Why do you want to be celibate?

Celebrating Celibacy!

  1. I do have a question. If one does decide to become celibate, how long should their celibacy last?
  2. Jonny123

    Jonny123 Fapstronaut

    I reckon it it can be what you want it to be but it should be a significant amount of time. For example "I wish to remain celibate until I get married" or " I am going to give celibacy a try for the whole of 2019" BUT after making a statement like that you need to be able to explain WHY. - so " to keep myself pure for my future wife" " To devote myself to self-improvement, gym etc and avoid distrations " .... Hope that helps. What do you want to do? and why?
  3. I would like to remain celibate until I get married since after being sexually abused by a male relative and struggling with PMO, I want to live a clean virtuous life that can be productive. I know that it's going to be a challenge, but I am confident that I can make it happen.
  4. I liked your Post! It proves that you did the right choice!
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