8 years Journey results in 3 year+1 year hard mode

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Shin Iu, Jan 13, 2021.

Do you expect an end of Nofap journey?

  1. Yes, just when I recoved sexually.

    14 vote(s)
  2. No, it might never ends because the darkenss is there.

    29 vote(s)
  3. I can't answer and I feel hopeless.

    7 vote(s)
  4. I am on! regardless the result and circumstance.

    28 vote(s)
  5. others

    2 vote(s)
  1. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    it's been my pleasure to know people trying hard here, as I remembered that I was one of you.

    I know that people don't have much time to read. I will put a summary here and a link at the end for people whoever want to read.

    As some of you knew that I was here and really active during years 2017 to 2018. I have to continue my hard mode through helping others in the these 2 years. Later on, Nofap becomes a habit and I didn't need much time on this website.

    However, as a return of appreciation and for the sick of the achievement. I will write the following tips:
    1. the purpose of Nofap is nothing to do with sex for me. Because I wanted to change my fate and I want hopes and miracles in my life!
    Another reason to have a purpose not related to sex is that fap is from sex regards it's porn or real physical activities. If the roots were not removed, then the journey can't last long.
    2. Never self-test! remember regardless you are a man or woman, using a phrase like "to see how long it lasts" or "how stronger you becomes to resist the urges" or " what if I watched porn and didn't relapse" or "I am different (everyone is different) and maybe my streak is long enough and no need to do it today" and so on.
    Then you will come to a point that you will fail.
    3. All I needed to focus on is today not how long will my streak be. Remember focus on long journey may give you lots pressure. All you need to do is to nofap for the day. if you can do it just one day for today and one day for tomorrow then it becomes 1 week and 2 month then 3 years, eventually.
    4. Write nofap notes and review them once a while. I am not a computer that store memories once and never lose them. I am not a god either that I predict the future and avoid mistakes. Therefore, my only way to work towards NOFAP is by studying it. Yes, that is right, you have to make notes and learn from people's mistake just like a course you took. The more efforts you put in and the higher score you will receive!

    Someone will keep adding their experience and doing their strikes. I knew that I'm not the only one. Maybe now, yet the future!

    Here is my detailed journey and I apologize for the hard reading since English is my 2nd language. Please let me know what needed to be explained and edited.
  2. FrenchOliver

    FrenchOliver Fapstronaut

    congrats dude

    hope I'll find the courage to do the same
    Aspect_16 and Shin Iu like this.
  3. abandcned

    abandcned Fapstronaut

    congrats! :)

    just want to ask some few things. sorry if this looks copied-and-pasted or looks like a spam, because I'm trying to ask others about quite the same thing on similar forum post, which happen to be among my most important concerns:
    1. what are the most tempting times/worst times that you've been through? how did you get through it?
    2. did some of your mental strategies fail you? did a mindset that brought you to PMO recovery fail you? if yes, does it happen once, or several times? how do you get through it?

    thank you!
    Shin Iu likes this.
  4. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    1. The most tempting moment is right after you reached nofap goal. For me, I failed after 3 years. So I did one more year to make sure I overcame it this year. Different people might have different scenarios. But as my guess, people commonly fail when they are happier or high. Because their guard dropped off at that moment. Also success can bring your guard down.
    Sorry for not checking your message earlier.
    I will answer questions 2 tomorrow
    abandcned likes this.
  5. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    2. I believe that I'm not alone and I'm not above the god. Pray for overcoming the PMO through God's help and must confess the evil desire inside my heart and make a prayer to correct it. The solution for mental strategy will be another mental strategy then another mental strategy. You will need an ultimate solution. You run a circle if believes 1: human can overcome everything if right strategy works. 2: science solves everything if you were good at it.
    The solution against your enemy is a quick kill not strategy. So as the evils inside.
    abandcned likes this.
  6. Congratulations man, about testing oneself is very true, I have been having this extreme depression a week ago and was seeing clearly how unhealthy and damaging porn really is therefore helping me tolerating the urges to relapse but as soon as I got mentally better and have been having healthy erections and thoughts, I masturbated once (which is my 2nd time I could get myself off without using porn since 8 years) and then started watching some Instagram models and softcore porn thinking it might be fine, I must get back to the road again and know that all these egotistical thoughts are nothing but my addiction deluding me and tricking me to fall back again.
    Shin Iu likes this.
  7. abandcned

    abandcned Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the replies, man!

