Why do we have to work so much just to live?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Leanmaxxing, Jun 3, 2023.

  1. Is there any practical alternative to the current system we abide by currently?
    onceaking likes this.
  2. I was at least hoping for flying cars.

  3. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    escape to da woods
    onceAgain likes this.
  4. Ha. I think it's pretty easy to just have a pessimistic Orwellian vision of our future.

    AI and Blockchain is going to reshape capitalism. I think these two advents will do away with a lot of bureaucratic, unfulfilling work. It's going to get to a point where corporations have absolute power, and regular people, one way or another, are going to have to learn to cooperate, coordinate and strategize to live.

    Either that or answer to the demands of the corporatocracy. Who knows what kind of beast that will be
  5. onceAgain

    onceAgain Fapstronaut

    massive societies= work harder longer depending on what line of work.

    this is what AI is supposed to improve but realistically could put many people OUT of work
  6. onceAgain

    onceAgain Fapstronaut

    watched that show life below zero where people are living out on the yukon river. one guy moved out quit his job he has kids and family divorced goes back once every few years . dude is literally running around 1000 of acres and theres no one there but bears wolves moose and deer and fishing doesn't give a fuck. if you had the skills knew the land and how to survive out in -30 it would be a pretty liberating crazy way to live if go back to civilization every so often for supplies. llf
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  7. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Big business and Corporation have their lifespan, they die and new are born (just look Nokia, yahoo, myspace etc).
    If you work hard and smart (start with high payed jobs only - AI and Finance for example, ideally both at same time), you can get decent life in second part of your life, your kids will have great life (if you raise them well) and your grandchildren can be Corporations.
    onceAgain likes this.
  8. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    I hate working. I wish I could be a parasite and live off of welfare and foodstamps, guilt free. But I have too much pride.

    I do often ask myself one question. If I wasn't forced to work what would I do?

    Most of us will say something productive, but in reality we'd all end up sitting on our asses all day abusing porn and drugs.
    JustinX and Leanmaxxing like this.
  9. onceAgain

    onceAgain Fapstronaut

    parasite checking in i get 720 a month im not going back to work . i work too hard pay is an insult i invest then i make my money. at 23 i had 125k but i can live with nothing
  10. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    720 for what
  11. onceAgain

    onceAgain Fapstronaut

    nutin. nah social security i permanently damaged one of my corneas so i am not in work

    i used to get paid 2500 uk sterling at one stage i when i was employed others 3000 a month other positions paycheck 1800 before tax working 60-75 hours a week so im good where im at for.the time being always goina need more money so im focusing on investing over the next 5-10
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
  12. Nobody makes you a slave.
    You feel yourself a slave because you have that attitude.
    Become free from porn first. Porn makes you miserable on every area of your life.

    Life is not bad. Life is what you make of it
    Life is a servant.
    Warmth of the sun, light, darkness to sleep, food, clothing, wood and concrete for the house. All is given by nature for free.
    Life is a servant because God is a servant. All comes out of the generous heart of God.
    I felt a slave for a long time but slowly my attitude has changed. Running a business now, make my own plans, have no worries and enough money. Night sleep is awesome.
    I enjoy my work because I know I am serving my customers. My work has value for them. So work is a way to validate myself and my values.

    Life is not about work, it's about love.
    Work is not a goal, love is the goal and work is the way to provide in our needs.
  13. artifact

    artifact Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I agree completely. In most European countries people are paid better and are given more vacation time from their jobs than in the US and less developed countries. I think things are getting worse in the US which is why I'm considering moving to another country when I can.
  14. sam1234x

    sam1234x Fapstronaut

    I think it is due to we want good life , good wife , better future for our family and so on , but we are just blinding fucking our life.

    why do you want to buy audi , bmw you can ride a bicycle or bike you do less work a day earn low wages do not eat food in hotel cook in home - low mental stree and work load life will be happy

    for making life happy we are chasing money and it is causing problems

    for example- you want to get married them you have to get a job with good wage , then you have to save money and spend it for your marriage, and after marriage you have now your wife responsibility then your children
    now you want your children to go better school because your wife is saying so
    this cycle will go on and there will no happiness on chasing money

    if you are earning enough money that will not be of because you and your family want more this goes on
  15. scroowas

    scroowas Fapstronaut

    I understand your frustration and concerns about the current state of work and its impact on our lives. It's true that many people feel overworked and struggle to find a healthy work-life balance. There are several factors that contribute to this situation, and it's important to consider the complexities involved.

    Economic System: Capitalism, as the dominant economic system in many countries, emphasizes competition and profit. This can lead to an environment where businesses prioritize their bottom line over the well-being of their employees. The pursuit of profit can drive companies to push their workers to work longer hours or offer inadequate compensation.

    Technological Advances: While industrialization and technological progress have indeed increased productivity and made certain tasks more efficient, they haven't necessarily translated into a significant reduction in work hours for everyone. In some cases, technological advancements have led to higher productivity expectations, leading to an increased workload for employees rather than more leisure time.

    Income Inequality: The wealth gap between the rich and poor has been widening in many countries. This disparity can create a situation where a few individuals or corporations accumulate significant wealth and power, while many others struggle to make ends meet. Economic inequality can contribute to the sense of being trapped in low-paying jobs or precarious employment.

    Cost of Living: Rising costs of living, including housing, healthcare, and education, can place additional financial pressure on individuals and families. If wages don't keep up with the increasing costs, people may find themselves working longer hours just to maintain their standard of living.
  16. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I know this is easier said than done. But there are options to fix this. You could move. There are places where living expenses are much lower than others. Larger homes are more affordable etc. It does cause some hardship like distance from family, changing jobs, potentially less salary at least in the short term, fill in the blank. But I think back to the days when people were traveling across this country in covered wagons looking for opportunity. Families moved and build their lives from the ground up.
    Don80, JustinX and Psalm27:1my light like this.
  17. You too can be a winner at--

    JustinX and Don80 like this.
  18. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Take it from someone who lives a shit life on pathetic disability payments: you should be thankful you can work.
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  19. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Are you a NEET?
  20. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Being a NEET sucks, my parents live on benefits and there's nothing glamorous about it at all. You're seen as trash and a burden on the community. Low income makes it hard for you to provide for yourself/others. Life opportunities are severely limited as a result since you can only afford the bare minimum. Being a NEET isn't the same as wanting to be off-grid and live a simpler life because even then you still have to work, providing for yourself. When you're unemployed you do one or two months of random fun crap before reality and depression kick in and you start looking for a job again. Every time I eat I feel sick because I know I don't deserve it. I don't deserve anything I have, shouldn't even exist. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 - He who does not work shall not eat. Work keeps us sane and gives us purpose in our mundane day-to-day lives. doesn't mean it has to be robotic 9-5 crap but you need something.
    Leanmaxxing likes this.