemy, 'porn industry' after defend against to convey that they are the enemy, 'and its allies' to convey there is potentially an overwhelming number of enemies. Then you have the green button 'End the harassment' in order to call you for action and this word 'harassment' to evoke emotional response in the reader.

    Jesus fecking Christ. This is Write to Persuade done by the book. Even without knowing any of these, doesn't it look at least a little bit exaggerated to you?

    No, it is not a non-profit noble organization aiming to improve the world.
    It's a business.
  2. Saoconrado40

    Saoconrado40 Fapstronaut

    It’s funny how people who so vehemently defend porn are always the biggest fappers...

    Some of us have greater ambition for ourselves than that. If you want to be a degenerate coomer, you go for it

  3. Listen man of course you will think NoFap is bollocks if you are not addicted to Porn.But if you are then you would appreciate this movement.Yes there are a bunch of people that have some bullshit benefits that nofap gives but there will always be people like that.But a lot of us just want to get control of our life.I also noticed that you sad that this is free advertisement for Gary but what?NoFap is free.It is a decision that you can make and no one is claiming that just NoFap will make your life magically better.It is just a way for someone to start developing some good habits and eventually stop PMO. The good habit will definitely make your life better (Fitness,meditation,reading....).And NoFap gives you free time to invest in those beneficial habits.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  4. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    YBOP is literall just a website, that collects relevant studies and provides a neat list of them. If you don't trust a collection of links, then simply go to Google Scholar and search the studies by yourself. It's all there. You just have to put a little bit of effort into it.
    nick323 and ultrafabber like this.
  5. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    It will perhaps never cease to amaze me how posts on this forum asking for advice and accountability partners get 2 or 3 replies and yet whenever some egotistical and highly opinionated troll comes and rants about how nofap is placebo or false, everyone suddenly has the time, energy and motive to bump a thread with no less than 43 replies in the space of one day.

    Why can you not let him hold his opinion?
    Let him drag himself right through hell for all I care. All these people do is waste our time. Clearly, they have nothing better to do than stick their hands in bee hives.

    Why do we have to entertain his questions?
    We were quick to critique penis size threads with "it's been asked 100 times already so just search it", but everyone wants to type paragraphs when someone comes with a different opinion. His opinion makes absolutely no difference to me. Why should it matter to you?

    I dream for a day when this community would have the intellect and common sense to leave posts like this with 0 replies and realize that his post cannot change the reality we live in.

    Come on people.
    Grow up.
    This thread has been constantly bumping since it was posted. Surely we have better posts to think about.
  6. Man, I was totally fine with your skepticism beforehand but this is bullshit and you know it. The only way you could construe this as correct is if you buy into a literal conspiracy theory: that NoFap and other organisations/people surrounding it have been literally creating fake accounts for well-known sexologists and using them to harass and spread misinformation for upwards of half a decade (without said sexologists trying to stop them). While that isn't *impossible*, sure, Occam's razor says otherwise. Nicole Prause, the main defendant in this case, has been harassing basically any public figure who openly believes even passingly in the porn addiction model for years. This isn't the first lawsuit against her either, there has been at least one lawsuit concerning her harassment prior which did not ask for any monetary endorsement.

    A detailed account of harassment on just a couple of victims can be found on this gargantuan page: https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/rel...assment-and-defamation-of-gary-wilson-others/

    And I suggest reading the official legal documents as well.

    I presume the next logical point is pointing to the fact that NoFap asks for donations to keep the site up and running? This is nothing out of the ordinary, and it's never shoved in people's faces. I've never felt pressured to give money, and I likely never will.
    farmerjones likes this.
  7. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Based on your answers, I wonder what are you even doing here? You obviously have no problem with excessive porn consumption nor compulsive masturbation. It's like me going to AA or NA meeting and starting to troll people there that alcohol is great stress reliever and mood uplifter when consumed in moderation. Or that drug addicts should get over the drug being bad stigma already because sniffing a bit of coke now and then is the best thing ever. How long would it take for them to kick me out on the street? Just because you're not having problems, it doesn't mean that no one is having problems with compulsive behaviors. BTW WHO has classified compulsive sexual behavior as mental health condition in 2018.
  8. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I get your point, but I find it funny.
    -> Suggest we shouldn't spend time to write in such a thread.
    -> Spends time to write in such a thread.
    Silent Watcher and muhagg like this.
  9. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    This may seem like a smart reply to you, but it really isn't.

    These are my 2 cents on the matter and I'm unwatching this thread now. Hopefully, my 2 minutes will save 5 people 10 minutes each.
    That's a 50 minute return for 2 minutes. Fair exchange, I say.

    Use your head.
  10. You have a point. I think the reason inflammatory threads like this get so much traffic from some of us (guilty) is because we're desperate to prove to people on a subconcious level that porn addiction exists. Most laymen think "porn addict" is just synonymous with "pervert" and we want to get the good word out to stop more people potentially being hurt by this new pandemic. Maybe we also think that if porn as recognized as at least a potentially harmful phenomena we'd feel much more comfortable speaking out about our problems in real life. I know I would.
  11. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    If so, then you're preaching to the wrong crowd.

