PMO-Free December 2015 Signups - Also part 2 of our survey from last month!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. Nofappor

    Nofappor Fapstronaut

    In, currently on day 24.
    Vegringo likes this.
  2. Roose28

    Roose28 Fapstronaut

    i'm in guys. Thank you for this thread. i'll post my progress here if it's ok?
    i want to end the year on a positive note and star the year fresh!
  3. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    i'm in.
  4. alone_boy

    alone_boy Fapstronaut

    Count me too
    • I'm not going to allow myself to masturbate, View porn, Orgasm, Sexual fantasy and bad thinking
    • I have already in 90 day goal. By this thread, I again commit myself not to have P and M at least 30 days.
    • What are your goals? Why are you doing this?
      I want my life back and live like a normal human being not having any guilty feeling.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  5. Chief32

    Chief32 Fapstronaut

    No pmo, no mo. Already 28 days free of pmo starting first day of no mo. I wish you all the best of luck
    Lapirata48 likes this.
  6. SolidStance

    SolidStance Guest

    Of course im in! I cant do it without you guys! Im on monk mode to the fullest. Almost at 50 days.
    nfprogress likes this.
  7. Tyrannofex

    Tyrannofex Fapstronaut

    Okay lets get this started. This is my first challenge.
    -No PMO
    -Start with one month
    -Goal is to quit porn completely.
    -I realized porn isn't right for me when it ended my last relationship.
    Wish me Luck!
    Lapirata48 likes this.
  8. seventyniner

    seventyniner Fapstronaut

    I'm in.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    I'm in. I want to usher in a new year Pmo free.
  10. Ducati

    Ducati Fapstronaut

    Joining this, I am ready for the month.....
  11. Hamartovi

    Hamartovi Fapstronaut

    I'm in too, just answered the survey, but did not participate in the November session.
  12. MasterPablo

    MasterPablo Fapstronaut

    I join the challenge, too! I wanna have a new year's party after 30 days of no PMO
  13. I'm in too! I've been on here for a year and a month now, and with some good experience behind me, I think I'm strong enough to go for a month free of all PMO!

    My rules

    -100% Hardmode, no pornography, no masturbation, no orgasm, no nothing >: (

    -My goal has always been 90 days, and I managed 30ish days before, in October. My goal is to start the new year 'clean', with no sexual thoughts plaguing me over the Christmas period! I aim to go 90 days free though.

    -My goals are to take control of my body. I want to know that I can control myself, with rigid discipline.

    -I want to do this because I want to truly free my mind from the curse of PMO I also want to be able to look at a woman, and not feel a continual sense of shame, or have to 'override' any initial sexual thoughts (not to say that it's something I struggle badly with, but it's something I've noticed, nonetheless), from my addiction.

    Come on! We can all do this! It's 30 days, and as it's the Christmas season, let us all focus on making somebody else happy this month! That's what my focus will be. : p
    IsThisANewLife likes this.
  14. IsThisANewLife

    IsThisANewLife Fapstronaut

    I'm in for the hard mode! I'm currently on a 55 day streak, which was my initial goal... I might go back to MO when my rebooting is done, but right now: why stop?
    • So Hard Mode it is, unless with a partner (though that has not been an issue, lately).
    • I'd planned to go back to MO without P after the November challenge was done. However it feels like this rebooting is not complete just yet.
    • I hadn't really set any goal for myself when I started this streak... I guess it's never too late. So, I'm now aiming for 90 days of no PMO. I also challenge myself to post at least twice a week.
    • I'm doing this (quite literally) for the sport: I'm trying to build discipline and self confidence (this is a particularly hectic year for me, academically-wise), and I believe PMO has been taking me further and further from the goals I initially set for myself.
    Guys, Ladies, good luck to all of you participating.
    See y'all in other threads.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. ChangeofDavid

    ChangeofDavid Fapstronaut

  16. ritual13

    ritual13 Guest

    I'm in, no PM! Here's to starting the new year as a new person!
  17. Billb

    Billb Fapstronaut

    I'm in, hard mode.
    Hoping to improve self confidence and what not
  18. Iwillchange

    Iwillchange Fapstronaut

    I am in. 100 days without fap is the goal. Do have a GF right now, so absolutely shouldn't even fap.
  19. M818

    M818 Fapstronaut

    Count me in too! I'm not going to allow myself to masturbate or orgasim this month. I'm doing this to get my life back and spend quality time with my wife and children. Also doing it to focus on a business venture and get rid of this ADD that PMO has got me shackled to.
  20. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Nofap till 2016
    Mark my wards !!!!!!