New to NoFap, my health/experiences. Looking for answers?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by thekid17777, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. I've been a lurker for a while and been meaning to start nofap for a long time, but just as most people it's been difficult to get started. I'll share my story and there's a few things that I have questions about, obviously most people here aren't doctors or professionals but honest answers based on experience or knowledge are definitely appreciated. I;ve been a terrible addicted PMO'er ever since I was 12/13, and I'm currently 25. I'd say most days is easily 1-2 per day, but some days were more especially in my younger years. To this day I have 0 problems getting hard, but I definitely O way too fast especially when im with the gf. I barely last 5 seconds.

    Long story short, for the last 4-5 years I've suffered from pretty severe hypochondria. I blacked out one day from severe dehydration (my own fault) and ever since have had what started as mild anxiety fearing it would happen again or something was detrimentally wrong with me. Up until this day, I notice every little movement/feeling in my body and most the time end up panicking over it unless I can figure out why it's happening rationally and convince myself I'm fine. I've been to numerous doctors/hospitals, the most recent being about 2 months ago and had bloodwork done just to be told I'm perfectly fine and it's just anxiety.

    Fast forward a bit, to about a month ago. I had a very, very long drawn out edging session while sexting my gf of 2 years (6-7 hours), and finally after M and O, i immediately got severely dizzy, my heart was racing, my ears ringing, and I felt I was going to pass out. Paramedics came and said I was fine, and my blood pressure was slightly elevated due to the stress of the situation but I seemed fine, maybe just slightly dehydrated. I ended up being fine. Just the next week, I did the same thing for about 4 hours, felt fine, and got in my car to drive for my nightjob and about 20 minutes into my drive I started getting the same feeling, ultimately feeling like I was going to pass out and calling paramedics. I was shaking so bad (nerves) I couldn't even walk or stand up. They calmed me down and again I felt normal a few hours later.

    Ever since the above experiences, when i O, whether it be from PMO or sex with the gf, I immediately feel anxious/panic attack like for an extended time. If i do it a 2nd time in the same day, I become so anxious I can't even function normally. Oddly enough, I feel an immediately burst of motivation to do something like go out and take a run, but about 30 mins-1 hour later I have absolutely zero motivation and I literally feel mentally and physically drained. My physical stamina when running or exercising is literally cut in half, and I feel so out of it I feel like im dying. Fast forward to just this past week, I was feeling pretty good and stuff despite still PMOing once each day or every other day, so I decided to test the waters and PMO twice back to back. I immediately felt the same immense anxiety, could barely finish up my day. A few hours later, I got super shaky/jittery/full of tremors in my hands and fingers if I tried holding something etc.

    This was 3 days ago, and I'm now on day 2/3 of no PMO at all, hoping to start a lifelong streak just as most people on this forum. That was 3 days ago, and even today I still feel tremors in my hands, and I get shaky throughout the day after a run or physical exertion, or if I don't eat for 5-6 hours which hasn't happened before. My hands feel like they can't stop shaking (physically they aren't shaking that I can tell, also my blood sugar has been perfect every time I've seen a doctor or paramedic.)
    After reading tons of stories and feedback on NoFap, I'm thinking possibly this has to do with Dopamine and my body is so used to PMO that it's starting to affect my brain and take away from my daily life as I keep feeding it PMO day in and day out. Most times I PMO especially lately, nothing feels good or satisfies me so I ended up edging for 3-4 hours and finally get bored so I just MO to get over with it and feel like shit after. I notice I don't even enjoy sex with the gf as much as I should and almost feel like it's a chore rather than an activity we could really enjoy. (She's a 10/10 in my book, I remember being attracted to her so much when I first met her 2 years ago.) Does anyone else have any similar experiences, or positive thoughts on my situation? I'm really hoping that after a long NoFap streak that hopefully never ends, I'll go back to feeling human again. Could this be a severe lack of dopamine, or maybe a vitamin deficiency that hasn't been found out? I really feel lost, however my anxiety significantly improves each day I dont PMO so this is a start to recovery hopefully.
  2. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

  3. Risho

    Risho Fapstronaut

    First of all thank you for sharing for your story and you are a PMO addict and from your story I interpret that if you stop it you feel anxious buddy just take it like an alcohol addiction if you stop it you get anxious treat this pmoing as an addiction you are addicted you have this disease.
    You got fainted because pmo suck all your energy so probably your condition is due to excessive masturbation.
    If you want to succeed in this you have to immediately leave porn and start reading books on relevant subject , have AP, join groups in nofap.
    I recommend this book to you will get all your answers
  4. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

