Feel like I've wasted my younger years

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by luke775, Jul 28, 2021.

  1. luke775

    luke775 Fapstronaut

    I'm only 19 so I probably am still considered "young" to alot of people but I can't help but thinking that I've wasted my younger years and it's annoying me. I turn 20 soon and feel like I wasted my teens by using PMO, eating crap, and playing video games.

    I'm starting to improve myself now but I feel so sad that I've never experienced "young love" or had a girlfriend in high school or anything. Now all my friends are going to university and will be working full-time jobs soon. I guess I just feel like everyones growing up and I don't want to because I feel like I missed my teens, if this makes sense? And i'll never get those years back or have fun as a teen again.

    I wish i spent my teen years sneaking out and going to parties, having fun, sneaking into pools with girls and just adventuring. But instead I spent most of them watching porn and playing video games. I'm happy that I'm changing now but it just really annoys me for some reason. Does anyone have any advice? Would be really appreciated! Thanks guys :)
  2. Past is a memory. You dont know if its real or just a dream, so why waste time thinking about it. All you had us now and work on that. Listen get out of this coom matrix asap, unless you will waste all your 20s and regret about it in 30s. Now you have an angel call to rebuild your life. Do that save your seed.
    I am 25 years old. My longest streak is 21 for past years. Watching porn since 2009. Everyday in my life i think of my past days and always want to correct it. I had wasted all my years. So my advice is start to uplift your soul. Dont sit at your home looking at the nofap timer. It wont change you. Take a notebook, plan your every fucking day so you won't waste anymore days. Don't watch porn, dont waste semen, this are the words which will help you.
  3. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    You're still young, better stop wasting now that you can. [​IMG]
    Vanquisher12 and ForceMaster like this.
  4. ForceMaster

    ForceMaster Fapstronaut

    Bro !!! you're still young super young man !!! you think 20 is old ?!!!!!!! c'mon bro !!!!!!!!!!! i can relate deeply to everything you mentioned , I'm currently 29 and a half years old , and I've never felt more alive , even though having wasted my entire 20's just dickin around being confused not following a specific professional career or a passion and just just aimlessly jumping from job to job without any plan , and i never really experienced that party lifestyle you're talking about , in my teens i talked and 20's i talked to a few girls here and there but until now i never even kissed or hugged a girl let alone bang one lol , i did used to drink alcohol in my mid 20's but it just sucked it always caused negative outcome internally and externally , don't drink alcohol , you can reach that high state when you practice presence and raise your vibrational frequency , anyways , i went throw a spiritual transformation in 2020 last year which made me realize an alternate version or a parallel dimension of experiencing reality , but that's a story for another time , so just realize this bro , here are a few things i would tell to my 20 years old self , actually now that i think about it this feels like multidimensional travel , as if i'm communicating with my past self or another version of myself from a parallel dimension , lol , anyways , i wish someone smacked me on the head hard when i was 20 years old with these following stuff , but nonetheless it's not too late for me either , and the most important thing is to learn from mistakes and move on , not dwell on them and waste more time , so here they go :

    #1- Let Go of the story / identity you have for yourself , that you keep upholding and defending , you're not gonna die when you release it , you're gonna come back to life , or more like life will shine throw you .