    There was something about your answer to the second question that intrigues me, but I have a hard time pointing it out before. Here's the thing:

    You commented about things about how mental strategies are overtopping each other, as in the 'turtles all the way down' idiom, and how the solution is a quick kill instead of a mental strategy (I wish I got your message right). Can you elaborate on this? A good understanding on how this works might be really helpful.
  8. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    You caught up a good point. I had a training on it which needs bit explanation. I will answer this tomorrow
  9. abandcned

    abandcned Fapstronaut

    take your time :)
  10. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    I practice a line translated into: let the thought go immediately. if they came back, disconnect them quickly. In my mind when I said "disconnect", I use "kill" instead, which refers to "a quick kill" in my answer #2.
    Then this line becomes: let the thought go immediately. if came back, kill them all.
    the target of this training is to write this line at least 10,000 times then speak 20,000 times. I wrote it 20,000 times eventually this line kick in immediately each time in my mind when urge comes. Moreover, you can speak it in your mind more than once till the urges disappear.
    you can use psychology to explain this. People trained on it called it "spell" (not a bad spell).

    10,000 is the goal. Once you reach it, you mind can defend you instead lure you.

    Also remember never test your limit (spell won't work if you choose to let urge start from your mind on purpose).
  11. So now only controlled orgasm after marriage? I mean seems like you want to avoid sin.
  12. abandcned

    abandcned Fapstronaut


    Again, thanks for the reply!

    I relapsed again today after a failed attempt on dopamine detox, so I returned to this forum.

    After seeing your reply, I did it immediately for 20 minutes; got around 55 lines on first try. Alongside your example, I wrote something like "Your brain lies often. There's always a better option". On my first try, I wrote your line 22 or 23 times and my example on a similar amount, so it's 22+23=55 times. I'll try to make it a habit for at least 40 minutes a day (especially when urges increase), so I can write 100 times per day.

    The reason I made my own line is, I'm trying to emphasize to myself how all the mental rationalizations and anxieties lie to me (hence why mental strategies might fall into the same bullcrap [thank you for the awareness]; they probably are.. a meta-rationalization of relapse rationalizations masked as a solution to relapses), and how the 'better option' (that is, being calm in the faced of perceived 'doom' that my anxiety convinced me) is always available, given that being calm is meaningful (because of the resilience it creates).

    However, there are some discomfort: I try to write those in a secluded place so everybody won't see me doing something that looks weird with a perceivably ambiguous message that might worry them.

    What do you think of these? And by the way, how did you eventually reach 20,000? How did the habit/activity of writing those affect you gradually, on your way to 10,000 or 20,000?
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
  13. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately, you have to overcome your anxiety and try to do it half an hour to one hour each day. I did daily for half a year more so to reach 20000
    abandcned likes this.
  14. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Interesting concept, I use something similar but just in my mind. I interrupt the "pop-up" of fantasy immediately with it. I think anyone can come up with their own "mantra", if you will, to eliminate the thought and guide your brain in the right direction. I had not thought of writing it down as you mentioned. I'll start to do that as of today, thank you for sharing your insights brother!
    Shin Iu likes this.
  15. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    My pleasure, all the best!
    Redemptionisrequired likes this.
  16. abandcned

    abandcned Fapstronaut

    I'm finishing my 5th day, currently on the 514th line today.... However, I relapsed a night earlier.

    But to be honest, the method somehow also worked on my anxiety. I actually believed that embracing feelings do matter in the way I become more human and more vulnerable (in a good way), but when the anxiety takes way too long of time, I believe it's pure bullshit. Hence your method making sense: "...if they come back, kill them all". Within the first three days, I feel as if I'm invincible to almost all distractions.

    This is why I chose to carry on with this method: I don't know if it eventually worked for me almost absolutely on the 10,000th time or 20,000th time (one method might work for a person but not for another), but if it has an effect on the short term, I'll do it regardless of whether the long term result will satisfy or fail me. If it works long term as expected, that's a big jackpot; if it fails long term, at least I know there's still a good influence or two from the method.

    However, since the recent relapse/in the last 24 hours, I've been more prone to distractions. I know I should've been "letting it go on the first time, then kill it if it comes back" but I'm already in a looping 'circle' of distractions. Tried to be more mindful under the 'circle'; sometimes it helped to get me out of it, sometimes not.

    Is this normal in your experience, especially on the early days of yours?

    (However, thank you for the method, will continue doing it.)

    ps, good thing: I've been doing this habit more openly on the sight of others in my family, they seemed to be okay with it.
  17. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    I think if you image the life and death of power of kill. For example, what is the feeling at the moment of being killed ? Think how you slice meat or vegetable. Use the same feeling when you kill urges. Quick and deadly. Then your spell would work better.

    Thanks for your efforts in trying it.
  18. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    Once the number accumulated to couple thousands you speed of cast the spell is twice or three times faster. Once reach 20,000. Your spell can be casted in 0.1 second and finished in 0.2 second. Think about the line you used the most through your life. When it showed in brain it's less than 1 second.
  19. Edwards

    Edwards Fapstronaut

    Hey : anyone one with tips on how to overcome this physical withdrawal symptoms ,they are killing me , currently at day 21
  20. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    What is physical withdrawal symptoms? You mind needing a doctor if nofap was not helping