    Day 4 update:

    -Urges getting slightly stronger
    -Anxiety driving me wild
    -Getting random tingles/chills everywhere?
    -Couldn't sleep at all last night, although more physical energy today
    -Usually take multiple naps during the day, haven't felt like napping yet
    -Finally feel like I believe in myself to stop this addiction. I deserve it and my gf deserves it. Will make another update at the end of the week!
  5. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    Do you have have palpitations
  6. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    I don't know if your condition is caused by PMO addiction, but it sure as hell seems to make it worse. Continue going without PMO but also make sure you are getting treated for your hypochondria.
  7. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

    I've had them off and on for years, but for the next day or two after PMO they definitely become more noticeable. Had scans done to be told my heart is/was fine also.
  8. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

    I've seen a couple people about the hypochondria and anxiety, but I refuse to take meds for a mental disorder. I'd rather fix it a normal or natural way and use meds as a last resort. I notice now on Day 5 it's definitely improving day by day.
    Candun likes this.
  9. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

    Day 6:
    Anxiety still about the same
    Definitely getting stronger urges
    Waking up with lots more energy, and falling asleep easier.
    Not wanting to nap all day

    Still getting super shaky if I haven't eaten in a while, blood sugar is normal. Anyone have any ideas why this might be? Does Dopamine affect blood sugar or something that can cause hunger shakes?
  10. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

    My experiences were very similar to yours. Bad hypochondria and associated anxiety. I've cut out P and M for nearly 18 months now and both are much better. Meditation played a big role in reducing my stress response as well though.

    In terms of attraction to your gf, again I know exactly what your talking about. It has been my experience that giving up P, M, lusting and ogling has improved our attraction to each other massively.
  11. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply, I'm glad most of us are in this together with similar situations. I can definitely feel improvements each day but also a lot more urges and stuff. I'm hoping it continues to improve, the anxiety part is the worst. I'm taking Magnesium and Zinc everyday to build back up stuff and calm me down so hopefully long term it works out.
  12. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

    I also have been taking 20mg Prilosec/Omeprazole for the last couple years off and on due to pretty bad GERD, could this medication possibly be having an effect on everything?
  13. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

    I made it through 7 days! I'm actually starting to notice some more good/bad changes too.
    -Anxiety actually doing a bit better, not worrying about the same things quite as bad.
    -Urges to open P are actually not as strong, I'm more thinking about the girlfriend instead of P or internet stuff.
    -Urges are still definitely strong though.
    -Feeling more motivated to do other things like workout, golf, eat healthy, etc.

    I've noticed that whenever I do something that causes a small dopamine spike (Like eating a burger, taking a run/jog, going golfing), I suddenly get huge cravings to PMO out of nowhere. Could this be because my brain is so used to going after PMO when it wants or was given dopamine before? I usually combat it by taking a cold shower or eating something healthy as I'm also trying to fix my sugar filled diet at the same time. Any thoughts?
  14. thekid17777

    thekid17777 Fapstronaut

  15. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

    Re the sugar issue I have the same thing. I've only just linked excessive sugar consumption with high anxiety and irritability. I can see the link very clearly now, revealed through repeated experience so I'm going to cut right back on it. I watched 'that sugar film' which was really helpful.

    In terms of urges, if you get to around 3-4 weeks the carvings will likely drop away. The issue then becomes one of complacency, where we feel better and think we're cured of our addiction. Meditation really helped me uncover the thoughts driving the addiction.
  16. Fazen

    Fazen New Fapstronaut

    I'm 14 and I started Nofap this week. I started watching porn last year and fapped like 2-4 times a day for like a year. When I turned 14, I stopped watching porn, but I still fap daily. I feel low and don't feel like studying for tests. Since the past one year, my performance has degraded. How to stop fapping (Its been 3 months since I last watched it). Please help.
  17. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    Stop watching porn and stop fapping read the bible ask God for help
  18. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    Learn how to control your mind and dont fap its like if your riding a bike whos in control of your bike you are right what happens if you control your bike or car you crash am i right your in charge of controlling your own mind
  19. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    Im scared to have a gf cus of my palpitations