    #2- Allow yourself to fuck up within reasonable amount , meaning when you're young the whole world is exciting and an adventurous place , and you feel like wanna experience everything and try many things to the point that it can get confusing and frustrating , the thing is , there is scarcity on clock time , so give yourself a limited space at first to experience many things and try different things at once , and find out what tickle your pickle , what makes you "come" alive , what sets your soul on fire when you do it , and go ahead and do that , and spend your 20's building up and grinding in that profession , business , industry , field , endeavor , activity , hobby , whatever it is , but you can't afford to waste 10 years still searching for your true calling or your true life's purpose , the thing that you have genius level natural talent in , that everybody has but unfortunately they're doing something else , or not doing anything at all , secondly , when you're in your 20's you may not have the most financial abundance , so if your passion for example is collecting Pokémon cards or playing video games , chances are you're not gonna be able to make a lot of money and support yourself financially doing that activity , so you need to find a source or multiple sources of income , it could be a regular job or an online endeavor , maybe start a YouTube channel learn graphic designing and start a print on demand store online all for free , maybe when you get a regular job that doesn't necessary have to be hard and boring or stressful , it could be fun , you could make it fun , something that's still kind of relatable to you like for example if you like interacting with people then get a job in face to face client support ect... , so you could save up some money from that job and invest it in an online entrepreneurial endeavor like maybe drop shipping or drop servicing , there are an abundance of online income sources , all you have to do is put in a little effort and the ability to learn and apply the knowledge , and while you're grinding on your journey , your true soul's purpose will manifest by itself , as long as you keep it in the for front of your mind , you will find it , or more like it will find you , when you made and saved up even more money , you're gonna have the advantage of doing more of what you already know you love deep down without worrying about money , and you ill find that you're purpose is that or something similar or of the same nature as what you already love , for example , if when you were a kid you liked playing around or talking a lot , chances are your purpose is something in the entertainment industry or show business , or something that involves public speaking or maybe extreme sports or stunts , ect.., you get my point , you're gonna know it , you're gonna feel it , but don't sit around doing nothing waiting to find your purpose , you feel me !

    #3- Enjoy the Journey , at the end of the day , on a grander scale , it doesn't really matter all that much , this may sound depressing but i assure you it's the opposite , it feels depressing to the false self but to you , it's liberating , it matters to you weather you're healthy or sick , rich or poor , good looking or ugly , successful or a failure , but on the greater scale of life or existence , or even this temporary world we're in , it doesn't really matter that much bro , NO ONE CARES , trust me , even your parents , yes they love you , but even after the most influential supernatural divine humans died like Jesus or other Prophets the world continued on and moved on , so if you died right now , just 6 to 11 people at most who would be effected by it for a while and then they'll move on with their life , again this is depressing only from the perspective of this mortal finite physical existence , but from the spiritual eternal perspective this actually relieving and liberating , so again , don't give to much energy or attention to what anyone thinks or say about you or your life , even me , if someone wants to give you advice , consider it and process it and filter it from your own lens and live a life that at the end you would feel proud of yourself saying man that was the life i really milked that life to the fullest , not living someone else's life , or what someone keeps telling you what you should or should not do , for example if your parents are doing that , or if you see all your friends living a certain lifestyle and you just wanna imitate them to not feel left out of the group and feel that you belong in the tribe , when in reality you have no interest in any of that shit , if you feel like you wanna run away into the woods and live on the margins of society among the trees and animals and survive and eat from and in nature , then so be it , but remember that even that can be 2 edged sword as just sitting around meditating all day in cave pretending to be "spiritual" can cause the opposite internally can cause depression and frustration and apathy , you will be numbed and emotionally dead , we as human beings are naturally active creatures , we're wired to movement and taking action , and facing challenges and over coming them , you want your life to have meaning , give your life the meaning , have something so dear to you're heart vision that makes you want to live for it and even die for it , some people may have their purpose as to be spiritual meditator or guru of some sort and inspire people in that way , but the majority of people are not like that , so we feel alive the most when we do and take action that is meaningful and fulfilling and we keep progressing and overcoming challenges towards a meaningful and fulfilling goal or a vision , that's where we feel the most alive , trust me , when you go on a relaxing vacation and sit at the beach for a few days it's gonna be amazing , then you're gonna feel rust and frustrated , when you're practicing spiritual presence , after a while the result becomes the work itself to you, so you detach emotionally form the outcome , like no longer having the fear of failure and the result is the doing itself , the result is taking the action itself , that's the result !!!!!

    Peace :emoji_grinning:
  5. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    I’m 33 and have been rebooting for 2 years. After reading this I feel younger than you! You sound like you’re 49 going on 50. Relax, recover and enjoy life. You have plenty of time!
  6. Vegan Beast

    Vegan Beast Fapstronaut

    EVERYONE goes through a stage where they think they've fucked up man. It's all part of learning.
  7. ForceMaster

    ForceMaster Fapstronaut

    Dam you're Vegan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Vegan too bro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :emoji_smiley:
  8. Lucid111

    Lucid111 Fapstronaut

    I am 27 and I can relate to your story! But 19 is still young man! Forgive yourself for your past, that means giving up the hope that it can be different. It is what it is, it was like it was, accept it, learn the lesson and move on.
    Vanquisher12 and ForceMaster like this.
  9. josedelamuerte

    josedelamuerte Fapstronaut

    Don't be ridiculous. You're about 6 years away from starting your "younger years".

