Let's make a list of withdrawal symptoms

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by gogibasket, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. 60 km hiking in one day. Wew lad.
    Boink likes this.
  2. Boink

    Boink Fapstronaut

    :-D Yeah, i do it every sunday when it isn't too hot. It makes you totally stronger on different levels. Check out all the benefits when you're hiking. It can relieve insomnia and improve sleep, memory and brain function. Look for brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Working out is important.
    Henryforward likes this.
  3. I do hike and run myself brother. I did 15 kms last Saturday. Just 60 seems insane haha. Was that mountains and how long it take?
  4. Boink

    Boink Fapstronaut

    I start in the morning and get back in the evening. 12h30 minutes. No mountains. Some minor hills and flat dusty back roads. 90% nature. If you think it's insane: I know people who do 200km in 36 hours without sleeping. I don't see the point of that. These long hikes are doing something positive with your body and brain/mind. Stronger, healthier and more endurance. It gives me a slower heartbeat. It's perhaps out of the ordinary, but what is ordinary these days is being lazy. At first it was an experiment, 2 years ago. It gives me the energy I need. Makes me think that growing old is just a lack of excercise? It did not give clear thoughts, focus and concentration. That is why I am doing this NoFap thing for 100 days. Reading about the withdrawal symptoms from others helps me to understand mine.
  5. Boink

    Boink Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you are having a migraine...
  6. Boink

    Boink Fapstronaut

    I am not a MD, but read a lot about it. What you are facing might be higher levels of cortisol. A blood test might give you an answer, or you could take vitamine D. That will push back the cortisol. I take 2 x 25,000 IU's a week. No sleeping issue's overhere, but I use to have them in all my previous attempts. Then I found out that my cortisol level was too high and vitamine D level too low.
    Andy1517 likes this.
  7. A.L.X.

    A.L.X. New Fapstronaut

    I am on day 723 of no PMOing and day 32 of Hard mode (I have to say I had (Hard mode) relapses sometimes while on the journey like watching porn but not masturbating... But never doing the three things at the same time)

    Nofap has definitely improved my life for the better. Most of the times during the journey I felt really positive and like I'm at the top of the world (loads of motivation, confidence, no anxiety, more focus, strong sexual desire for a partner...) but then sometimes I suffered the dark side of Nofap. Here is the list o withdrawal symptoms of the dark side:
    • Anger: Being annoyed by the slightest thing.
    • Irritability
    • Sadness: I got gust to wanting to cry over stupid things.
    • Sleep quality decreases
    • Mild depression
    • Not wanting to be around others
    • Lack of focus
    • Low libido: Rarely I would get periods of time (e.g. a week) in which my erections would be really weak
    • Blue balls: Sometimes I would be fantasising too much that it will lead to blue balls
    • Question myself if I should stop this challenge
  8. LonelyStranger2020

    LonelyStranger2020 Fapstronaut

    -Head and chest pain
    -Bad character
    -feel less
    -Social anxiety

    Just a heads up you need to do something else which is slighly fun to get your healthy dopamine. I lean towards nice food and something good heavenly music. No demonic raps or anything. Only nice clean lyrics. No swear words etc as that can break our energy forcefield for demonic possession.
    Henryforward likes this.
  9. LonelyStranger2020

    LonelyStranger2020 Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you have lustful jinns (spirits). Keep your body clean and purem stop all forms of sins. Repent and look these things on youtube.
    Henryforward likes this.
  10. Do you know much on this topic?
    What about dreams and night experiences. How do you keep them clean?
  11. 野良西木

    野良西木 Fapstronaut

    Wet dreams will be there, I don't believe there's any way to avoid them, as living creature reproduction is hardwired into us.
    Trying to stop what you are will only make it worse, when you dream of it, just let it be and don't dwell on it, get on with life and it'll dissapear.
    Henryforward likes this.
  12. Self-Conquest

