HOW could ANY of us watch porn EVER again after seeing this...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mark, Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. R.C

    R.C Fapstronaut

    I'm far from being a white knight. I couldn't care less if she was a dude. It's the principle that bothers me.

    Sure she might be a temptation for some guys who are on the edge , but not everyone is meant to succeed. Facing temptation and resisting it is the real test.

    In any case , you can't just "cast her out" simply because she doesn't believe / follow you're cause.
    Again , language has nothing to do with it. It's the principle.
  2. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    "not everyone is meant to succed"???? What the.... This place has one and only purpose to help everyone who need help not to temp people and test their power of will.
    Everyone who want to feel tempted can just go to any other place. This place is like oasis in desert and it should stay clean and be cherished.
    If you want to hear positive porn stories, you got X porn forums out there.
    This has nothing to do with principle, we should help our brothers who need help and try not to shove them a "pornstar" in face to see how strong they are.
    Posting what she(?) does completely ruins purpose of this place.
  3. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Has anybody ever seen the film 'Fast Food Nation'?

    Basically the film (not a documentary as the makers rightly realised they would make much more of an impact making a script that systematically, via the characters/scenarios slowly and devastatingly exposes the totally greedy, dirty underhanded and plain nefarious industry that the fast food industry is in 'reality')

    Anyway the main character is a marketing guy who is told by the CEO that somebody has exposed the fact that there is, quite literally, cow shit getting into the burgers (which the guy later discovers is due to the appalling production line conditions where quantity is WAY more important than quality- a common 'side effect' of out and out greed and materialism)

    He also discovers the appalling mentality of the entire production 'process', including (and this is just the VERY tip of the iceberg!) the employers at 'fast food retail outlets' who subtly brainwash young kids to work selling this 'shit' with no regard whatsoever for their prospects or future because all that matters to them these employers is that they have 'efficient' cogs in their filthy, poisonous, corrupt, money making machine.

    I could go on and on but the film pretty much exposes the fact that the fast food industry is rotten to the core BEYOND question!

    What the guy also manages to do is rationalize that 'hell', he ENJOYS these burgers, as do millions of other people around the world. Ok, he's seen the suffering in the factories and the disgraceful way in which these animals are 'manufactured' and slaughtered for the profit of their 'owners' but hey, there's one BIG consideration to be made...

    He and his buddies are getting VERY well paid for playing their part in all this. He has his own office. A lovely home. A lovely wife and 3 'burger eatin' mouths to feed.

    This is his career. And he knows nothing else.

    And those kids working at MacDonalds, its a job right?!! And just look at all the jobs we create. We LOVE our burgers so what if there is shit in them, the artificial, chemical flavourings taste pretty darn good job to me! Right?!?!

    So he turns the other cheek and by the end of the film we see him presenting the latest advertising campaign to HIS 'owners', the CEOs of the fast food company he has SOLD himself to.

    Ring any bells?

    And we see this mentality EVERYWHERE...

    "Just look at us.
    Everything is backwards, everything is upside down.
    Doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    psychiatrists destroy minds,
    scientists destroy truth,
    major media destroys information,
    religions destroy spirituality,
    and governments destroy freedom."
    ~Michael Ellner

    What times the X factor on tonight?!? Wouldnt wanna miss that! Pass me a beer...'aahhhh', that feels good, turn the TV up honey I don't wanna hear myself 'think' whilst I eat my shit!!

    'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free!!'
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  4. CuriousFem

    CuriousFem Fapstronaut

    I'm not here to "tempt" men into anything - relapsing or otherwise. I joined this forum because I was curious, and I responded to this thread because everyone's speaking about porn, and figured my input as an actual performer may be valuable to the discussion. I don't see why it's fine for everyone else to speak about porn, but the moment someone who has first-hand experience actually working in the industry speaks about it, shit hits the fan. It's either okay to speak about porn here, or it's not. It's not like I'm rubbing triggers in your face with images, or even just mentioning anything of a graphic sexual nature. I'm just joining a discussion which was already taking place here.

