A hot girl wants to have sex all the time with me, what would you do?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Spartan1998, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. Spartan1998

    Spartan1998 Fapstronaut

    I mean, I am on NoFap Hardmode, and I am single and didn‘t had so much sex at all.

    So now a hot girl wants to have sex just like that, but I don‘t know I kinda don‘t want because it feels compulsive for me now since abstaining from PMO.

    What would you do guys? Have sex or not? Because this is sex without LOVE, that‘s what bothers me the most…

    BATTLEWOLF Fapstronaut

    I would stay away and focus on my life goals, it's not worth it to give up for some woman for sex. Women like that are just walking meat that's how I see them (not all of them).
    If you do this without love this is the same as prostitution. Virginity is cool remain pure :D. Stay strong bro ;)
  3. Just my opinion, but I would think it depends on a couple of things.

    1. Does she sleep around with a lot of guys? If she does, I might turn her offer down because I'd be concerned about catching an STD from her. If she does not, then it would be very tempting to say yes.
    2. Is she just looking for a friends with benefits relationship? If that is the case, then you know what you're getting into ahead of time and can make a better judgement on what to do.

    Of course I say this without the offer from a hot girl being there to say yes or no to.
    Spartan1998 likes this.

    BATTLEWOLF Fapstronaut

    Well I gave you my opinion, you gave me your's and in summary I would say:
    listen what your heart says. It's your choice. Good Luck :)
    Spartan1998 likes this.
  5. Sounds she is addicted just as you.

    I've been in the same situation but resisted her seduction.
    I never regret that.
    I later heard my rejection pushed her in a great change of her attitude.
  6. MATTI233

    MATTI233 Fapstronaut

    Here's a sentence I listened a few months ago:
    "We risk our most precious things for the people important to us"
    The question here is, Is that person important to you? Does she really deserves you putting away your streak??
    Roady and Spartan1998 like this.
  7. I would run for dear life. LOL.
    Coak Hakola, SaiyanWarrior and Roady like this.
  8. FrequencyLimbos

    FrequencyLimbos Fapstronaut

    nah bro just focus on yourself
    SaiyanWarrior and Spartan1998 like this.
  9. Spartan1998

    Spartan1998 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for your great answers and motivation! I think I‘m gonna refuse her! Because I am looking for a real relationship with Love and not just having sex for fun and lose all my energy discipline and so on!
  10. FrequencyLimbos

    FrequencyLimbos Fapstronaut

    best choice, Imo women who have sex for fun are most likely more impulsive and you gotta question what she wants out of you, focus on recovery
    Spartan1998 likes this.
  11. pump20

    pump20 Fapstronaut

    Well, that's a SUCCUBUS right there!!! If you keep releasing seed, you're going to get weaker and it's similar like porn too.
    Spartan1998 and Roady like this.
  12. SelfControlIsTheGoal

    SelfControlIsTheGoal Fapstronaut

    Succubus hoes trying to drain your life force bro
    Spartan1998 and SaiyanWarrior like this.
  13. SaiyanWarrior

    SaiyanWarrior Fapstronaut

    NEVER LET ANYONE BREAK YOUR NO PMO STREK, NO MATTER WHAT !! bro once you're healed and achieved your goals then you can have sex with hot women or woman without any regrets. Trust me life is worth more than sex and to make the most out of life first we need to heal ourselves completely by doing NO PMO.
    Toni7 and Spartan1998 like this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    aren't we all...brother?
  15. I can't believe how strong you guys are . . . it's pretty bad-ass! :cool:

    I wouldn't man up and turn her down. I'd probably just cave and try to keep up with her.
    SaiyanWarrior likes this.
  16. rebootingtome

    rebootingtome Fapstronaut

    I've done NoFap on "easy mode" when I had a girlfriend. I've done NoFap on "hard mode" when I didn't. Not really because I planned it that way, but because I just didn't have someone to have sex with. From my perspective, the long-term goal is to direct my sexuality towards a real life partner and have a happy life that way - unwiring the porn circuits and rewiring the love circuits, if you will. Some people think you can't unwire and rewire at the same time.

    I disagree. I've seen no less of a gain in health, well-being, and normal function on "easy mode." And, unsurprisingly, just as my mental and physical health have generally been better for having a woman in my life, I've been better off during "easy mode." It's sometimes a bit of a misnomer, because in some ways, it's harder to build a long streak on "easy mode" because of the chaser effect. You have to be on guard after you have sex. The only thing that makes it easier is that you're allowing someone else to be close to you at moments when you might otherwise be alone and tempted to masturbate.

    My advice is to make the decision of whether or not to have sex with her without using NoFap as an excuse. If you want to make that intimate human connection with her, make it. If she's not someone you want to connect with more deeply, then don't. Don't make your decision based on what you think is good for her - been there, done that, and I was an arrogant fool for presuming I knew what someone else needed better than she did. Just take her on her merits for who she is. By all means, please do take into account concerns about STDs and where that relationship might lead - there are reasons why you might prefer to avoid casual sex or sex with someone you don't trust completely.
  17. SaiyanWarrior

    SaiyanWarrior Fapstronaut

    If you think you can or can't either way you're absolutely right
    Akbarmagnus likes this.
  18. PMOare4SoyBoys

    PMOare4SoyBoys Fapstronaut

    Why does it bother you to have sex with someone without love? If a hot girls wants to have sex with me then of course I'd take it, for me nofap isn't about not having sex with someone, it's about finding a balance of your sex life to a point where it's no longer having a negative impact on your life.
  19. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Yes, do it. Anybody can be a monk but chaste (having sex and remain calm) very few can do it. No relationship starts with love, it starts with attraction. Love comes later.

    Learn to play with fire and you will be rewarded. If you don't want to lose your energy better practice non ejaculatory sex.
    AuwL0ng likes this.
  20. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    I would do it, always have the Bad boy mindset.

    Bad boys never say no to Sex