Vertigo out of nowhere (extremely terrifying)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by FromZeroToNinety, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. FromZeroToNinety

    FromZeroToNinety Fapstronaut

    It's haunting me and comes out of nowhere. Sometimes it happens when I sit at my desk at work. But most often it happens at the exact moment I am falling asleep at home. The feeling itself is terrifying. It feels as if the entire room is rotating and as if I am on the verge of fainting... but nothing serious ever happened to me. It just the feeling that tortures me.

    I noticed that it goes away when I have longer streaks and this, for me, is an absolute sign and warning that I have to stop PMOing once and for all.

    What exactly is happening? Is this because of the changed brain chemistry from PMO? Or is it simply a symptom of the anxiety caused by PMO?
  2. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    I have something a little similar. I don’t feel the room spinning or anything like that, but I get these moments where I’m extremely disoriented and can’t focus on anything. The feeling passes after awhile, but it’s a bit worrisome at times. Just this past weekend I was on my way to the gym when this feeling came over me and I ended up turning around and going back home. I have no clue why this happens, but I would be willing to guess that it has a lot to do with anxiety.
  3. Shadowbanner

    Shadowbanner New Fapstronaut

    Hey man, How are you doing? Has your disorientation subsided? I'm having similar episodes myself, almost as if I temporarily lose depth perception.
  4. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Actually, I haven’t had any episodes in quite awhile. It could be any number of things that cause it, like dehydration, lack of sleep or even too much caffeine.
    Shadowbanner likes this.
  5. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    I have heard that a lot of addictions cause withdrawal symptoms and, for me, nofap and giving up PMO, in the beginning, made me feel a little spacey. I felt like I wasn't part of this world. I think it went away around the one week mark for me. If you are getting vertigo, I would get it checked out with a doctor and if he finds nothing, it's anxiety and withdrawal symptoms.
    ALPHAandOMEGA and Shadowbanner like this.
  6. Burlak

    Burlak New Fapstronaut

    After i stopped masturbation it came out of nowhere i have the same, its like after drog addict. It will stopped after month. But first week is worse. Youre not alone. Me to help is walk out or work out. Dont think about it. Somethimes i felt to cry.
    Thank you for post.
  7. FinallyRed

    FinallyRed New Fapstronaut

    Vertigo can be easily treatable if the cause is crystals in the inner ear. Look up the Epley Maneuver.
  8. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    I used to have this as well. I would get a "dazed" feeling and then feel spaced out and almost like my head could float. Sometimes itd come and go for minutes at a time I remember and it would freak me out. I can assure everyone it is PMO related
    AvalancheLog likes this.
  9. Are you continuing to deal with this? I've had such sensations for a while myself. I also notice the severity lessen with longer streaks.
  10. Do you ever feel like you're floating or walking on a cloud or is it only your head? How are you so certain it's absolutely PMO related? I think this too but I can find absolute no information about this online. I guess it figures because "porn and masturbation and completely normal and healthy."
  11. Alangg777

    Alangg777 New Fapstronaut

    Yes it is I also feeled these types of symptoms
    During nofap I think the brain is rebooting itself I don't know but I think it is
    Phoenix Beyond likes this.