Question about approach/ complimenting woman

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Chefb87, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    Afternoon everyone !
    I'm really looking for females opinions , and perspective on this.

    I've recently discovered courage and confidence In myself to be able to begin to talk to woman in public. And I just don't know what is acceptable, flattering , uncomfortable, or just plain creepy . I've never done this before , and I don't want to make any uncomfortable, or come off like " that creepy guy"

    Today I went to a hardwood store where I thought the woman at customer service was beautiful, so I eventually went up and said

    " Hey ! Is it ok if I say something ? I just wanted to say that I think you are beautiful".

    She smiled and said thanks!, Where I said you are welcome with a smile and I then left.

    Thoughts on this ? Is this kind of trapping her since she's at work ? Is there acceptable times and places this is ok?

    I'm not necessarily looking for her number , but mainly just looking to put myself out there and in uncomfortable situations so I can become better and better at it.

    Thanks !
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  2. omegasigma

    omegasigma Fapstronaut

    You are over thinking this too much , you went up to her said what you honestly felt and left without any sort of expectation , and walked out , there is nothing wrong with any of it , you did well .
    Also if you are looking to approach women avoid complimenting her too much or at all except for when you first walk up to her to say what you like about her , until you get to a place where you can compliment without any sort of expectation and be genuine they will just come off as a bribe for sex .
    Good luck .
    NF SINCE BIRTH and hulkfresh23 like this.
  3. You fully expressed what you felt and moreover without expecting anything in return.
    That's really brave

    You can compliment women as much as you want. As long as there is nothing behind those compliments and you don't need them to be at peace with who you are.
    It's not really what you say that counts, it's what you sub-communicate.

    Tell yourself that you are communicating what you think of yourself whether you want to or not.
    Bringing compassion, unconditional love is surely the best way to seduce a woman.
    Because you don't need to use surface techniques and you are comfortable enough with who you are to bring positive emotions.

    Keep your identity. You have the right not to know what to say. Accept things as they are and dive into the unknown by expressing who you are, not the image you want to project
  4. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Store clerks / checkout girls are good to "practice" on. As long as you're not holding up other customers, I've found a lot of them will not only tolerate a little chit chat and even a compliment, but welcome it. Those are really safe, low-stakes encounters (for both of you) where you can get more comfortable interacting 1 on 1 with women and learning what they respond to positively.

    Restaurant servers and bartenders I wouldn't advise it as much unless they are showing clear interest in you first. Those gals are working for tips and the more of their time you take chatting them up, the less $$ they potentially make and they're not gonna be real keen on that.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  5. hulkfresh23

    hulkfresh23 Fapstronaut

    well done friend, i would say many advises about how to act at front of the girls i used to read a lot of seduce books... but the only thing i've found in all of those books is be yourself and be proud of it, the woman don't want a guy who say sorry they just want a guy who is proud about what doing. is you read book and clean cows... man be proud. i am not sure if you got me but that's it...
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Chefb87 like this.
  6. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    It is good for your confidence to go out there and make random comments to woman, maybe crack some chokes and move on with your day. Not only with pritty woman, also to the ones you don't like. Just for practice. I wouldn't compliment them, just casual small talk. Woman are bombarded with compliment every day in person a thru social media. Some will be ok by you calling them beautifull but for some you will appear a little creap and can react badly and put you into trouble.
    The other day I read an articule that a man got sprayed with gas in his face by a woman after he told her something nice on the street. So.. be aware of that.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Rev2.0 like this.
  7. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Generally speaking, the women who are "hot" in an Instagram model sort of way don't need to be told they're beautiful. They get that all the time. It's the ones who aren't trying so hard and you see something in particular in them that appeals to you, that you should compliment. Also, as a female friend advised me, compliments on an outfit, hairstyle, jewelry, color choice etc are less likely to get you into trouble than commenting on physical attributes. But "safe" isn't always the best play either and if you go that route you really need to be in a masculine frame as those are things women typically say to other women so you don't want to come off as feminine.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Chefb87 like this.
  8. I don't understand when you say that you should avoid saying compliments just because this woman gets a lot of compliments every day, guys.

    If you feel the need to be original just so you don't get rejected, accepted by society and please a girl, I don't call that freedom.

    A compliment, if there's nothing behind it, if it's just to express your vulnerability is the bravest thing you can do.

    Avoiding compliments for not doing what others do is a lie. Because you don't express your emotions, you feel the need to hide what you are feeling just so you don't get rejected and be accepted. I don't call that being free.

    The problem is not in complimenting, it is in what you think of yourself. If you are convinced that there is nothing to add to who you are, that you are complete as a person, that if she rejects you it won't change your day, complimenting is the best thing you can do. A man who compliments a woman and fully expresses his vulnerability without expecting anything is extremely attractive. But even without talking about it, he accepts himself as he is. He doesn't look for what works best with women or how not to be rejected.
    Complimenting can be seen as a lie if you expect something from this girl in return, but also as love for yourself and a willingness to express how you feel. This brings long term fulfillment and happy relationships.
    If you are in a state where you don't need to take something from the world but just welcoming every situations and sharing compassion, that's when it becomes unbelievable. If you're not in that state then you can decide now. You can realize you're enough and begin to take care of yourself instead of being in a constant struggle against yourself.

