
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Meshuga, Sep 12, 2021.

  1. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    I'm not talking about the fear based etiological myth to explain wet dreams. I'm thinking of the more well-known version, the fantasy monster, the D&D encounter you need a Will save to pass. I always thought it should be Int. based instead, I mean come on. You live in a world of gods, dragons, and actual, physical demons. You're an adventurer, out and about, tangling with sundry monsters, traps, and curses that are all out to kill you. A sensuous, mysteriously captivating woman comes out of the blue and she's desperate to ride your knob. Dude. She has ulterior motives. Of course she wants to eat your soul, you slug-witted ninny! You'd have to have the brains of a gelatinous cube to fall for it.

    And yet, I did. So did you. What the literal Hell, people.

    It's not a perfect analogy, but it's scary how close the parallels run between the fantasy demon that survives by consuming your sexual energy, and good old porn. You started porn as a kid, right? Virtually all of us did; no status, bad skin, a cracking voice, insecure and awkward. No real life woman would give us a second glance, but here was this drop-dead gorgeous angel, baring it all, smiling, encouraging. You can watch. It's okay. I want to do this. I want to show you.
    Dude. She had ulterior motives, not to eat your soul, obviously, but she for damn sure didn't do it because she was horny. The actress did it for money, she did it for porn, then porn turned around and lied to us.
    And no, porn doesn't necessarily eat your immortal soul. Do we even have one? We don't know, we can't prove it, but I'll tell you what porn does eat. We all know. Some more than others, we've all paid a price and most of us keep paying it. She eats our confidence. She eats our ambition. She promises a wet, sloppy BJ, then sucks the life right out of our dicks. She leaves us flaccid and spent, but not happy: we're lonely and sad instead.
    She said we could use her until we found someone else, and then she'd leave us alone, but she lied. She promised us we could keep her on the side, that she wouldn't interfere with our real life relationship, but she lied. Porn is a hateful, jealous b****: she tolerates no rival.
    She said she was harmless. The Jews and the Christians, they warned us she was evil, but who listens to them? Superstitious, sanctimonious, sex-phobic and anti-rational zealots, their objections are practically an endorsement. She's nothing! She's an idea! Just pixels and audio, at the very worst a mere waste of time. If it were so bad, why isn't this so-called "addiction" even recognized in the DSM? It's hard to know exactly what pornography does to us, because science refuses to take it seriously, but we know it does something. We know it does a lot. We come here suspecting she's stolen our erections, our self respect, and our self control. Those of us who manage to painfully cut her out of our lives, if only for a month or two, find she's stolen so much more; our clear thoughts, our strong desires, our competence, our vibrancy. Porn makes us unable to recognize the subtleties of emotion in a mate or potential mate, or unable to care. She turns kind men into selfish lovers, and gentle men into violent freaks. She turns strong, thoughtful, dependable men asking for intimacy into grovelling, self-centered "nice guys" begging for sex. Those are the lucky ones, getting off light. Those of us that fall more completely under her curse have our own natures twisted; we become sissies and slaves, shelling out our money and our dignity, feeling abused, feeling the wrongness of it all but unable to stop feeding ourselves to it and all the while, voices inside and voices without say, "This is who you are now. Maybe this is who you have always been. You will never be free. You don't deserve to be."

    I don't want anyone to take this metaphor too far or too literally. Porn actresses are not succubi. Porn is the succubus and she wears a hundred thousand bodies, abusing them as harshly as she abuses yours. They don't deserve our vitriol or accusations; if anything they deserve our compassion and if we can't manage that, or the individuals don't want it, the most constructive thing we can offer is our indifference. Porn is not a person or people, it's a fantasy, an idea. You can't fight this demon with iron or holy water, or by spamming Twitter, for that matter. You fight it by quitting, and you can find the resources to do so elsewhere on the site, and support for it on the forum.

    I don't know if it helps anyone else to think about it in such melodramatic, fantastical terms, but I know it helps me. One of the things I like about Fantasy as an entertainment genre, is that good and evil are often well defined, in contrast to real life which is so relative and complicated. One thing I know for sure, though, despite the scoffers and rationalists, the science apologists, pop culture, the branches of feminism that support sex work, Wikipedia, and your own supposedly forward thinking and open minded, but ignorant and possibly addicted friends and family, a seductive demon stalks among us. Her name is Porn.
  2. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Beautiful written, good insight and great analogy. Thank you for sharing
    Vanquisher12 and Meshuga like this.
  3. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    As a dirty porn addict I refuse to accept this analogy, that although beautifully written, pictures me, and the rest of us, as the victims of a treacherous thing.

    There is only one treacherous thing involved in all this, and is ourselves,our own stupidity.

    I honestly, and maybe this is denialism as I fight my own battles, don't like to picture porn, and the people who do it, as evil, or with ill intent.

    I like to picture it as what it is, at least to me, something very strong, hard to control, that can consume you, more like a sword that will decrease your stats overtime if you don't pass the save rolls whenever it tries to pull you deeper into it and control your soul and consume you, like any drug addiction basically, I know people, that can have a couple of beers in the weekend, and don't drink during the week, I don't, I know people that can smoke weed once each two weeks or once a month or a year, I don't, I'm not saying anyone should do those things, I had to stop both of them, totally. And I think, that although considering the nature of this forum most will disagree as it turns into an echo-chamber of porn addicts, I believe, the same deal with porn.

    Is a matter of lacking control over oneself, that's all there is to it, in my opinion.
    E31 likes this.
  4. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Complicit victims. I don't mean to shift blame.

    Every addiction is different. I think perhaps porn's best comparison is with casino gambling. Always addicting? Of course not. Always devastating to the user? Not catastrophically, no. But is it harmless to those who aren't addicted? No. It's a waste, for cheap thrills, and always pure poison to the addict. I've read too much in the Problematic Sexual Behavior section, too much in the Rebooting in a Relationship section, and I've experienced too much of a change in my own life, to be so easy on porn. I'm 100% for accepting personal responsibility, but I can do that while still naming porn as inherently evil.

    I'm not calling for a ban, btw. Like I said, personal responsibility. I'm calling for us to fight against it in our own lives; set your own house in order before you try to save the world.
    calpoop, SickSicko and E31 like this.
  5. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    This, for me, is just the most wholesome thread I've seen in a while.
    Funny that I actually consumed some hypnotic files with exactly that succubus theme, it was like a fantasy of giving away your free will totally in order to just experience pleasure. Wouldn't recommend combining that with lsd tho, shit will haunt you for real :D
    Meshuga likes this.
  6. calpoop

    calpoop Fapstronaut


    I also find that this mythological view of it all keeps me going. Really well written!
    Meshuga likes this.
  7. calpoop

    calpoop Fapstronaut

    I think the OP has done a good job distinguishing between Porn as this kind of abstract fantasy being and the people that it consumes. All this PMO stuff tends to sap away our creativity, our ability to reimagine the world. One of the best ways to fight back is to create an even grander, fantastic storyline, if only to regain some sense of personal volition and agency over a world we've felt victimized by for so long.

    By focusing on creating even grander concepts of the evil that we're fighting, we save ourselves from blaming specific individuals involved in the porn while also enabling us to recognize evil for what it is.
    SickSicko likes this.
  8. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Death to porn! Porn is diabolic and needs to be destroyed.

    Very nice post Meshuga!
    Meshuga likes this.
  9. FrequencyLimbos

    FrequencyLimbos Fapstronaut

    that's a great analogy, 10/10
    Meshuga likes this.