    You've been watching too much American TV - so you think high-school and college are these never ending parties and everyone's hooking up and having fun. Truth is, for many if not most of us it's just sh**. I only had my first kiss when I was 20, and during the few relationships that followed I was so nervous about losing them that I wasn't really enjoying them. Didn't start to loosen up and have actual fun until my thirties (and even now it's a struggle), and many people are like that. It doesn't make them flawed. We're all working through our issues.

    Chill out, and know that there endless opportunities waiting for you, also tomorrow and next year. People don't die at thirty. Or forty. Heck, my dad's 63 and he has a new girlfriend - and she's not old-and-gross or anything :emoji_smile:
  10. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Agreed, while school, college and university may seem like havens for romance and even sex, particularly for those who are doing namby-pamby subjects like Psychology and Sociology, for those who are actually serious about doing well and getting qualifications it is a hard and dull but ultimately productive road. I in particular had a bad time at university, the course I studied was very hard, I rarely got any time at all to go to the university clubs and societies (usually only managed to go to the Games Society some Wednesdays, and even then I could only spend a couple of hours there as I had to get on the bus and train home afterwards in decent time). I also attribute the stress I endured at University as the reason I got into porn. But I got a 2:1 at the end of it, plus all my GCSEs and A-Levels from school and college, which is what will matter in later life and is what's been giving me interviews with tech companies, whereas those party animals will most likely end up having poorly-paid menial jobs stacking shelves and emptying rubbish into dustbin lorries, because they didn't make use of their time in the ways that mattered. Everyone is only at school, college and university once in their life, might as well make use of that time to get your grades under your belt first and foremost.

    Like you @luke775 I also feel some regret at not getting into a relationship in my teens, particularly because in my case I met several lovely girls I got on really well with and fitted my requirements, and due to a past issue made no effort to engage with them beyond chatting in a friendly way. I know just how you feel.

    However, I've learned that just because the past hasn't been too fantastic in the love department, it doesn't mean the future won't be the same - not at least if you're willing to take action and get out into the real world with an optimistic mindset. COVID is messing this up for all of us, but in time its threat will pass and everyone will be vaccinated, at which point normal life can begin again. Both of us have our twenties ahead of us, and there is potential to meet loads of girls in those years. I met all those girls I liked in the past 8 years, so I can easily meet the same number, or even more, girls like them in the next 8 years. The same applies to you. Spend this time going to clubs and societies that allow you to enjoy your passions and try out new ones - not only will you meet girls with at least one shared interest (which is always important because you can use that as the basis of a connection), they will like you more when you're enjoying yourself in their presence and doing what you enjoy alongside them, because they'll know you're a confident man who embraces his passions, meaning you'll have a better chance of attracting them. What's more you'll meet guys and girls you can just be friends with, and in addition to being there for you and having your back, these people may well end up introducing you to more girls you find attractive.

    But for now, focus on getting rid of PMO, and enjoy your video games and anything else you do indoors, while you have the time to do so, because when you do start your social life and your career, the time you'll have for those things will vanish faster than water in the Sahara.

    I do feel constrained to find a girlfriend and embark on a long-term relationship before I'm 30, in particular because I'm looking for a girl who's preserved her virginity (as I myself have) and because I want to marry and have a family of my own before I'm 40 (while human lifespans have grown, human reproductive systems still don't last into old age), but I'm seeing this as just one more incentive for me to get out and about with other people and practicing my social skills once I've got my second vaccine and people stop dying!

