Relapsed and binged yesterday, feel like crap today.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Belching_Booch, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. Belching_Booch

    Belching_Booch Fapstronaut

    I've been pushing myself a lot lately between work, my training, and looking into setting up a good future for myself. Been on a lot of things such as sungazing, cold showers, meditation, park workouts, gym sessions, etc. Long story short I've been keeping myself busy and active which helps keep dirty and negative thoughts out of my head.

    Yesterday was Sunday and my body was completely wiped. I took the day off, ordered food, watched TV, read, played video games, etc. Basically took a much needed rest day. Unfortunately being alone at home got the thoughts rolling and I relapsed once in the afternoon and then twice more at night. Felt good to release, but right away I was hit with intense tiredness and brain fog. I had a difficult time waking up this morning and am now by the dentist's office to get a filling before I go in to work. I feel like shit. I'm tired, unmotivated, anxious, and don't feel like doing shit. I can already tell it's going to be a long day... Moral of the story, stay busy and keep yourself occupied.
  2. jimmywarbs

    jimmywarbs Fapstronaut

    Broooo, i had exactly the same! Really pushing hard the last week, loving life, finding it pretty easy, decided to 'give my self sunday off' and like you had a day of passivity which turned into aimless scrolling in places i shouldn't. I'm totally with you, but we can't beat ourselves up over it. Ideally we wouldn't do it, but I'd take a few weeks of positivity with one day relapse any day of the week! I found it takes a couple of days to rebuild that momentum again, so just take small but productive steps. I've cleaned my house and made some calls I've been putting off and done gentle exercise, nothing special but i feel better for doing it. Can't stay blaming myself forever. Good luck to man, were all with you!
  3. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    It is good that you recognized the trigger: "aimless scrolling in places I shouldn't".

    PMO always happens when we are connected to the internet. PMO always happens when we are alone on our devices.

    We usually relapse because we are bored, tired and alone.

    So we need to strictly regulate our device usage. On Sundays, when you are vulnerable to relapse. You should turn off the internet once you accomplish the important tasks. You can play videos games or watch movies offline. But don't allow yourself to be plugged-in 24/7 to the internet and mobile networks.

    After you try this, you will notice how liberating it feels. You can totally relax without any distractions, notifications or temptations to aimlessly scroll.

    You will want to incorporate more internet-free time into your week. Maybe even waking up 30-minutes earlier everyday and centering yourself with meditation, reflection, stretching and some productive task. These 30-minutes will be offline and before you check your phone and computer.

    I wrote more advice about controlling devices and making changes to our living spaces that support healthy habits in a post.