The love yourself so much you get laid challenge

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by HornyChang, Jun 3, 2021.

  1. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    So yeah I barely get laid, the only times I ever get laid are when I am on long nofap streaks which only happen twice. So my lay count is only 2 and it was in between long dry spells. If you know about law of attraction, which is basically your thoughts and feels control what happens in your life, you can have anything you want.

    Now I known about it for a long time but never really focused on trying to do it. I want to get laid bruh and nofap is too damn hard. I gotta hold out for atleast 60 days before theres any chance of it and its such a long time. Now I want to test this out.

    Can I get laid from just loving myself?

    The reason this will work is because according to law of attraction, "everyone is YOU pushed out", which basically means the way you view yourself, your thoughts, and your feelings will reflect what happens to you in life. With that logic, loving yourself will bring everyone that loves and worship you. And that should mean I get laid.

    The things I will be doing are positive thoughts, love meditations, and trying to feel good. Lets see if this goes anywhere. I might update everyday to keep myself accountable.

    Nofap not included in this challenge
  2. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    If you haven’t already, read Rollo Tomassi’s article on “Mental Point of Origin”; sure every guy wants to get laid and is happy to get laid, but the bigger picture and more significant impact on your life will be being your own Mental Point of Origin.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  3. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Is good that you reach a point were you love yourself.. but if your current self is not attractive to woman then no matter how much you love yourself, you are not going to get laid..

    When you are in NoFap you are probably doing things you don't do when you are fapping. That things that you are doing is what is making you look more attractive to woman and giving you more chances to get laid.

    So.. work on you.. be your best version and love the way you are. Once you reach your full potential you are going to be happy and confident in your own skin. That is going to attract more people to your life.. also woman.
    Vanquisher12 and Aléxandros like this.
  4. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut


    Yeah i know sex isnt everything but I still want it lol


    Yeah i agree to some extent but according to law of attraction, it doesnt matter. Why do you think some obese and ugly women still get laid? Its your views and beliefs about yourself.

    Day 1 of loving myself

    Did i get laid? No

    Saw an old coworker at the gym from 4 years ago. Shes one of those fit girls who has an extremely nice body that you be like "god damn". Mustered up the courage to say hey and it ended awkwardly lol. Too in my head to hold the conversation, and made me think about the interaction the whole day on what i could have done better.
  5. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    because there are a lot horny man trying to get laid, and are willing to do her just to get laid. But, who get laid more.. the fat ugly one or the model? More attractive you are in general, more chances to get laid you have.
    On the other side.. we are man.. we have it a lot harder in the dating market to get laid.
    A woman that is fat and ugly can go into a nigth club and ask if someone want to have sex with her and there are going to be guys ready to do it.
    If an ugly guy or out of shape do the same no woman in the place is going to say yes.

    So no matter you are in love with yourselve.. if the product you are showing to the female market is not attractive then no woman is going to buy you. Insted of been lazy and do nothing but loving yourselve in order to get laid.. work on yourselve to be a better man and more attractive and you are going to be bougth by woman a lot more.
  6. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut


    I agree with everything you are saying that working on yourself is good but

    Thats why its called an experiment lol. I want to test it out to see if its possible to just love yourself and get laid thats whole point of this challenge.
    Abel100% and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  7. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    Day 2 of loving myself

    Did I get laid? Nope

    Went to eat on my own, cashier was cute, when i got my change, she gave me the look where you instantly think shes wifey material. Very cute and loving eyes. And that was it. My vibe has been getting stronger.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and brassknucks like this.
  8. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Did you shoot your shot with that girl?
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  9. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    Nope, idk something in me doesn't do anything when in the moment. I know I should but I just don't.

    Day 3 of loving myself

    Did I get laid? Nope

    Im only on day 3 cause this challenge hard af. But working my way back, today went to get new clothes. Cute Cashier was giving me this sexual vibe with eye contact, gave me an extra 10% discount on clothes that was already on sale. When my brother went to check out, he didnt get any. I got that special treatment lol btw i looked like shit, wore oversized shirt, sweat pants, and havent showered. Made me feel good for a couple hours.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  10. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    Did i get laid? Nope

    Ill be honest im not really committing to it like I should but when I do get into the zone. People would start talking to me and just today I had 2 girls straight up stare at me. Havent had that in awhile. Like i would be walking and like a 6th sense the girl would turn and just look at me. Then a girl i messaged left me on read and a week later she texts back. We had a nice convo but nothing came out of it. So far the challenge has given me some nice ego boosters but there hasnt been anything crazy like a girl coming up to me and saying "wanna fuck?" I need to turn up the loving myself to super saiyan levels or something.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  11. The law of attraction is pseudo science at best. I have read it and although the law of attraction can be said to be a real thing, the book with the same name will lead you off track. Loving yourself however is a really powerful act. If you meditate, work out and generally manage to feel really good without the need for others, thats when the world around you will start to change. What before appeared to be obstacles will now seem like blessings. You will feel so full of love for yourself that it is boiling over. Its too much so you just have to share with whoever comes around. Thats when the true law of attraction starts doing its wonders. You cant fake this. It has to be genuine.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  12. Dude just hold out till you're horny, then approach women. Nofap itself won't get you laid, it's all about just approaching them or being approached. You could get laid on day 0 if you really wanted to.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  13. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    Its not really one book im following its more about the ideas of law of attraction. Law of attraction is real I had a few strange occurrences when I did try manifesting. Not that good at it but when it works its amazing. With what you are saying about loving yourself, yes thats what I mean by law of attraction. Love yourself so much everything changes in your life.

    yeah true I could do that but that requires a lot of effort and going out. I've done it, not really good at it. If I could easily get laid would I really be doing this at all. I really want to see the full power of this experiment. Will I become a sex god just from thinking positive thoughts. So far no lol but im gonna go tryhard mode with this experiment been slacking on this.