    Preach to scientists.
    Preach to academics.
    Not to some random guy looking for attention.

    Come on bro. You can do better :)
    tangoalfaromeodelta likes this.
  12. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    No, it was never meant to be smart. I just pointed out a fact, that I found funny. And I saw your first reply, you know. That wasn't exactly smart either...just saying.
  13. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a Muslim.
    Similar line of argument to yours.
    It has it's latin name I can't be bothered to look for now. Sorry.

    And no, I don't defend anything or anybody. I thought I made it clear already.

    Fitness, meditation and reading is your own fan fiction.
    NoFap is only about not masturbating, watching porn and sometimes about abstaining completely.
    Everything else comes from you.
    It is free to a certain degree. And yes, there is an illusion of choice that you can but don't have to pay a penny.
    But it's designed in a way to make you feel amazing if you do choose to purchase something.
    It's called manipulation.
    For instance, someone invested or even addicted to forum might feel an urge to donate NoFap because it gives them a rank and a medal under their nickname (or change of colour, whatever that is) which basically is a symbol of status among everybody else.
    Or TL:DR: a dopamine boost.
    Now the call for action at the top of the website is just a gentle push in that direction. That is, the direction of closing the sale.
    You know, that call for action to defend this poor little thing NoFap and its founder against the porn industry and its fucking galactic alliance of enemies bent on ruining the movement and stopping people from thinking critically.
    Or when you have people buying a book to make themselves look more credible because "I have read it, therefore I'm smarter", nevermind books are of different qualities and book as a book ain't a source but whatever.
    But it looks like it so Gary doesn't have to worry about paying his bills anymore anyway.
    No pun on Gary. I'm glad that out of all people not liking porn (I think he doesn't, not like he ever told me about his own porn usage) he is doing really well for himself.
    Another thing someone does in order to boost their status and dopamine is promoting NoFap and defending it because that gives them likes (and that's dopamine) and indirectly promotes the movement as a whole. In the long run, there will be thousands of people reading those superlatives about how useful NoFap is, therefore they will be more likely to give their own money for status and what not and also promote the whole thing by themselves.
    The process can now continue indefinitely.
    Content creation resulting in business done by the book.
    Well done to whoever was behind the whole idea. It worked.

    There isn't a single study linking porn with detriment to anything. Not directly anyway.
    As I said, I don't doubt humans are addictive creatures. But preaching that all over again when we all agreed it does exist is nothing short of rediscovering America 500 years later.

    View A is believed by number of people.
    Someone with view B starts to debate with the person with view A.
    They exchange arguments.
    View B has some points.
    View A also has some points.
    Eventually, person with view A proves that it's true.
    Person with view B accepts it.
    View A is strengthened. More people believe in it now.

    That's what discussions are for.
    I'm sorry you are so sure of your view that you don't want to risk exposing it even though proving it right should strengthen it in the eyes of everyone else including those not involved in the discussion.
    Let's call me a troll instead. That way you won't risk the possibility that you are wrong.

    Content creation in order to use it for business purposes is a thing.
    Check out youtube.
    Check out various forums.
    Check out various websites.
    Check out NoFap.
    This ain't illuminati thing. This is a model to make more money.
    This is basically an ad. Accumulating as many people as you can and then coming out with your product/call for money. Having already existing audience the product bids better than without it.
    I hope it makes sense.

    Well that depends who you ask.
    According to those who say any porn and masturbation is bad I do have a problem.
    According to those laid-back, I don't.
    The NoFap views evolve (adapt) over time.
    And that's a good thing.
    Arguing and doubting will only make us closer to discovering truth, the truth, and only the truth about the matter.
    It will make us understand it better, therefore, it will make us know how to fight the problem better.
    Wouldn't you like that?

    And don't compare NoFap to AA or NA meetings. They don't sell superpower ideas to their attendees. They are much different.
    WHO didn't classify NoFap as anything. Nor a cure, nor a recommendation, nor anything worth checking out.
  14. OrangeJuice13

    OrangeJuice13 Fapstronaut

    Nofap isn't the solution to life: in that regard it is 'bollocks.' But to ignore it and continue to watch porn and have orgasms watching it is foolish when the detrimental effects of doing so are extremely well documented and researched. Some people might be able to watch porn and not get addicted and I'm envious of them, but most people are not so lucky. I do think people overexaggerate nofap as the sole cause of their lives being good.. idk, I don't buy it. But it does help, and I know that personally I am always better off when I don't watch porn. Thousands of people report the same experience, surely that's enough evidence to believe in it as something good, rather than dismiss it forever and lose out on a mountain of possibilities, just because you aren't 100% convinced?
  15. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Can you stop wasting your time giving attention to someone who is just looking for attention?
  16. Exit To Freedom