    Self-Conquest Fapstronaut

    On longer streaks
    • anhedonia
    • tiredness
    • loss of previously gained confidence & women attraction for longer periods of time. This makes you question if you will ever experience the benefits again.
    • waking up to early and having difficulty sleeping again afterwards
    • less enjoyment in everyday things (feeling a little like a robot / zombie)
  13. Currently on day 8. What I’m feeling is:
    • Sleeplessness
    • Irritability - the slightest wrong thing someone says to me I over analyze and get extremely offended and obsess over it for days.
    • Anger which sometimes leads to bitterness towards all people - even to those that have done nothing wrong to me.
    • Loneliness
    • Social anxiety - I feel like I have to concentrate really hard just to maintain a conversation, and when I do it doesn’t flow out smoothly or feel natural.
    • Lack of motivation and energy
    • Occasional panic attacks when I’m surrounded by people.
    hsb0617 likes this.
  14. Self-Conquest

    Self-Conquest Fapstronaut

    already 53 days without a wet dream. I think i even never had one in my whole life. I think people differ on this aspect a lot. Some get a lot of wet dreams others don't. I am on hard mode. So also no GF and thus no O.

    But it's true. when they happen they happen. There's nothing you can do about it.
  15. Self-Conquest

    Self-Conquest Fapstronaut

    Thats tough. Looks like your serotonin (GABA-precursor) or GABA is depleted or your GABA receptors aren't yet healed from the heavy porn use.
    I call GABA the brakes of the brain. GABA enables the body and mind to relax and fall asleep, and sleep soundly throughout the night. Low GABA activity is linked to insomnia and disrupted sleep.

    Because of heavy porn use the balance between your bodies braking and accelerating system is off. It takes time before it heals naturally.

    Tips to speed up the proces.
    • take a high quality vitamin b complex supplement (preferably sublingual to increase absorption) after breakfast combined with one magnesium glycinate supplement (why: vitamin B6 is a co-factor for endogenous production of GABA. Magnesium and vitamin b work synergetically. Next to that Magnesium works together with melatonin (your natural sleep hormone) the achieve better sleep. People with magnesium deficiency tend to get insomnia or wake up very early in the night. MAke sure the magnesium supplement is in a highly bioavailable form (in the glycinate form)
    • try taking another magnesium supplement an hour before sleep (note: without vitamin B, because the latter will make you too active again)
    • try the wim hof breathing method before sleep (it trains and triggers the parasymphatic nervous system response aka braking pedal).
    • try stopping alcohol for 3 ot 4 weeks altogether. Although if you are a heavy drinker it could trigger an increase in insomnia in the beginning. Alcohol fucks up your GABA system. I can relate (because i am 150 days sober and have seen much improvements.
    • take zinc picolinate supplement. it helps to have less wake-ups in the night, and also has a calming & antidepressant effect.
    • take a good omega 3 supplement (without omega 6). Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with sleep problems. Studies in both children and adults reveal that supplementing with omega-3 increases the length and quality of sleep
    • buy proper eye blinders to prevent early morning light causing a drop in melatonin and thus ability to sleep.
    • ventilate your room (keep it cool, around 17 degrees, it helps with sleep)
    • go out in nature much more (go running or walking). It calms the nervous system and Vitamin D regulates sleep.
    • Exercise 2 to 3 times a week. I helps with sleep. But don't do it within 3 hours of getting to sleep, because your body temperature and heartbeat will be too high to be able to get proper sleep.
    There are even more tips, but i am heading to bed now.
    Cyberpunk3000 and Dave G 123 like this.
  16. tigate

    tigate Fapstronaut


    Worth watching ^^^
  17. Fahim_1002

    Fahim_1002 Fapstronaut

    It just ruin your life.
  18. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing this video
    tigate likes this.
  19. Nagos

    Nagos Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hey man. I'm at day 89 and I feel like shit. Seems like we both need a little longer. I don't know when this nightmare ends.
    Henryforward likes this.
  20. hsb0617

    hsb0617 Fapstronaut

    Brain fog, depression, anxiety, emptiness, lack of concentration, social avoidance, unrealism, feeling like I'm not myself, wanting to do anything, schizophrenia, fatigue
    NoFap is 91th day, No porn is 75th day.
    I had used porn for 3 year.
    When can I recover?