8 years without pmo

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Mr Eko, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Yesterday it was 8 years. I don't feel this fire of lust, desire I had had for so many years. New interests have appeared which I never before had realised because of lack of time and energy (consumed by pmo).The new life is different like after cancer.
  2. Monk-Mode

    Monk-Mode Fapstronaut

    Wonderful!!! What do you find you need to work on and improve on these days?
  3. Master Builder

    Master Builder Fapstronaut

    Could you elaborate on the differences?
    How does your life look like these days?
    What goals and aspirations do you have?
    What struggles did you overcome?
  4. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    Your achievement is very impressive. Given your age of 51, can you tell us more about the positive effects that you have observed? How has it effected your relationship, job, sex life, PIED, memory/focus, fitness etc?
  5. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    I don't have any specific to improve to work on. They are rather general things that are always to improve like going away from selfishness and trying to give more to another people.
    5 or 6, I don't remember.
  6. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    All is different. Like somebody blind whom was given eyesight after three decades.
    Trying to be more free in general. Trying to be much fitter (BJJ student now). Reading more, watching more documentaries etc.
    many, Even if I lose I know that next time I can win. I would really lose if I came back to pmo so as long as I haven't done so I feel I can overcome many problems.
    strongly, I'm not weak anymore, much less anxiety, much more confidence...
    I don't have any. It's without more meaning to me. Maybe because of my age.
    It stopped after 7 or 8 months of my initial sobriety. But as I wrote above - now there is zero sex life.
    It's good not to remember the names and look of many porn stars. Brain is free to being able to focus on my interests. Another things are fascinating for me than sex. Mind opening.
    BJJ is my new passion. trying to become as fit as 20+ young men. Not achieved yet but I've been trying hard.
  7. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Hi @Mr Eko ,

    Have you experienced any health benefits over the course of 8 years?

  8. pichus321

    pichus321 Fapstronaut

    Ho do you renew yourself after so much time. How do you still in nofap after so much time and dont lose the conviction in this?
  9. Stommy

    Stommy Fapstronaut

    Hello Mr Eko ...
    I hadn't read any news from you for several months, and only today I found this update.

    Congratulations! You are great.
    Your example gives us strength! Your milestone is huge!
  10. Kadampa

    Kadampa Fapstronaut

    Hi mister Eko. Thanks for sharing
    Could you relate your process of healing to the saying After the darkness come the dawn? Did you catch up the moment or period of time of inner transformation that brought change of your reality, moment that you know that addict, wounded person that you was is not anymore there and is healed.

    I feel now less and less burden that I carried on through all my life, healing process seems very intense mentally, now I feel less capacity for external life, I became more aware my internal life and after so many years my mind started became more spacious, I was all my life so tense, the process is seems so complex and gradual, and part of me want finally of 'normal' life, when in your process you understand you are healed?
  11. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Hi everybody,
    Difficult to say. I rather don't notice it directly. But I have the needed power of will to work out very regurarly. When I had been in pmo I wasn't consequent and I often broke anything connected with something unpleasant. I wouldn't have been able to do hard bjj training for longer time and this training improved my fitness so in consequence my health I think. Beside of this I don't experience this decrease in power and will after pmo acts and increase in anxiety after each pmo act.
    I have no choice. I mustn't give up because of an promise given to God and thanks to God's help which I get in prayer.
    Yes, it had been after my initial clean 14 days when I felt and understood well that then I had really working means to rather quickly reducing my sexual and psychological tension which always led me to pmo.
    First of all this mechanism that I must do pmo to reduce my inner tension was totally broken. I have working means now to deal with all my problems - it's conversation with God so I can be healed emotionally every time I pray. I can cope with difficult disapointing and stressful situations now knowing that any time I can get help be strengthen by God.
    Stommy, pichus321, Keli and 4 others like this.
  12. What a description...
    You're right it's just like cancer.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  13. Kadampa

    Kadampa Fapstronaut

    I'm happy that you found space in You where you could heal yourself, is not easy for many of us to get there, and pray that for all my brother and sister that suffering will end
    brahmacarya likes this.
  14. Stommy

    Stommy Fapstronaut

    This is really important. Understanding after a certain period that we have reached the turning point in the Nofap struggle.

    I have seen many testimonies that have this point in common.
    I thought I had found my turn on the 40th day, but I was very wrong ...
  15. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    the turning point is not after a certain period of sober time. Once, 18 years ago I reached even a year of sobriety but I didn't feel this point then. And this point doesn't come when one is passive, waiting for something but doing nothing - only expecting a certain number of days - like these 'magical' 90 days. I knew distinctly that some very deep change happened in me already after 8 - 14 days eight years ago but it's another story...
    Stommy likes this.
  16. BuiltOdd

    BuiltOdd Fapstronaut

    I'm 44 and playing hell keeping a streak. I really like this post and your answers to questions. Hopefully I can draw some inspiration from it.
    Kadampa likes this.
  17. handong

    handong Fapstronaut

    Good job. Keep up. You give me a lot of courage and motivation.
  18. FreddyFreeman

    FreddyFreeman Fapstronaut

    Great job! It's been about 8 years for me too (almost). I hate porn so it's easy for me to stay away.
    Anakin1 likes this.