The lie and fantasy of PMO addiction, pt. 2

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by tawwab1, Sep 2, 2022.

  1. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    You know what's the most frustrating thing about recovery? You make the perfect plan including all the healthy things: meditation, exercise, therapy, nutrition, porn blockers. You follow your plan to perfection. But suddenly, you're stuck alone at home for 1 night, your addiction takes over and you relapse. Why is that?

    It's because fixing your thoughts is key. Your thoughts are what decides whether you succeed or fail. Nothing matters except your thoughts.

    But guess what: if your thoughts can make you fail even while following the perfect success routine, then that means your thoughts can also make you succeed despite everything else failing.


    We already looked at how fantasies and lies about women fuel porn addiction. The lie and fantasy about men is equally harmful.

    The lie we accept is that men are victims. Victims of biology, victims of society, victims of seductive women. We have a victimized mentality. It comes through in ideas like, "Men are sexual creatures and think about sex every seven seconds." What a crock. There's no research whatsoever to back that one up.

    Or, how about this one? "If women didn't wear such skimpy outfits, men would be able to control ourselves." This one is more dangerous, because it has a grain of truth to it. Yes, women always seem to be pushing the boundaries of how much they can reveal. But that's no excuse for us to roll over and play the victim. We just need more understanding on why they do that. Refer to my previous essay for some thoughts on this.

    The funniest one to me is when victimized mentality comes as a scientific theory: "Men's brains are designed by nature to make us impregnate as many women as humanly possible." Yes, of course, it all makes sense now! As a man, it's my biological goal to fertilize the women of all nations and tribes. To spread my seed across the horizon and remake the human race in my image. So until I can do that, I have to sit here in the dark with my wee-wee in my hand. Science! o_O

    The "sexual creature" thing is an idea that we accept and put on ourselves, not something real we're born with.

    "But wait," you might be saying. "I know how strong my urges really are. Maybe yours aren't that strong, but there's no way to resist MY sexual urges. You can't convince me because I know myself."

    Okay, then do me a favor. Load up YouTube and watch some clips from "My Strange Addiction." Listen to people making their case about sucking pacifiers, drinking gasoline, eating drywall, etc. They sound just like you! "I need this." "No one else can understand the pleasure it gives me." "It's just too powerful to resist." Etc.

    After a few of those, you'll be ready to shake those women by the shoulders and scream, "DON'T YOU KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO EAT F#&@ING PEN CAPS!?" I rest my case.

    Now that we've dealt with the lie, what is the fantasy? The fantasy is high-class, instant, limitless sex. The idea that for men of a certain social class, sex comes easy and with no strings attached. Women just fling themselves at you and you can enjoy them however you want.

    In what universe do people with no self-control lead a good life? Everyone on this forum knows the end result. I don't have to spell it out. Yet somehow we still believe that for certain men, it all works out. Who are these men, though?

    The free sex fantasy has a dark history. It was carefully constructed over many years. Whether there was a conspiracy behind it, or just the hard work of one sick bastard, I can't say. Maybe I'll explore that history in another essay.

    But porn addiction can only work if the whole truth is kept secret. They didn't show our uncles and fathers the drugs and network of tunnels underneath the Playboy Mansion. And they don't show us all the underpaid male pornstars who can't get it up anymore, or all the female pornstars who committed suicide. That would ruin the fun, wouldn't it?

    That's why they keep pumping out free porn clips. The free clips load the fantasy in your mind, and the fantasy is what fuels the whole business.

    We all know that, deep down, the consequence-free sex we're yearning for just doesn't exist. It's all someone's fantasy-land that we've come to accept as our own. And they've gotten rich selling it to us. But what good has it done for you?

    I say it's time to leave Disneyland for the children and face reality.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2022
    Caribou14, JB39, again and 17 others like this.
  2. Rebootah

    Rebootah Fapstronaut

    This is spelt out so well, it really hits home. The lies we have been sold as men since time immemorial have ultimately weakened and damaged us physically, mentally and emotionally. It almost feels like the biologists, psychologists and physicians have colluded with the powers that be to control our minds.