    Avoiding compliments to get what you want, to be accepted, not rejected. So this women perceives a certain image of yourself, is a lie. It is disrespectful towards yourself and this women. We don't want women to be attracted to our ego, the image we wan't to project. But to our deep identity. And expressing vulnerability is the best way to be at peace with who we are instead of looking for external solutions to fill an inner void. It's you talking, not the man you want to become (because you don't accept who you are right now, you don't wanna show any weaknesses...)

    Taking the risk of plunging into the unknown and saying "hey, you're lovely, I had to come" talking with your heart and all the love you feel for yourself. Also being able to walk away without needing her approval. that's self-love and purity. Don't try to play it safe by hiding what you feel and not expressing it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2021
  9. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    I get what you're saying but my point is, women who get told all the time that they're hot soon come to understand they have incredible power over 95 of every 100 guys they encounter. They use that power for all it's worth but over time they come to hate it. What they crave is a man who appeals to them but doesn't easily give away his power to her through excessive compliments or other beta behavior. If you can appeal to a gorgeous woman physically AND you can maintain your power to where she knows she has to prove herself to you (not vice versa like she's always experienced), then you have a good chance with her.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  10. Words don't matter. A man who has "beta" behavior as you say but doesn't care to have "beta" behavior is also extremely attractive.

    In my opinion Dating is about changing the perception of yourself. Not looking for what works best with women (alpha males and all that kind of bullshit you can find on the internet). Because you project what you think if yourself every single day when you talk to somebody. And even more to an attractive woman.

    If you act in a certain way (for example not giving power easily, power, what does It even mean...) because you think she will find it attractive, I don't call that freedom and honesty. Because you're still adopting a behavior to please a woman. It doesn't come from your deep identity. But the image you want to project. Your ego.

    As far as I am concerned, I won't change who I am to please. I won't tell myself I should use "push pull" technics to make her guess, or that kind of things based on ego and a need to exist in the eyes of others.
    Because self love in regards to dating is the highest value possible.
    When you love yourself, your presence alone is enough. You don't need to add anything to who you are anymore. Because you're enough. You don't care to be too kind or not know what to Say. You don't care to be imperfect because it's part of you and you're okay with it, you're human, not seeking perfection.

    You can leave without saying a single word if she doesn't respect you when you approach her. But also bring inconditionnal compassion. That's freedom. No more technics.

    True value comes from within. Otherwise it's a lie towards yourself and the world. It's adopting a behavior when inside we're still that sensitive man who wants to be himself so bad but can't. Because he doesn't like who he is. He feels the need to ask himself what works best with women because he thinks he isn't enough and he is missing something. He thinks he needs to add something to who he is in order to be complete. All his actions are based on getting something instead of giving and welcoming every situations with love
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2021
    Knascher6789 and Chefb87 like this.
  11. Roffelaar

    Roffelaar Fapstronaut

    Congrats bro, that's amazing to have the confidence and balls to do stuff like that!

    As others stated, do not overthink this. Aslong as you are in a public environment with many other people around, you are good to go to compliment women. I wouldn't go to a forest with nobody around and walk up to a random woman who is walking her dog or whatever. That's kind of creepy imo :p

    Smiling is very important though :)
    FezMan76, NF SINCE BIRTH and Chefb87 like this.
  12. The thing is, most men compliment a woman to get something in return. This compliment he makes has nothing do to with the woman and just with his expectations. When a man compliment a woman because of the real beauty he sees in her, just because of he is trying to express his authenitic truth it is gold and so rare in this world. No woman who is kind and gratious react bitchy to this honest approach. Like you do "Chefb68" in your approach, just spoke it out from your heart that you found her beautiful.
    And why a woman who you just have met should have a power over you? She has a power over you because you spoke out your truth? If you have a hidden agenda in your compliment, yes now she has the power over you! But if you do it wihtout any expectations and results-oriented you are 100% in your power. She could reject you or whatever happens, she coudn't take anything from you!
    Chefb87, NF SINCE BIRTH and Spirituss like this.
  13. I haven't read all the replies yet and im not a girl but I know a couple girls and know a thing or two about female perspectives. Telling someone that they are beautiful isn't necessarily a bad thing to say but it is pretty direct. If you do it in an over the top and flirty way you can get a very positive reaction.

    If you are nervous and find it hard to say the words it will come off as creepy in lack of a better word to describe it. It wont create positive emotions in her. I think what you did was a good step in the right direction but outright saying that someone is beautiful can also backfire if done badly.

    Less direct ways of complimenting women would be to say that her hair looks wonderful, comment her clothing, style posture, smile. It is more subtle and usually works better. Girls like a mystery so if you take it all away by being too direct too early then you might mess up. This was just a random though so you are good. Go out there and compliment more girls until it feels natural for you.
    Roffelaar and Chefb87 like this.
  14. I read most of the comments and I would say listen to most of the advice. Go out there. Saying that a girl is gorgeous from time to time without expecting anything in return is perfectly ok. Personally I would be more subtle but I sometimes find myself telling a girl that she is pretty. Some girls are pretty insecure and needs a direct compliment like that. But it is all situational. Say whatever comes to mind and dont care about the outcome. Over time you will figure out what works and what dont.