    Day 1 of being tryhard

    Went to the mall, noticed a few girls eyeing me could be all in my head who knows. In studying more about law of attraction and In my deep thoughts of loving myself, I noticed all the girls that were first into me, whether it be through dating or trynna get in their pants, will lose interest and end pretty shit. I realized the moment they lose interest is after I abandon myself and put all my focus on the girl. What that means is I given up my power as a god and became a follower to another god/girl. When im in a dgaf attitude they want me, but the moment my fear and insecurities set in I lose them. It goes back to loving yourself, you make the core strong af which I been trying to work on right now. Think back when you got heartbroken or lost a girl. Did you first abandon yourself before things went to shit?
  14. Dude most people are trash at approaching women and getting laid when they first start. You just have to keep trying till you get better. Your 'experiment' will probably work, but only because of the placebo effect.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  15. You sound almost religious when you talk about the law of attraction in this way. The law of attraction if you even want to call it that is not some hocus pocus. I fell into the trap of believing I could manifest good things in my life just by thinking about it. This is stuff you are lead to believe by new age stuff like people claiming they got infinite wealth trough the law of attraction, the Silva method or anything similar.

    The reality is a lot simpler than that. Dont try to over complicate things. Dont try to understand how the universe works or how things happen. Things happen seemingly at random.

    The thing is that your brain filters out 99% of reality all the time simply to keep you sane. Think of your brain as a huge magnet. You dont have the power to change the world around you but you have the power to change your perception of it.

    If you meditate for example, you open up your mind and the negative charge so to speak looses some of its power. You can then focus on making real changes that matters. It starts from within. Start by loving yourself and forgiving people that hurt you in the past. True forgiving lies in seeing that people are people and they "know not what they do" as Jesus said at the cross.

    Then as you truly align yourself with life/the universe or what you choose to call it, you start to see reality in a more objective way. No one have the power to hurt you. You choose to get hurt. You also choose to be poor etc. Now, not everyone can actually change their situation but they can at least be at peace with life and that is worth more than all the money in the world.

    This is how the "law of attraction" truly works. It is just about seeing the world objectively and use your creative powers to achieve great things.
    Ravi03 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  16. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    I've manifested things with exactly how i felt and imagined it. Its just most people including myself lack the understanding of doing it. I cant do it on will but i have been successful. Most people try to manifest something they want but what you are suppose to do is feel like you already have it. If people want to settle with what they are in life thats what they decide to believe. The law applies all the same.
  17. One thing I have learned from life is that it never gives you what you want. It gives you what you need even if you dont like it. Life is not here to make you happy, it is here to enlighten you as a zen master once said. So in the end, material wealth etc is just forms coming and going. If you seek truth, look within. No treasure in the realm of forms can compare to the wealth you already have within. And the funny thing is that when you start grasping some of it, things sort of start to manifest but not in the way you think. You dont even want anything when you grasp it because you understand that nothing in the material world can compare. Just remember that all you ever aquire will eventually turn to dust. Eventually you will die. So what is it that really matters when you got nothing left? Thats the ethernal question.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  18. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    Interesting point of view on life, yeah i agree happiness comes from within. But i believe you can create your life how you want it. I dont want to be zen and accept the way things are. I want to feel happy af, get what i want, live the way i want.

    Day 6 of being try hard

    Did i get laid? Nope

    I'll be honest the reason im becoming try hard on this challenge now is because i decided to stalk a girls fb i use to date and seeing a pic of her with another dude got me fked up. I got depressed af and it pissed me off that i was still so needy and desperate. So either i go hard on this challenge or let this shit fk me up for another year or so. Ruining my mood and vibe. So i said fk it, im forcing myself to do what i need to do. And i started doing it everyday.

    It was hard but kept doing it everyday. Loving myself no matter what i felt. My dreams were even reflecting my mood, depressing ass dreams too. I would wake up depressed but just kept pushing doing my daily rituals.

    By day 5 a transition happened. I was waking up feeling good and my dreams were happy. My attitude more dont give af, feeling more like a god, focusing on my own inner happiness, realizing that wanting causes suffering. There was deep changes within myself to the point of who cares about getting laid im awesome levels of happiness.

    Only been 6 days of being tryhard and im making significant progress. Imagine 30 days. Will i get laid soon?
  19. HornyChang

    HornyChang Fapstronaut

    Im back and I still havent gotten laid lol. I gave up this challenge awhile ago. But I did some intense training within my mind recently and interesting things are happening.

    Girls are staring at me all of sudden. And I feel this sexual energy almost immediately to the ones who are attracted. Its like my Iove beacon is amplified and a lot more women are sensing my signal. Almost everytime i go out in public(which i rarely do) someone picks up my signal.

    I was buying a shirt avoiding eye contact with the cashier paying for it and all. But once our eyes met she couldnt take her eyes off me. It felt so sexual that I walk away fast cause I start getting a raging boner. Or another example I see this girl from behind sitting down and I sense the energy. She turns around out of nowhere and eyes me as I walk by. Its just like we can both sense something.

    The only thing I havent done is approach them to see if they are actually interested. I feel like I can easily get laid if I just yoloed and approached.

    This is only the beginning I mainly focus on money now a days but ill see how far this intense training takes me.
    StoicContemplation likes this.
  20. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Lol, even I tried this , weird shit, not sure if it works or not