    I wish I had read something like this when I first realised I had a PMO problem. It would've hit home hard, even if it failed to make the initial fight against it all any easier, at least it would've shattered all of the illusions and false information we have been fed as men. To think how much each of us has contributed to this pernicious, rotten and evil industry, in both time and money!

    Time for us to leave our victimhood behind, break free from these chains and take back control of our minds on bodies.
    tawwab85 likes this.
  3. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    It does seem that way. But more likely they were just swept up in something they didn't fully understand. Many of them still don't.

    The point I'm making is that this fantasy did not come naturally to us. It was constructed carefully, brick by brick, by someone else. Wait til you read pt. 3 :D
    eagle rising, Rebootah and Mazingaxyz like this.
  4. Thank you for this contribution, brother. I enjoyed it immensely! Could you please direct me to part one?
  5. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

  6. Rebootah

    Rebootah Fapstronaut

    You could be right about them not knowing either, but ultimately someone has been playing with us...keeping/making us weak. We have to keep breaking these chains.

    Many thanks for your insights, they help unravel the mystery and misery. Looking forward to part 3.
    tawwab85 likes this.
  7. Exit To Freedom

    Exit To Freedom Fapstronaut

    I'm trying to get through my thoughts, not by blocking them but recognizing the pattern and just experiencing them - that lustful voice. It's not me but a part of me, I need to acknowledge it to get through it. Fighting it and fighting with it hasn't worked, it becomes an inner civil war. Can I listen to the obsession and get on the other side?
  8. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    @Exit To Freedom I find best is to decide which thoughts you will accept and which you won't. And deal with the intrusive thoughts the moment they appear- that way they don't come back so often.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2022
    Rebootah and Exit To Freedom like this.
  9. Gardenzio

    Gardenzio Fapstronaut

    Awesome post, my dear. Congrats, you write clear and well, and it helps us to open our minds. Thanks a lot for the contribution!
  10. Mazingaxyz

    Mazingaxyz New Fapstronaut

    The mystique of a certain man who lived in a famous house and published a certain publication used to live large in my imagination. I imagined that there was a thing I called "sexual utopia" and I imagined that I "entered" that world everytime I PMO'd. Deconstructing the myth and realizing it was all fake has been helpful to me. I watched a documentary series (episodes 9 and 10 were the most helpful to me) and I realized it was all a lie. Furthermore, I realized that I was not "entering another world" when PMOing, especially after realizing that "world" never existed and could never exist. If anyone could make it exist, on even a small scale it would have been that famous man in the famous house, but what he created was not the utopia I imagined. That realization helped me understand that when I looked at porn, the connection that I had felt with the women in the photos and what I thought the porn represented (striking a blow against the forces of repression that prevent the Earth from blossoming into a new era of sexual utopia) was all just a fake story.

    Now, I see that the porn actually has nothing to do with me. It is about the specific people who perform in it and the people with the camera and the makeup etc. It has no relevance to my hopes and dreams like I used to think it did. I still run across porn sometimes on a subdirectory in my computer, or a browser link I thought was something else, etc. and I look at it and I go "yeah she is photogenic so what that has nothing to do with me" and I move on.
    tawwab85 likes this.
  11. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    @tawwab85 This post should be pinned at the top of this section. Your delivery is precise and elegant. I share the same understanding you've express here and I could not have possibly expressed it as you have.
    Mazingaxyz likes this.
  12. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    And that "someone" is you. You are the only one playing with you. It doesn't matter what anyone says, you are the ultimate filter. You decide what is "true".
    Rebootah and black_sheep like this.
  13. Augustine_

    Augustine_ Fapstronaut

    Great post. Thank you for sharing this.

    I would say that I've been guilty of holding the belief that attracting and having of sex with a wide variety of beautiful women is a noble and achievable goal to strive towards. That has been one driver for seeking excellence in life and partaking in self improvement in general.

    I can see how that core belief has been an obstacle to breaking my addiction. I will have to reflect on this.