    I responded to *one* poster who seemed to be making it clear he wanted to relapse. What he does with my response is not my responsibility. He could even take my response as an opportunity to strengthen what he wants to do, relapse or not. I have no issue with people doing what they want their own bodies - whether they want to partake in nofap or not - but I just don't think it's right for someone to be told what to do against their own wishes. If people disagree with me on that, absolutely fair enough, you don't have to listen to me.
  5. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    What he 'wanted' to do is quit an addiction for whatever his reasons were and addictions are like psychopathic 'entities' that take us over and they will stop at nothing to stay alive. We experience these as rationalizations etc. What he 'wanted' was support because he, like the rest of us here, had chosen, via his own free will, to no longer participate in something that he/we consider to be of any genuine value anymore. That we live in a world that brainwashes us from cradle to grave is kind of out of our control and so we are sucked in from a young age. But then when those of us who do wake up to the shit that so often passes for the 'norm' we exercise our right to do what we believe is the right thing for us which is precisely what people are doing on this site. That addiction rarely leaves without kicking and screaming is something most people who have had the guts to recognise they need to change for both themselves and their loved ones have to experience and if you've ever given beaten an addiction you will know that. Unfortunately too many people confuse the notion of freedom as being you are free NOT to change if something gives you 'pleasure' and in this quick fix, shallow, pleasure seeking, insatiable world of ours those of us 'choosing' more depth and meaning are growing exponentially by the day and we are 'free' to come to our own definitions of what 'free' actually means in a world that would increasingly have us believe that we are 'free' to do as we are told!
  6. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    You directly told to the man to relapse! That is not what we do here. Everyone who comes here realizes that he/she want change. We do not tell people here to jerk, actually quite opposite! That is purpose of this forum and not some "do what ever feels good" philosophy, even if it's for a 10 seconds and afterwards you feel like crap.
    You do not go to rehab telling people to take a quick fix. You do not go to rehab and telling stories how dealers and mobsters make allot of money and that's why drug is so great! Simple as that. Internet is a huge place and if you want to spread your junk mind-set go for it, this is not place for you!
  7. CuriousFem

    CuriousFem Fapstronaut

    Lol, "junk" mind-set - no need to get your panties in a twist. The funny thing I'm finding with this, is out of all the people who took issue with my response, not ONE of them is the dude himself. Maybe at this point we should move on with our lives...
  8. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    He made response to the rest of us, thanking us for giving him support not to relapse and that makes it clear why is he here. He simply did not replied to you because he was not secure with himself and he was tempted. Last thing he needed is you telling him to beat the monkey!
    And you are right, you should move on, away from this forum!
    You do with your body what ever you like and do what ever you want but do not come here spreading bullshit. Most of us tried that and decided that it's bad for us.
  9. CuriousFem

    CuriousFem Fapstronaut

    Oh my god, can you really not let this go?

    At least get back on topic of this thread.
  10. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    No i can not, because you are being malicious. Look i do not know your life story (i am not even sure that you are not just being troll) but most of porn performers (i do not even know how to call that, essentially it is prostitution) are from ruined families who only got "compassion" from their pimps (agents). There is allot human trafficking behind it too. Your "positive" story is not a rule it is rather exception. Not to mention circulating STD's such as herpes, chlamydia, HIV and other sexual transmissive infections. And on the screen everything is great, of better say perfect. It is false reality and worthless substitution for real partner and why not love! You jack off in front computer monitor and afterwards you lay in bed depressed and ashamed. If you want to show your vagina to the world, go for it, we are powerless to stop that "industry" but we certainly can ignore it and deflate demand at least for a small chunk.
    We on this forum are aware that we are part of the problem because we create/created demand for certain type of material and now we want to change. That's why we do not need you here to tell us "positive" things from porn "industry".
    This place has different purpose.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
  11. CuriousFem

    CuriousFem Fapstronaut

    How am I being malicious?

    Where are you getting this from? Do YOU have any first-hand experience in the industry yourself? Or are you, like most people, selectively plucking your information from certain sources? Having said that, it isn't hard to be someone who isn't working in the industry and think of porn as being nothing but bad. Media tabloids and journalists love a good sob story. "Porn Star Had A Great Day On Scene! / Enjoys Job!" doesn't tend to make a good headline... at least not for mainsteam media, despite those stories existing.

    This industry is so, SO massive, there are thousands upon thousands of industries operating within the porn industry it's impossible to make such claims unless you're quoting specific studios, specific agencies, specific businesses.

    People need to stop thinking of "the porn industry" as being this one, big company which is either good or bad. Within the industry, there are businesses that are ran terribly, there are business that are ran absolutely spectacularly well, and everything inbetween.
    I'm also seeing more and more women who were former perfomers start opening their own studios, their own companies, becoming producers, site owners, directors, etc. Do you think they too are all big bad "pimps" who don't care less about the actors and actresses working for them? Some of the most incredible, intelligent, fascinating, and lovely people I've ever met come from the people I've met in this industry.

    Again, this depends on which business you're speaking about. You cannot say "in general", because every business is ran differently.

    You lay in bed depressed and ashamed because you see it as "wrong".
    And who is saying porn is a substitute for love? Plenty of couples get off together viewing porn and enjoy a fulfilling sexual relationship.

    You partake in what you wish. That is your right, absolutely. :)

    You don't need me telling you "positive" things from the porn industry, why? This thread is ABOUT porn, why wouldn't I use this opportunity to enlighten people from my perspective, being as I work in the industry?

    ...Or would you in fact rather delude yourself into thinking it's nothing but trafficking and rape and suffering to better aid your plight in NoFap?
  12. Ibrahim Haidar

    Ibrahim Haidar Fapstronaut

    This is horrible...God...
  13. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    Do i really need to repeat it? DO I REALLY?

    Yes the "industry". I am disgusted even calling it like that. America and your "industry" is not entire world. I am from eastern Europe which is transit for human trafficking and also a source. I relay on many sources not just "one" study. Porn is bad and that is fact. If that wasn't the truth we would not had this place.
    Allot of psychopaths were intelligent, intelligence has nothing to do with it.