    Exit To Freedom Fapstronaut

    You obviously are in the wrong place. You should be on a forum that promotes porn and masturbation since it's just a small tickle and itch to you that you're fine with. Fish out of water, one set against many that have given you all the information and personal experience you should need if you had any compassion at all - you are on an island surrounded by waters with people that are fighting to get their dignity and self respect back from having dealt with this habit for so long. For some it has cost them not only their dignity and self esteem, but much more including jobs, relationships, homes and even families in the most serious cases. As for online sites that have communities of people that may never meet, over time you get to know the ones that you may click with or have given words of wisdom. We are all here to help each other to overcome this addictive behavior, and if you find no value in it or want to downgrade it to say we are all online strangers, you're way off. To cite another example, for years I was part of an online karaoke website where you could record yourself singing to backing tracks on your computer and share your songs with others. Over time I got to know these "online strangers" and definitely knew the ones I liked like and the ones I didn't. Even never having met them, I could really feel their vibe coming through. And this is by the way how I met my wife who lived in Germany. We visited back and forth and worked hard with an immigration lawyer for years, and miraculously brought her over to stay. You are either convinced with your point of view and have no empathy, or are a closet masturbator or porn user that wants to continue to justify his behavior, or maybe, I say maybe a pathetic narcissist troll that is enjoying all the attention you are getting. I say if you haven't been convinced of anything in any case, it's time for you to stop wasting our time, get off the pot, and go get your self pleasure somewhere else. Get back in the water and swim away down to your cave. You've wasted enough time, not for yourself but for others at their expense.
  17. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    It doesn't depend on who you ask. You simply know when you're addicted to something. Recreational use does not equal addiction. I was a social drinker and did drugs occasionally with friends, but had never problems with either (OK I developed dependency to morphine after my back surgery, but did manage to stop for good after doc warning and going through withdrawal hell). It's not about the substance or behavior being potentially addictive, it's all about do you have control over the use of a substance/behavior or not. If you have, you're not addicted, if not, you have a big problem. 8-12 % of population is prone to getting addicted and that's the unfortunate group most of us here belong to. We don't have to ask ourselves if we have a problem with compulsion or not, we know we have it because our behavior is totally out of control and is ruining our lives. I'm not here because of some kind of purist ideology. If people enjoy watching porn and develop no problems, then I have no quarrel with that. The same is true for alcohol and drugs use. In fact I'd legalize and tax most of them.

    Who is talking about gaining superpowers with NoFap? Mosty kids who disappear from the forum in a month or two. Serious NoFappers are here to recover from PIED and/or get control over their compulsive behavior. We're here to break out of compulsive addictive behavior and bring some normality back into our lives, not to gain some kind of mambo jumbo superpowers.

    NoFap is a platform where people with similar problems gather to help each other. It's pretty much the same as AA, NA, SA... What's wrong with that? I was not obligated to pay a penny for it's use and as I can see founders are not making much money out of it as it is. Rising $75K up to date is not a big money by any standard for the servise they provide.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
    BuboBubo likes this.
  18. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Why should anyone invest the energy into convincing you of anything, or have an opinion about you being smart/stupid, troll or not when we don't know who you are and you don't discuss anything specifically?

    You started the thread, this is not a position that has never been brought up as you can imagine, but you gave no other specific information. "NoFap is bullocks" is not specific information. General points about things like lack of proof or critical thinking is just that, it doesn't point to anything. "As a whole" I don't think the practice of rebooting with counting days only IS the whole story, nor does every member of the forum agree on everything.

    You say some of the information is mixed in with half truths, if you in fact have critical thinking skills rather than only know of it and are informed as to the scientific proof as you are saying then you should be able to point to the part, no a part that's not true or have insufficient evidence for, but instead you resort to this attention getting practice of revising the OP with quotes with general commentary that doesn't address anything specifically.

    Convince me you're not wasting everyones time, given the fact that there's no evidence you will communicate about any specifics.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  19. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    So when someone says they are not a troll that means they're not - wow thanks for explaining the simple fact of life to us so clearly! I'm glad to learn we live in a universe where you can just go by peoples words instead of their behavior.

    Looking up someones journal to use that information against them on an addiction recovery forum using popular psychological rationalization? Real class act there. Guess what, as far as critical thinking go that's rather like an ad hominem fallacy isn't it? Not only is your intention in question so is your supposed interest in and understanding of critical thinking.

    As if you have any real insight into anybodys psychology, those ideas can come from some random person off the street that basically want to attack the other person and is completely unconcerned with the truth of how their psyche works AS A WHOLE.

    We don't actually need you to convince us you're worth talking to, YOU need to convince us especially given the empty BS thread this has been - that is your contribution to it if we can call it that.
    Fishn1 and Fenix Rising like this.
  20. You really don't get the point of NoFap.Most of us here are here to improve our lives and nothing else.It is not something that is forced on other people.And as I stated above just nofap is not a solution you need to replace porn with some good habit or as you called it fan fiction.I don't see what is so bad about fighting your addiction.