Get. Set. Run!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Jiten, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. Jiten

    Jiten Fapstronaut


    Calling all runners/ runners-to-be at this forum to join in here on this thread!

    I just discovered running as a recreational activity a year ago. It gets your heart pumping within no time, increases your stamina, and man is it FUN!
    Here's what you do, get the right footwear. Choose decent tracks. Both, for running and music tracks in your iPods :D. I enjoy outdoor running rather than indoors. It gives you an opportunity to see new places, meet people, and you get your daily dose of fresh air.
    As a side-effect, it has certainly helped me cope my phases of withdrawals. Believe me. It really does great good to our health, and also helps keep myself away from my addiction.

    Tips for beginners:
    1) Start with short distances depending upon your current stamina (but increase distances steadily). You see marathoners around you, that is where you have to reach. But it will take time.
    2) Stay hydrated prior to running. Though, as with most workouts, try not to gulp down too much water while running. (It could slow you down and tire you down as the blood flow gets directed to the gut).
    3) Diet: Get more proteins and carbs. I'm a vegetarian, so pulses, sprouts and veggies. Although I have eggs. Carbs, preferable prior to running (30-45 min) in are important, though in moderation.
    4) Breathing: As you attempt to run consistently, for longer distances, you'll notice that you'll try to set a breathing pattern. You'll do it naturally (do this part without the music), and choose what suits you best. The breathing pattern is important.
    5) Develop mental stamina. That will translate into your bodily stamina.
    6) Music earplugs and roads with traffic don't mix! When running on roads, make sure that you run in a direction facing the traffic flow, so that you always have an eye on a vehicle approaching.

    Lets get started.
    Guys, post your daily developments, your running streaks, and questions here. Though I'm not a pro, I'll try my best to answer those from my experience.

    Happy running!
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    Calm, monkotto, Asgardian36 and 3 others like this.
  2. Jiten

    Jiten Fapstronaut

    To get the ball rolling,

    I started with a 2 km a day.

    Just today I ran 8 km (No stops). 1 km of that distance was sprinting.
    Calm and nigeriamajyarul like this.
  3. Bizot

    Bizot Fapstronaut

    For me personally, giving up PMO and running are intimately linked. If you give up an addiction, you cannot give it up and just leave open the hole that the addiction once filled. You have to fill it with something else, and I fill it with running. Going for a jog is my dopamine rush. I've gone from 2k (when I began, it was hard as hell), to 4k to 6k to 9k progressively (now 9k is too easy and I want to go even further). I am training to run a half-marathon in October.

    There is also something psychologically about running which helps me combat the loneliness, depression, anxiety and turmoil of giving up the PMO addiction. I like to think that my problems are sweat, and that the more I sweat the more those problems are drawn out from my body. I also imagine that PMO is some kind of creature that is chasing me, so the faster, harder and longer I run, the further I get away from the addiction (I know this sounds crazy, but it really helps). And then nothing beats finishing a run and jumping straight into a cold shower -- a far better dopamine hit than a cold lifeless computer screen!
  4. AyyyyLmao

    AyyyyLmao Fapstronaut

    I find that running in the morning starts my day off perfectly!
    for me its an essential tool for abstaining from PMO
    Keeps me in a positive mood for the rest of the day and fights off temptation
    Great Idea for a thread mate!
  5. Jiten

    Jiten Fapstronaut

    Totally agree with your bro. Morning jogs just are perfect!
    Can I recommend something? Just suppose one day you miss your morning jog, try running in the evenings. Just after sunset. It is a different experience than a morning jog, but equally pleasant.
    Also, as we all have work and a long day ahead of us, where we require your energy, we try and conserve it and cant really do long distances in the morning. Here is where evening jogs could also help.

