NoFap Got Me a Girlfriend.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Riseb123, May 19, 2020.

  1. Riseb123

    Riseb123 Fapstronaut

    Firstly sorry if my english is bad.
    My journey started since july 2019 but i failed over and over like my max streak was 10 days or smth, this continued until i got my fırst perm idk if it matters, and i got a confidence and i started a streak that lasted 34 days but after that i kepy breaking it until 5th of May because i decided to try if NoFap will help me to get a girlfriend
    And i started, the first 10 days were so bad i had like a small depression and i was going angry so fast but days going on this changed i was more calm to every thing that i would react angry before, also i had better communication and eye contact with girls i interacted(you may say how you go outside when its corona thing but its different in my city) and now i am only at 19 days but i got a girlfriend because you can affect every girl's looks to you, that's also because increased self confidence and there it is my message is quit pmo ASAP if you a want a good&shiny life you have forgot about before doing pmo...
  2. kristinella

    kristinella New Fapstronaut

  3. kristinella

    kristinella New Fapstronaut

  4. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Hey, good work! How did you get a gf?

    Gamebred305 likes this.
  5. Riseb123

    Riseb123 Fapstronaut

    The first 10 days of streak i understanded that the girl likes me but i met girl only before 1 week or smth from before starting my streak, during my streak i chatted a lot too with the girl, you will not only be more atrractive physically but if you chat with someone they will feel it because girls love confident guys and its all like that i can't say NoFap directly got me a girlfriend but it was 90% of the process like 10% it depends to you.
    Asgardian36 and Reborn16 like this.
  6. Riseb123

    Riseb123 Fapstronaut

    Do not say how you got a girlfriend in a close timed streak just try yourself until you get a girlfriend after that you will forget about these things and enjoy your life whith a gf
  7. Riseb123

    Riseb123 Fapstronaut

  8. Riseb123

    Riseb123 Fapstronaut

  9. jimmypage

    jimmypage Fapstronaut

    Good for you bro!

    I'm on Day 9, this post motivated me,
    main goal for me is also have more self confidence with girls, and eventually, have a girlfriend.
  10. Riseb123

    Riseb123 Fapstronaut

    Keep going bro just don't give up it is different on every guy how long it takes to, i hope you achieve much more in your life
    jimmypage likes this.
  11. FishBoy24

    FishBoy24 Fapstronaut

    apparently day 9 is the hardest for some reason. Im on day 3 and i feel great already
  12. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    It certainly hasn't helped me a lot getting a gf (or wf rather) during my almost 2 1/2 years on hard-mode. On the other hand, I try not to play the victim card either since I haven't wanted it to 100% as I have been focusing on self-improvement and getting many pieces of my life in order first.
    Especially with regards to the mental and spiritual aspects of it since I know everything will align and fall into place perfectly (like it has done so far actually) as I get more and more comfortable with myself and being single for the moment.
    That does of course make you icier and more selective about the women you pick for a potential relationship but that's also preferable since that means you won't lose your integrity, friends, family-relationships and hobby in the process like so many men do whenever they enter a relationship and try to cater to the woman's needs and wishes.
    In that sense, I would be totally fine (if it ever comes to that) to let her walk out the door because my hobbies/interests, family, and friendships will always go first and if she can't cope with it or accept it, so be it because finding a new and better woman is always easier than trying to regain your lost family-relationships or friendships.
  13. I had a girlfriend at my job but it was over quick now we just friends
  14. It looks more like - girl gave you a reason to nofap.
  15. Yeah, I guess it’s because I didn’t have much to talk about with her my shyness. On what to say. I should of asked her what can she give me that I can’t get from any other girl
  16. Was talking about OP, but all I can say, Lazarus, is that it don't impress me anymore when guys get GF or "success" with girls because of nofap. What really makes me happy is that guys come closer to God during the streak, makes that one most important relationship better. Because no one is more loyal and trustworthy than God. For example guy can have many girlfriends, but only one mom who stay there for him in all times, no matter good or bad. But God is even more than that when you come to know Him cause He have said -

    Isa 49:15: "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget you."
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2020
  17. And women can be also deceived and deceiving like Eve and Delilah so it is best to stay strong and close to God like you said!
  18. Charlie's devil

    Charlie's devil Fapstronaut

    You will but remember girls are supplements to an already good life.
  19. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    That's one important message you stress!
    Any woman that gets into your life (as a girlfriend or dating-partner) should be regarded as the icing on the cake and not the cake itself.
    Because, the moment you let any woman trying to mold you according to her frame and expectations by start picking on and criticize your friends, family-members, your job, hobbies and interests, you are bound for disaster if you give in to her demands, unless you put down the foot and gently show her the door if your lifestyle doesn't suit her. If she whines, screams, cries and tries to make a drama about the reasonable offer, you know (on the spot) you saved yourself months, years and perhaps even decades of misery and pain.

    You can always find a sweeter and better woman out there (the importance of an abundance mindset), so you don't lose too much by discarding a bad one from your life since all of your other areas in life, i.e. friends, family, hobbies and interests are still existing and standing strong. The latter are much harder to repair if damaged or severly broken.
    The sad thing is that the vast majority of Western men these days let their girlfriend/wife dictate their lives and hence give up on so many other areas of life just to please her. After that point, they walk through years and decades of pure misery until they get red-pilled and can put it to an end.