2nd year of recovery

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by happygilmorescaddy, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. happygilmorescaddy

    happygilmorescaddy Fapstronaut

    hey fellas for those that have successfully completed there 2nd year of recovery , i was wondering if there were different issues or tips and pointers, different things to look for in the second year . some ppl take it a little easier and can lead to there downfall .

    ive just clocked one year , and while my life has improved alot , ive still got plenty of paws , and it wouldnt take much to slip off the edge into the abyss.
    keeping up with meditation , stretching, intermitten fasting, journalling, exercise and diet are crutial to success in the first year and ill continue in the 2nd.

    just want to start a post about the 2nd year of recovery, any tips would be greatly appreciated.
    cheers bro's , keep fighting the good fight .
  2. wicket

    wicket Fapstronaut

    Watch out for crocodiles in golf ponds or is it too late for that?

    I mean your hand sir...if it gets bitten off?

    Sry couldn't stop myself. Wait I am confusing you with Happy's mentor?

    Way to go ya now is no time for complacency cannot say more don't have the experience to.
  3. happygilmorescaddy

    happygilmorescaddy Fapstronaut

    Haha I tore one of that bastards eyes out tho. Look at that .
    Your pretty sick chubbs

    nice one brother . Love that movie .