Ejaculation is Energetically Expensive

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by HealingBodyandMind, Mar 23, 2023.

  1. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone,

    I have been reading some biology lately, and have read about how certain character traits of an organism are really energetically expensive and consume a lot of energy. Such as flying in birds or mammals giving birth to live young and carrying the embryos in the uterus for so long.

    Well I think for human males, ejaculation might be one of those energetically expensive things. Maybe our biological system isn't meant to have a lot of ejaculations, for optimal health and energy.

    so what's the solution then to this problem/discovery?
    Legacy of Lost Soul and desmond3 like this.
  2. desmond3

    desmond3 Fapstronaut

    I agree with your analysis. Ejaculation costs more energy than people think. It is not just "the loss of a few grams of protein", but the loss of essence of the male. While semen can be regarded as a kind of protein, unlike most protein one would find in meat, milk and eggs, it is packed with a large amount of energy, and requires a large amount of energy to produce. It is just like charcoal vs. diamonds -- Both are made of carbon atoms, but the latter one is much more precious.

    As demonstrated by many people here, it is possible to stay away from sex completely for months and years without having a problem.

    In this modern age, most of us think that even though we don't masturbate, we must at least have normal sex with our partners from time to time, which is in fact not true. The major purpose of ejaculation is reproduction, not pleasure or "maintenance" of a good relationship. A long-term relationship depends on responsibility, and it is also sustained by common life goals, values of the couple, so that they can support each other in life.

    For example, in ancient China, many couples stopped having normal sex and started sleeping in separate beds after giving birth to their kids. Those who did so often enjoyed a lot of health benefits. This is also true to people like nuns, monks and other people who lived a celibate life -- Many of them were healthier and lived much longer than most people.

    I understand it could be hard to convince your spouse/partner to stop having sex in most cases nowadays, but that's what I want to point out according to what I know. But at least most should be able to wait until marriage before having normal sex in moderation.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
  3. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply, yea I get so caught up in the idea that “sex is fun” or “wow this is the funnest thing ever”… and then I PMO and ruin my entire day, sometimes the entire next day as well

    But yea, at the very least, can remain celibate and experience the health effects, and then IF a woman comes along for a relationship, can see how things work out/ make adjustments then
    Adnilgo and desmond3 like this.
  4. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    What do you think the solution is?
  5. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Not really 100% sure. For health reasons, it seems the best to have as few ejaculations as possible. However, the desire have sex is very strong.

    So at minimum, the solution must to be never MO or PMO for entire life, best case scenario

    Then with a woman, not too often
  6. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    So is the desire to eat junk food, does that mean we should eat it?
  7. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    So do you propose the best/wisest decision is to never ejaculate again? not even during sex?
  8. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Making love instead of lust. Giving instead taking. Presence instead of fantasy.
    nonanino and 500 like this.
  9. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    That would be the best case scenario yes, but its not practical unless you're a monk living on a mountain top. I think for now you should focus on whats in front of you. Are you single? If so, then worry about controlling your pmo addiction. When you conquer that, you can approach relationships with women with greater sense.
    500 likes this.
  10. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    I like the last 2, although I don't think sex is possible without lust, if thats what you're referring to.
  11. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Yea, I’m currently single. Alright, thanks for the insight/advice!
  12. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Sex is possible without lust, if you and your partner are in love.
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  13. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    Your wording is a bit off, I see what you mean but that’s not how things work. What you’re referring to is sex being exclusively about lust vs about having sex while in love. Just because you’re in love doesn’t mean lust isn’t involved in sex. It’s pretty much required just to get an erection.
  14. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Yea, well, lust seems to have a negative connotation though. So the “lustful thoughts” while having sex while being in love maybe need a different word

    But yea, to have sex without feelings of instinctual sexual desire seems impossible. Unless maybe both people have a conversation during sex, like they are having a cup of coffee somewhere and sex is in the background

    Also, seems like in relationships with women, words like sex and lust are not allowed to be spoken. We must use the terms “sleep with” or “attraction” and other words that are not so obviously sexual

    Idk why girls are sensitive about the wordings around sex, but seems like those are the rules we must adhere to as men.

    Even in religious groups, seems like we can’t flat out say “I like to have sex because it’s fun and feels good and satisfies a deep, primal desire”

    We have to say things like “making love together is a bonding activity” or “sex brings unity to the couple”

    Such dishonesty and whitewashing of terms in society. Idk why people can’t be straightforward, but o well
  15. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree there’s a lot of “soft language” used these days. Have you ever seen that clip of George Carlin on this topic? It’s pretty funny. Look up “George carlin soft language”
  16. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Lust is not required to get an erection, when you and your partner are in love. Of course, many couples who are in love bring lust into their lovemaking, however that is their choice. This choice is born from ignorance and all the assumptions that come from it.
    To clarify, lust only seeks self-satisfaction. We know only too well here on NoFap where that leads!
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2023
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  17. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    look up the definition of lust
  18. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Lust: “intense or unbridled sexual desire.”
    “an intense longing:craving.”

    What has lust got to do with love? With true lovemaking?
    I’ll repeat: Lust only seeks SELF-satisfaction. It is the essence of craving.
  19. The worst is over

    The worst is over Fapstronaut

    A better question is what does sex have to do with love? Sex is something that 2 people in love tend to do, but it doesn’t mean the act itself is an act of love. Sex is about lust by default. It can be a bad thing or a not so bad thing depending on the context. The problem is you and everyone else conflates sex with love. You’ve been taught to think so. All you’ve done is slightly altered your perception on it, while keeping the core of the idea completely intact.
  20. Akt1

    Akt1 Fapstronaut


    Some people that practice "karezza" - say that they start to experience falling in love once again after a couple of weeks..
    with some nofap presence - there is a new/old foundation taking place..
    nonanino likes this.