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Advise me a stress relief

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by leon_pyps, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. leon_pyps

    leon_pyps Fapstronaut

    Hello, everyone! Hope, you are having a great day.

    So, for the last couple of streaks I figured out, that I relapse mostly to relief stress, that I just can't fight. And even though I know what's the issue, I still can't really figure out, how to cope with it. So, I am asking you, guys.

    In my opinion, it's just that I have to reduce overall day stress each and every day, but it's sometimes isn't possible

    Did someone had the same issue? How have you managed to overcome it? Maybe you can share some methods to quickly reduce stress level in an instant?

    Oh, and some methods to beat up urges would be great, too, if you don't mind.
    Revanthegrey likes this.
  2. dre.spla

    dre.spla Fapstronaut

    Same problem for me. Very hard at first, many failed attempts. But I feel much much stronger.

    I've been trying nofap for 1.5 years. I went from barely being able to have a 1 day streak, and now I can easily do 7 day streaks. Hopefully over time I will be able to escape it completely.

    My advice would be to not give up. Maybe not the best thing to say, but worked for me: I started to hate porn and everything it stands for. I hate the idea of me being a loser jerking off to some bullshit pixels, or some girl or company trying to exploit the nature of the human brain. This disgust for porn has really given me the never give up attitude and I'm getting better and better
    leon_pyps and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  3. Revanthegrey

    Revanthegrey Fapstronaut

    I discover that issue too on these days, so this is the methods, what works for to me.
    +Read a book
    +Paint a picture
    +Took an instrument
    +Deep breath of 3 minutes
    +Be grateful for something
    +Meditation 5 minutes
    +Hear relax music for 5 minutes
    +Avoid the procrastination

    There are a lot more on internet.

    The change was amazing , even the urges are less , this was the first time using anti-stress tools.
  4. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Hello you can message me for more tips about this about the stress aspect it happens when your system is new to this. I have gone over hundred days twice, and over 200 days once. The reason why I joined here is to leave it for life as well as inspire others that's why am going for 1500 days before saying am done.
    Revanthegrey and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  5. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Working out is without question the most effective means for relieving stress. By that I don’t mean stretching your calves and going on a short walk, or even a long walk. Work hard. Push your limits. Make your body think it’s gonna die.

    Most other guys lift. I run, probably because I have the body for it. Plus it’s cheap and easy, and there’s no visual triggers lurking in a gym for me. 15 minutes, minimum. Science confirms it. But to do that you have to eat better, and you have to take control of your schedule, which also has psychological benefits. It’s this whole interconnected thing.

    My other best tip is to decide on something to think about instead of your trigger, so you don’t have to choose when confronted by your trigger. Maybe a verse or quote, maybe an idea you picked up from a book or a TikTok video, something worth thinking about an figuring out that can keep your mind off lower things.
    leon_pyps likes this.
  6. leon_pyps

    leon_pyps Fapstronaut

    Beying disgusted with porn is actually a good advise. Its easier to give up a habit, if you dislike it. I kinda dislike porn with all the "benefits" it gives you, such as depression and lose off motivation. Maybe It would be helpful to be more aggressive about it.

    Thanks, for sharing your thoughts. Good luck on your journey!
    dre.spla likes this.
  7. leon_pyps

    leon_pyps Fapstronaut

    Procrastination is slope to porn really. Thanks for all the points. I actually had an idea of creating a habit writing down things I am greatful for. They say, it cheers you up. So, maybe It will work for me.
    Revanthegrey likes this.
  8. leon_pyps

    leon_pyps Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I love going to the gym and it sure helps a lot.

    Thanks for the qoute tip. Never thought of that one
    Revanthegrey and Meshuga like this.

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