    This is simply not true, relationship based on voayerism can not be healthy what so ever and yet there are allot of examples where porn destroys families like any other addiction.

    No i do not need to hear "positive" things from porn because it is not rule but exception and it does not change anything about majority which is bad.
    Like i said i personally do not have problem because i have strong power of will and if decide something i do it but most of guys are not like that and they do not need you to advocate for porn.
    That porn is bad is not my personal opinion it is fact.

    And at the end, you claim to be performer. WHO ARE YOU?
  14. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut


    It may surprise you to learn that most of us here are not interested or impressed by your 'positive' porn stories because they exsist on the CONTEXT of an industry that we here consider to be rotten at it's very core and for every 'positive'/success story there will be many that are far from positive. That you choose to participate in this 'industry' is indeed your business and that we choose not to do is indeed ours. I guess its a case of never the twain shall meet? If indeed you are 'genuinelly' curious, an I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, then do you not have your 'answers' yet? We do not value what you do because we value ourselves. We have come to understand that, as the saying goes, 'the lie tastes sweet in the beginning but bitter in the end. The truth tastes bitter in the begiining but sweet in the end' and you can interpret that as you will but for most of us here porn, no matter where it is made or how happy and 'fulfilled' the 'performers' are, it is a lie that we no longer wish to be part of in any way shape or form. Which part of this are you not understanding? Or has your curiosity simply transformed into a desire to 'convert' as so often happens when people don't quite get the response they had hoped for?
  15. CuriousFem

    CuriousFem Fapstronaut

    Calm. Down.

    ...Holy shit.

    You rely on "many" sources, yet you cannot tolerate someone saying anything positive about it, despite the fact they are working in it?

    No, "porn is bad" is not fact. It is your opinion, and merely that.

    Porn addiction is very different to a healthy approach to viewing, whether alone, or as a couple, though I'm sure you can't digest that point... And again, "can not be healthy" is your opinion. It's no fact.

    Stop saying it's fact, lol! It simply isn't! :)

    You're set in your ways with that one though, so there's not much point arguing with a brick wall.

    Wow! What? Now there's a sketchy question! Who am I? You want to know my performer name? My real name? Either way, for reasons of decency and safety I'm not disclosing either here.

    Other than that, it's like I said in my first post - I was simply curious.
  16. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    Yes! Who the hell are you? You obviously advocate for porn here claiming to be performer. Your presence here is allot more than curiosity. You try to convince people in something that obviously is not true! You keep saying "that is my personal opinion", NO IT IS NOT. I already told you that eastern Europe where i live is transit and source of human trafficking and allot of those poor girls end up in low budget porn hooked on drugs and at the end dead! Your American "industry" is not world it is merely a speck and it is rotten as any other porn "industry".
    So who are you? If you are performer, millions already saw your genitalia, what is the problem saying your name and proving it? This way you are just a troll posing as someone else.
  17. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Is anybody here familiar with cognitive dissonance which is something particularly prevelant amongst people who 'perform' in the sex trade? Here's a very short but fascinating and insightful article which goes a long way in explaining several 'issues' being discussed here. Unfortunately such is the nature of cognitive dissonance that somebody in such a state may not be receptive to these ideas as a direct consequence of their cognitive dissonance...
  18. CuriousFem

    CuriousFem Fapstronaut

    I made myself quite clear the first time, did I not?

    "Obviously not true", here you go again.

    This is the thing though, you are remarking on human trafficking in Eastern Europe, and you are commenting on "American industry" porn. I already stated how it isn't black and white, and how yes, there are terrible instances of suffering in this industry (which would include the trafficking of which you speak), and also instances in this same industry (as a whole) where things are ran extremely well.

    You are cherry picking by acknowledging only the bad, and point-blank refusing to acknowledge that there could be areas of this industry which are ran extremely well.

    Creepy. Seriously.. You're on NoFap's forum asking an adult performer her fucking name. Repeatedly.

    Let's be real here, me telling you my name wouldn't prove anything now, would it? I could tell you I'm Sasha Grey and how would you know I'm being honest? So what purpose does telling you my name serve? Other than supplying you with fap material on a NoFap site?
  19. CuriousFem

    CuriousFem Fapstronaut

    Do you think it is impossible for anyone to possibly - genuinely and sincerely - enjoy being a sex worker?
  20. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    Your logic is twisted! I do not need your name to jerk on it. I am asking you to prove your identity not just to tell who are you because you pose as porn performer advocating for porn "industry" spreading lies! Like i said if you are truly performer millions already saw your genitalia so what is the problem proving your identity on this forum? You already posted allot of triggering material! This way you are just a troll who tries to justify and rationalize your own masturbation/porn problem by reflecting it to the others trying to convince other people that it's ok! It is not OK, that's why we come here!
    You twist my words on purpose because you are running out of arguments! I am not commenting only US porn "industry" i am talking about porn in general and FYI many poor girls from Europe end up in America!

    I am going to keep reporting you until you get banned!
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