Thoughts about Social Media.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Control Knight, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. Control Knight

    Control Knight New Fapstronaut

    Welcome All
    The topic I want to open is about social media.
    It makes me sick to watch how women upload so many provocative photos, there is no limit for them, they upload thousands and thousands of photos and stories,
    and they are all normal women, not models or celebrities, but people you know,
    one wants to find a good girlfriend, but all this makes you distrust, since there is no limit to so much narcissism.

    And I think it is not normal as human beings to see what other people are doing all the time, 20 years ago this did not happen.
    I feel like a slave for having such apps to not be out, and not seeing you as a freak, because they always ask you, do you have facebook or instagram? If the answer is no: They respond: WEIRD.

    I don't like living like this, I don't want to use something that is bad for the brain, but
    it's a fact that without social media, women look at you weird, it's a negative point,
    became a social symbol of acceptance.

    I need some point of view that makes me understand this or how to handle it, whenever I try to stop using them, I come back because I feel that without them there is no way to find a partner today.

    The subject is open for you to contribute your ideas and thoughts, thank you very much.

  2. Can we please stop acting like this is a female exclusive problem? I cannot even begin to count how many "f***boys" there are on the internet, constantly posting shirtless photos and videos, stroking their abs and grabbing their crotches. This is a humanity problem, not a women problem.

    I think the problem here is that you care way too much what other people think of you. My husband hasn't had any social media for a long time, and nobody cares. He has a Twitter that he mostly uses for news, and that's it. If you don't care, nobody else will either.

    Lol no, that is definitely not a "fact." Maybe some women might. But do you really want to be with those women anyway? A woman who thinks you're a loser for not using social media, sounds like a real piece of work to me. I wouldn't want to be with a woman like that anyway, so why does it matter what they think? Find someone else who is a better person and doesn't care about such vapid things.

    I do sympathize with you there. I'm sure that would be a lot more tough. But plenty of people still text. Why not exchange phone numbers and text the girl? Or heck, even email. Some girls might think that's weird, but again, are those really the kind of girls you want to be with? Or would you rather be with a girl who thinks it's nice that you don't want to waste time on social media? Plenty of people don't like social media, including women.

    I think part of the problem is that you're going after the wrong kind of girls. If you know what you want, it shouldn't bother you that there are a lot of social media whores out there. You just ignore them, and focus on the girls that aren't like that. It doesn't bother me that there are a bunch of manwhores out there. I just ignore them. It doesn't matter if they would like me or want to date me, because I don't want to date them.

    I think you need to reassess what it is you want from a relationship, consider where you might find women like that, make sure you are the kind of man who deserves a woman like that, and just ignore the rest of them. Their opinions don't matter.
  3. Toph

    Toph Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy, like Castielle said, who cares? You do you. I don't have social media and I used to do fine. There were a small percentage of girls (I'd guess less than 10%) who thought it was weird but as long as I didn't let it phase me, it was never a deal breaker. Answer and just keep talking like you said the sky is blue. But in my experience, most girls actually responded with something along the lines of it was cool and they wish they could do that but they couldn't because *insert whatever reason they said, it doesn't matter*.

    The key is when it comes up, you CONFIDENTLY and NONCHALANTLY say that you don't have any social media because *insert your reason*. I, personally, don't care to use it but I have nothing against if people want to use social media. My actual reason is I want to focus on MY life and it takes too much time to keep up with everyone or to tell everyone every little thing I'm doing. However, beware if you answer nervously something like "I don't know", you'll probably come off as weird. If you want to go one step further, respond by having fun - ask her why she has social media and say it and look at her like she's the weird one. Remember, it doesn't matter. Hope that helps.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
    Metis07 and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Definitely! I would absolutely expect that would be the response of many people. A lot of people recognize the negatives of social media, and would like to use it less or not at all, but have a hard time doing that. To me, that shows that you're a person who is able to follow through with difficult goals, and that's an attractive quality.
    Metis07 likes this.
  5. “Every vice has its excuse ready.” ―Publilius Syrus
  6. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    Social media is here to stay whether you like it or not, infact its been around longer than you think. Being called weird now for not having a fb account would have been no different than being called weird for not having a Myspace account 15 years ago. And not having a social media account probably gives you more chances of finding a real girlfriend.
    Metis07 likes this.
  7. thelightfantastic

    thelightfantastic Fapstronaut

    I dont use social media because it farms data and in my opinion isolates us not bring us together. However were i single I’d probably still be on it?

    Tough call mate, i think if you come off it, you have to own it, like really own it when you bring it up with girls, as part if your fundamental beliefs you know? Girls dig that, and if they don’t? Screw em! Find someone who does!
  8. BlindSisyphus

    BlindSisyphus Fapstronaut

    Just because you have a facebook or whatever doesn't mean you have to post, like pretty much ever. If you have an account but it is dormant you might still get the "weird" reaction, but it is easier to say "yeah, I just dont care to use it that much" than "I don't have one".

    As far as women putting up a billion different suggestive photos, what do you expect? We took social interaction and moved it from real life onto the internet, so now women who to some extent are always going to use their sex appeal in social situations need to be able to transfer what used to be apparent onto the internet. Hence: pictures.

    Does it suck? Yep. Would the world be better if we made social media illegal to force people back into real face to face social interaction? Probably. But that's not going to happen. It be what it be.
  9. Toph

    Toph Fapstronaut

    Thanks, your kind words are much appreciated.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Firstturnkill1

    Firstturnkill1 New Fapstronaut

    There's big money in being an influencer nowadays
  11. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    There are good answers given, just wanted to add don't use it if you see it as a bad thing (I agree on this, but also depends on the purpose) and you can see this as your advantage - you can check girls social media pages and have some information on if she is really a girlfriend material (I mean committed relationship).
    ItsSeal likes this.
  12. I don't do social media anymore. I have a facebook but I don't know my password and my emails are old and gone, and I'm not making a new account.
    I tried to do some ministry and manage a fan account on instagram. Got old after a while. Very difficult to get anywhere.
  13. Oh look, another person making generalizations who doesn't know any better. What are the odds?

    Look, I don't disagree with your stance on social media, I despise it myself, but if you're actually meeting a large amount of people who react poorly to you refusing to use social media, it's safe to say none of them are people I'd consider worth being associated with. Here, in one of my college classes, my teacher told the class she doesn't use social media and she was applauded for it.

    Not everyone's going to find refusing to use social media alien. You just need to find them. We're not rare.
    Firstturnkill1 likes this.
  14. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I would disagree with you there. When I was on MySpace no I knew had one. I kinda miss those days when hardly anyone used social media except a certain kind of people. It was like you were in an exclusive club if you had a MySpace. That eventually changed with Facebook.

    But I don't think you'd be considered weird for not being social media nowadays. People are becoming more and more awair of how unhealthy it can be.
  15. Overapple

    Overapple Fapstronaut

    It’s just as addictive as anything else. People do social media detox’s. It’s hard to stay away from though, depending on your what site your browsing it’s nearly impossible to accurate news reporting. Mainstream news outlets are just propaganda machines. I tend to browse twitter, I follow a lot of different kinds of people for different reason so I get a lot of different perspectives on things. Sometimes I just find myself refreshing hoping for something new and I know I need to stop.

    Iv resorted to not installing most social media apps on my phone so it’s not as easy to access them. I have Instagram for creative purposes and twitter just to shit post about my day.