Told long distance gf about issue now she isn't talking to me

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by srmememan, Feb 18, 2023.

  1. srmememan

    srmememan Fapstronaut

    My PMO problem takes the form of looking at escort websites and pictures of escorts. I've never actually seen an escort and I'm a virgin but the thought of it is what I'm addicted to. I've had this addiction for 4 years.

    About 3 months ago I got a long distance gf. I didn't look at or fap to that stuff at all for nearly 3 months. Then I visited my gf. For some reason during the visit I started having recurring thoughts about my addiction, and I MOed a few times to the thought of it (I didn't look at any material).

    I felt bad. After the visit was over I decided to tell my gf about the addiction. Basically I said that I used to look at material related to prostitutes and that sometimes I still have thoughts about them but I don't want to have those thoughts anymore. She replied "hmmmmmm" and now hasn't replied to anything I've sent her for a day. I don't know what will happen and I respect her right to make her own decision. I just wanted to make this thread to vent. I wish I had never gotten this addiction in the first place and I hope the shame and regret I'm feeling right now can help me finally be rid of it.
    White Sheep and Mr. Monk like this.

  2. At least your being honest... Most mend don't cave about an addiction until it becomes worse. She may be protecting her self rom you from the thought of you doing it, what I can say is just be patient and give her space if she doesn't message you back she's obviously disturbed by it or trying to sort out thoughts about you.

    In all aspects if she has real love and loves you unconditionally she will rationalize and try to help you. Give her space brother if it's meant to be it'll be meant to be.
    White Sheep and ANewFocus like this.
  3. WriteMeow

    WriteMeow Fapstronaut

    Things are always better in the sunlight. Give her space. If it doesn't work out it doesn't work out.
    RDucky, White Sheep and ANewFocus like this.
  4. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    What was your motivation for telling her?

    I personally connect to several parts of this, including telling a new gf that you used to look at p. And including looking at escort listings. And being a virgin. And not touching p after I got that gf. And being Christian, and getting my first relationship around 24 yrs old.

    I'd also suggest that if you did feel it was necessary to tell a gf about p (or they asked), that you do it in person, so you can say, "it was so foolish of me, I regret every minute of it, and wish I'd never seen it. I don't want to look at a girl that way".
  5. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Don't beat yourself up too much about wishing you hadn't gotten the addiction. Many of us are dealing with it. It's so unfair really how the Internet is able to expose young boys/men to things they aren't ready to see. It hooks us. The good news is you've identified the issue and want to try and fix it!

    You'll find good support here from people who often understand what you are going though.
  6. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    Bro, as someone who’s done this I’m telling you stop. You have no way of knowing if she’s started talking to another Man.
    White Sheep likes this.
  7. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    LDR aren't easy. I was in one and my ex blocked me from calling and messaging her without warning. I will admit the relationship was on the verge of ending, but to block someone without saying anything is quite low IMO. That's the thing with ldr, it's so easy to avoid having difficult conversations. You have to really make an effort to make them work. My impression is your gf feels uncomfortable talking about this sort of thing or doesn't know what to do with the information you gave her.
    Mike1991 likes this.
  8. srmememan

    srmememan Fapstronaut

    She's replying but she's only giving extremely short, two or three word replies. No emojis no pet names like before. I guess it's pretty much over
  9. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Seems like it. Something like that happened at the beginning of the end of my relationship. My ex became quite cold in the way she interacted with me. Amazingly we stayed together for a further 6 or 7 months after she changed but I should have ended it sooner. By the sounds of things, you went into too many details when talking about your addiction. My ex didn't like it when I gave too many details about this sort of thing. She wanted honesty but not too much honesty. It really hurt for a few months after my relationship ended but I eventually got over it. Looking back I'm glad it ended because we were no good for each other. So it's not the end of the world if your relationship ends.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
  10. srmememan

    srmememan Fapstronaut

    To be honest I was considering breaking up beforehand. I was debating between telling her and breaking up. Maybe I should have just broken up, ironically we would probably be on better terms if I had.
    onceaking likes this.
  11. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Don’t second guess this too much. You were honest and it didn’t work out. Use this as partial motivation to go harder into giving up your addiction. Do it for yourself, but let the pain of the past (this) motivate you.
    I know you’re grieving and this hurts so much. Keep working on yourself and you will be fine.
    Warfman and srmememan like this.
  12. srmememan

    srmememan Fapstronaut

    Well after a week of essentially no communication I sent her a long heartfelt message thanking her for the good times and saying the relationship was over. She gave a one word reply basically just saying "okay".

    I didn't expect her to be happy when I disclosed to her last week but I didn't expect her to go from happily talking with me for hours every single day to literally nothing. Especially when my problem only consists of recurring thoughts from an addictive habit formed years ago. Ouch.
    onceaking likes this.
  13. WriteMeow

    WriteMeow Fapstronaut

  14. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the cruel world of dating.
    QuaerensLibertatem likes this.
  15. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

  16. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    You might take some time to analyze your feelings on this comment. The way I read it you may be somewhat shirking a little blame off yourself. It obviously was something that turned your gf off from talking to you and will be in the future if you don't do something about it with other girls. Your not a bad person, but maybe this is the start to the motivation you need to make a change for your future relationships?
    ANewFocus and SilentWolfSong like this.
  17. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    It can be quite a shock when they suddenly change. My ex went from being fun, friendly and affectionate to being extremely formal in texts. I've heard some women need to feel a relationship in order to enjoy it.
  18. srmememan

    srmememan Fapstronaut

    This experience has really got me thinking about disclosure. Most men, or at least a fairly huge proportion of them, will look at porn and masturbate to other women and then go on with their relationships without ever telling their partners anything. It's hard not to feel like a chump in this situation
    KevinesKay likes this.
  19. Yes, but that doesn't mean it's happily ever after. Many of those same men end up with very damaged relationships and an SO who's broken as well. Just because the addict never cared about and respected their SO enough to be honest doesn't mean there will be no problems as a result of their acting out. Very often, when someone in a relationship has a hidden P addiction, the SO already knows something isn't right. They feel it in their gut that something is terribly wrong, but they just don't know what it is specifically. And, they often blame themselves for whatever it is which is so damaging. When things like PIED show up and/or the addict feels distant or uninterested in sex, it reinforces to the SO that they must be the problem when all along it isn't their fault at all. Then, when they do eventually find out the truth, it is devastating.

    Disclosure isn't the problem. Telling lies and deceiving are the problem. If you are honest from the beginning, the SO won't have to spend years trying to figure out what's wrong, then blaming themselves, and then being blindsided by the truth.
    ANewFocus and Psalm27:1my light like this.
  20. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    I also voluntarily brought it up to my girlfriend at the time and she had a tough time with it.

    I thought I had to bring it up. My mom had seen the internet history and said "tell her if she asks" (from what I remember).

    You want the best for her. If you meet your goals and stop looking at p and searching for escorts and become the man you want to be, does your past matter? If a woman asks, tell her the truth, but I'm not sure you should volunteer it.
    onceaking likes this.