    Keep posting your streaks here AyyyyLmao.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  6. AyyyyLmao

    AyyyyLmao Fapstronaut


    Will do man, I'll have to try evening running some day! (when I finally build up enough confidence to start running outside)
    I've just been doing 20 minutes of high intensity running on my treadmill and then take a cold shower instantly after I finish my run.
  7. I used to run 7- 8 kms daily when I was living in Delhi. I don't used to watch p or m then. But now things have changed. But hope is still alive.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  8. My dream was to complete Delhi marathon but it got shattered.
  9. Jiten

    Jiten Fapstronaut

  10. Newbornme

    Newbornme Fapstronaut

    Great topic!

    Im starting my hourney on jogs in the morning.
    So far i have seen only benefits...It helps me in two areas : The nofap journey and to lose weigh...

    Keep posting informations and tips, please!
    Asgardian36 and Jiten like this.
  11. AMP89

    AMP89 Fapstronaut

    Runner of 5 & 10ks doing my first marathon in 19 weeks.

    Don't forget to strength train. It's good for decreasing risk for injury and counters the catabolism of running.
    Calm and Asgardian36 like this.
  12. Bloodybun

    Bloodybun Fapstronaut

    I used to run about 50 miles per week in high school. Now, I'm lucky to get in 2 or 3. I ran for a mile and a half yesterday and I'm trying to build up some base and get into a routine. Problem is, I work nights and into the morning. I just need to find a good time to go that's not the morning.
    Calm and Asgardian36 like this.
  13. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    I have been hitting 10-20 miles per week at a slow jogging pace for more than a year and a half now consistently. Cognitive benefits are quite nice. I often do it at lunch during the workday instead of going for a heavy meal. That is not quite enough mileage to maintain my bodyweight, so I definitely need to add in a few days of intense weight training to the mix for a little nutrient partitioning. Have been much less consistent with the lifting and tend to end up back at baseline frequently.
    Calm, Jiten and Asgardian36 like this.
  14. Hope21

    Hope21 Fapstronaut

    I´m started running too this week every single day, really help me for stay away from PMO.:)
    Calm and Jiten like this.
  15. Bloodybun

    Bloodybun Fapstronaut

    I've done a couple days this week so far. I just need to stay consistent. One of the veteran runners should post a weekly workout plan that we can follow. Nothing too specific, something that runners of all levels can follow. Them everyone can post their results and stay accountable. Just an idea.
    Calm and Jiten like this.
  16. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    running is great. running 3 times 5k every week. running is a drug.
    i am running slow but i have some speed-phases in the 5k distance.
    best form of sport ever! ;)
    Calm and Jiten like this.
  17. Hope21

    Hope21 Fapstronaut

    I wake up 6:00 am, and after i just going running , i´m feeling great with myself !:D you start your day like a boss.:cool:
    Jiten likes this.
  18. Jiten

    Jiten Fapstronaut

    Absolutely true brother!
  19. Jiten

    Jiten Fapstronaut

    I have started working now guys. I am still trying to jog at least 3-4 times a week. I generally go around 5 km at a time.
    I will try to do better.
    Tip: Minor knee problems are common with runners. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED BY THIS! The key to preventing those from happening lies in the thumping of your legs on the ground. Try loosening your feet, especially below your ankles. Try not to keep them stiff. This will transfer the vibrations straight to your knees. Also make an effort to minimize the thumping, take the legs off the ground as fast as you place them there, keeping your ankles loose all the while. Imagine your legs have suspensions on, and run!
    Hope21 and Calm like this.
  20. Calm

    Calm Fapstronaut

    I use to be deep into Native American running traditions, as well as other folk running traditions. Wild stuff, out of this world stuff man.

    I'm about to do about 5 miles on the trails today, don't use km sry haha.

    I also do sprints on a nearby track, try not to do too much distance work but I love my 5 to 10 milers. Long distance runners tend to have a disproportionate lower body to upper body strength, but hey if all you do is run distance that's all you need then. I ran cross country and track in school and was great at distance but was also a speed demon. Speed will always be my forte.

    I only run distance in the wild now. Wild and natural areas, to connect deeply with nature. Almost like a running meditation.

    I actually am giving up music on distance runs just so I can pay attention to the natural sounds around me.

    But when it comes time for sprints I like my music on full blast hehe.
    Jiten likes this.