Had a kinda of relapse today day 88 of NoFap, also how do I know that I'm "cured"?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Damnit123, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. Damnit123

    Damnit123 Fapstronaut

    So I woke up today to a wet dream I had couple of them the last few weeks they are messing my mind. And today it was really difficult to stop the urges, so I found myself scrolling on Facebook reels and saw some girls on mistake (I hate that social media became the new porn its frustrating) and it's really brought me the hunger to look and I was scrolling for hours unfortunately :( so that's a kinda of relapse I back to hold habits. On the bright side at least I didn't fap to these shameless girls, I had maybe a little bit of pre... But I didn't fap. I think my energy gonna be low for the next 2 days but I need to stay strong.
    Also I have a question, when should I come back to fap? I'm not talking about fapping to porn but fapping... Like at the end of the day I'm going to have sex and I'm gonna fap again so how do I know its the right time to do it? (I'm talking about fapping once in a week or once in 2 weeks of course without porn and without returning to my hold habits).
    IWantToFlyHigh likes this.
  2. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    I’d say don’t fap at all ever…
    TaeGoCrzy and IWantToFlyHigh like this.
  3. jojobthk

    jojobthk Fapstronaut

    Greetings Brother! I think you have to know and try what works best for you. Some might find that masturbation works for them, for some its a way to activate porn pathways in their brain ultimately delaying their recovery. As to how you know you are cured: That also depends on what your goals are. The most common goals include: healthy erections, normalizing libido, diminishing porn induced fetishes, being able to orgasm during partnered sex and so on and so forth. According to the book "your brain on porn" by Gary Wilson, most of the people also experience continued improvements long after the "end of rebooting".
    You can try masturbating every now and then and see if it works for you. If it doesnt, you might just wanna abstain from masturbating and of course pornography and eventually have healthy sex with a partner.
    I think about my porn addiction like someone who hadnt had a drop of alcohol in 5 years and gets offered a drink. You will always be prone to watching it and it will be a continuous battle throughout your whole life from now on. You always have to stay alert.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
  4. Damnit123

    Damnit123 Fapstronaut

    First of all thank u for replying! I noticed that I had some problems with my erections because I escalated to some unhealthy porn habits. But how do I know if I'm cured from the pied? I have never had sex before so I dont have much real natural erotic things to think about to test myself if I got better. Know what I'm saying?
  5. Cristhian4562134

    Cristhian4562134 New Fapstronaut

    Hermano realmente la única forma de saber si estas recuperado de pied es teniendo relaciones con una persona real, en casos como el de nosotros que prácticamente no hemos tenido sexo no podemos saber con certeza a diferencia de personas con pareja sexual
    Yo solo tuve sexo en una ocasión y fue mi primera vez, tuve una disfuncion eréctil (pied) lo que me llevo a un ataque de nervios la chica no era capaz de exitarme Desde ese día estoy batallando con el pmo y la verdad no he tenido ninguna relación simplemente trato de mantenerme en la linea(ayer recaí era mi día 56 tengo 18 años y veo porno desde que tengo 11 aproximadamente)
  6. jojobthk

    jojobthk Fapstronaut

    I dont know how old you are but think back to the time when you were a teenager. I think you dont even need sexual thoughts to get an erection if you are healthy. You should be able to get frequent morning wood and random boners through out the day. You know what it feels like to get a strong and longer lasting erection. If you can maintain that without putting much pressure on yourself, I think your PIED is gone. Now that doesnt mean that you wont have erectile dysfunction during sex, since this also depends on your nervousness etc, but the porn induced ED should go away. For most people it should take about 60-90 days of absence for your erections to return.
    If you havent had any sexual experiences yet, there is also no shame in fantasizing about stuff. Its a normal part of human nature to fantasize. But of course, you have to find out whether masturbating and fantasizing during a reboot works for you or not. I typically dont fight my fantasies, I think its a mostly natural way of processing what youve seen
  7. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    You feel cured when you feel it.

    Yes its a feeling. The flatline feeling is a feeling as well. You see the differences but what is it so worth it to go temporary through pain.