    @luke775 The thing to learn is to just remain positive about life, and maintain the idea that things can change, and will, in the future, providing you put the work into it now with the aim of savouring those sweet rewards!
    ForceMaster likes this.
  11. You got a point. American kids are forced to growing up fast. No wonder they think 20's, 30's, 40's or 50's are old age and life seems to end. Also they are expected to settle down, have a career, have kids, figure out life and done a lot of shit before 30's.
    I'm not native but I used to binge watching Hollywood movies and tv shows, or music videos where young artists seem to be rich or living the life. Basically I wanted to do the exact same thing at young age till I'm grown and realised everything has its time.
  12. Where you learn you can't be reproductive past 40's? Heck you are a man. Therefore you can still have kids even in your 60's.

    Post remind of young dude who killed himself at 19 years old because he lost a lot of money due to gambling(some like that).
    ForceMaster likes this.
  13. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    That is true, but a man's erectile capability and fertility is considerably less in his 50s-60s than when he is younger. I'd rather aim to have a family at the age of around 35-40 to keep a balance between having a good chance of successful sexual performance and conception, being able to raise my offspring with a wiser head on my shoulders and being able to watch them grow up and have children of their own before I die. To be honest my mindset is still a lot more patient than most people my age - one of my old schoolfriends from my year, for example, a guy of 22-23, is already married with a 1-2 year old son, and to myself I just think he's seriously rushing things. I certainly couldn't envision myself doing all that so quickly (partly because I haven't ;) and partly because I really want to make sure I have a strong unshakable bond with a girl before deciding to settle down with her and give her my virginity).

    Also I don't want to have to look for a woman 20 years younger than me or more to help fulfil my goals, given a lot of young women who seek men that are that much older than them are gold diggers. I'm determined to avoid those types at all costs.
  14. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    They aren't all gold diggers; some younger women do genuinely like older men. Oftentimes, it's because they didn't have a father figure in their early life and are subconsciously seeking that. Psychologists call this a father complex, which is also colloquially known as "daddy issues." It's not necessarily a bad thing if you find one of those types. Just go with it. You're fulfilling each other's needs.
    ForceMaster and Vanquisher12 like this.
  15. Not necessarily, Some men do find young women more attractive if not MOST. Mys3lf, I probably give my woman a good 10 to 15 years of age difference. Let's say I'm 40, she'll need to be 25-30.
    ForceMaster likes this.
  16. I know plenty of women who have father in their lives, but they still chose older men. Usually the latter tend to be more mature, financially capable, and more stable. Women usually looking for safety and a protector so their children could have a better chance to survive.
    ForceMaster and Vanquisher12 like this.
  17. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    Are you saying Viagra doesn't give a man a hard enough erections if they are in their 50s and beyond? Because I'm relying on that as a last hope saloon. I don't think I'm quite old enough to bother with Viagra at the moment.

    However, as a soon to be 38 y/o virgin who had no life whatsoever, I can confirm to the OP that it's truly soul destroying to be me.

    I wish you all the best.
    ForceMaster likes this.
  18. ForceMaster

    ForceMaster Fapstronaut

    Dam Bro your dad is 63 and got a hot girlfriend ?! what a pimp !!! what's his secret dose he has good game with women , is he rich , good looking or charismatic ect........ ? or dose he has a big dick ? LoL :emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy:
  19. ForceMaster

    ForceMaster Fapstronaut

    for real bro , they sell that "American Dream" in their media constantly , weather living the pimp life-style with the hoe's and parties in a big mansion and super cars , or the marriage and kids and stable job life-style or whatever other boxes people get put into unconsciously !!!
    Freeddom_Taker and Vanquisher12 like this.
  20. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Those are fair arguments, and if I happened to not find a girl who really loved me until I was 35-40, and she happened to be a good deal younger than me but still genuinely and truly loved me for my stability and maturity, that'd be wonderful, especially if she would be happy to bear my children and help me raise them. But it's trying to tell the difference between such girls, and those that manipulate older men to leech off their finances while courting younger lovers behind their backs that's the problem (ironically I have just watched an episode of 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' with this scenario as part of the plot). Navigating through this minefield and seeking the former without ending up with the latter would be a challenge to say the least if I were forced into this position.

    I'm saying that it becomes difficult for a man to get erections unaided when in his 50s and beyond. I want to have erections without using Viagra for as long as possible, because I'm concerned that once you start using it your body will become dependent upon it.
    Freeddom_Taker and ForceMaster like this.