Sex on day 68

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by cud, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    Well, I had sex on day 68.

    I have to say I was expecting a bit more but I havent felt like that "in the moment" for long time. And also my ED has disappeared and my little guy was as rock all the time and it takes a long time to ejaculate, which was very surprising for me. It wasnt planned, we just ended up in my flat with friend of mine and she was all the time trying her tricks on me - she never did this before. We have been friends for long time and it has been always kind of sexy atmosphere between us but yesterday she was just so horny and I was trying to abstain for a long time but then I said : "Well, why not, lets give it a try".

    My question goes to this.

    Do you think my achievement is all gone? I mean I havent been PMO´d for 68 days and do you think my power (which I definitely felt last few days as my flatline ended) has disappeared? I feel bit different now, not so confident, but maybe it ll go up in few days again.

    What do you guys think?
    qqwer12a, ThirdEye, RiverOaks and 5 others like this.
  2. NMPMO

    NMPMO New Fapstronaut

    Don't overthink it. The most important thing is that you didn't use porn in any way.

    And congratulations on getting this far on your journey.
  3. Fappernator

    Fappernator Fapstronaut

    Sex is healthy and natural...It's not abstaining from orgasm thats the problem (obviously there are also benefits to that) but the cutting out porn and masturbation from your life that is the big problem. Also the fact your ED has been cured and your lasting longer is amazing dude. The more you begin to have it again in your life, the more connected sex will become and you will find you "In the moment " happening more frequently
  4. Awesome stuff.

    You're on the right track. Because you've been doing so well and have been abstaining from PMO, your brain is trying to trick you and tell you that you've done something wrong, just because you engaged in sex, when the truth is, you're just a healthy man enjoying his life, THE RIGHT WAY :)

    I'm very happy for you. Keep up the good work. You've done nothing wrong.
    Thrivelife, XPiRED and Asgardian36 like this.
  5. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    thank you guys,

    you are right. I was just kind of "scared" but I guess having a sex is as natural as breathing. I stay on this road, and if i can look at it differently, I see that there is something new within me - a spark in my eyes. A few days ago, my flatline went away, I started to feel the urges again, i started to - hard to describe - have this drive again. I mean my motivation has turned back to me.

    So I guess you should always look at the bright side!
  6. Fappernator

    Fappernator Fapstronaut

    Great to hear my friend, i have just currently broke up with my GF and now hardmode will begin once more! I am optimistic but not kidding myself that this path will be easy...i just need to focus that sexual energy to my heart and let it out in the world as creativity and love that i can give
  7. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    Once I heard a quote: " Does it hurt? That is good, that is good, cause only this is how you gain the most from it"
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
    ThirdEye, Eshaan, Thrivelife and 2 others like this.
  8. jpd123

    jpd123 Fapstronaut

    Man I am very happy to hear your story. Being able to have actual sexual contact with a REAL LIVE WOMAN after suffering with porn induced ED is a great accomplishment! This is one of the main goals of our journey. I too have ED and sexual dysfunction brought on by porn and sexual fetish/fantasy. Hearing stories like yours give me hope. Im on day 12, but guys like you let me know its worth it. Thanks
  9. Gopi

    Gopi Fapstronaut

    You can learn some techniques from tantra, for having sex without losing your semen, which will keep vitality inside of you :) Doesn't matter how you will lose your semen, there will be always a drop in your life force if you do. Semen should be used only for creating a child, nothing else. Tantra is ancient tradition and it is still very useful today. You don't need to be celibate and still have benefits from not losing semen. Wish you good luck.
  10. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Cud perhaps sex with someone you are madly in love with will take the experience to the level you anticipated. :)
    Without intimacy sex for me is meh.
    That said, happy everything worked! Wheee!
  11. deadrole7

    deadrole7 Fapstronaut

    Could you please recommend a book with practical information about what you said? It is interesting.
    Low and Asgardian36 like this.
  12. One book I've read about semen retention : "Taoist secrets of love, cultivating male sexual energy", by Mantak Chia.

    Right now I'm reading "The Perfect Matrimony", by Samael Aun Weor. I'm only reading it for the sexual transmutation parts. His other BS about certain religious philosophies I know are false and I just ignore, but the information about sex is very good and worth reading.

    It is true, even while having sex you don't need to release semen. I've practised this before with a couple of girlfriends from the past and actually found it just as enjoyable as ejaculating. You can go longer and satisfy the woman more. The pleasure of almost releasing and not doing it, going back into the sexual act again and again is really pleasurable and is worth it. A pleasure that is indescribable.
    Asgardian36 and deadrole7 like this.
  13. dsareph

    dsareph Guest

    Congrats! Stay strong in your resolve. When this happened to me I made the mistake of thinking I was invincible, then relapsed back into PMO and lost basically all of my progress.

    Don't make the same mistake. Keep going with your journey and don't overthink the way you're feeling right now. You're experiencing something relatively foreign, and if you make a snap judgement you will definitely regret it.
    Eshaan and Asgardian36 like this.
  14. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    Congrats. What do you mean by saying she was trying her tricks on you?
  15. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    Well i dont know. First of all she missed her train so I offered her she could slept over in my place. And as we are good friends i didnt think of anything else to happen. We talked, I played a guitar a bit and she just started to being closer to me but I still was a kind of "cool" guy, with no approach. It was natural, I guess I wasnt needy at all, i didnt need a sex, I was just myself, and she could stand that... probably :)

    Idk maybe its a bullshit and its only in my head, but i had this feeling.

    Anyway, when I look at my counter - i feel proud!!!
  16. Gopi

    Gopi Fapstronaut

    I will do that with pleasure :) Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving ( by Charles Muir ). Really great book, very practical and clearly written. I think you will enjoy it.
    deadrole7 likes this.
  17. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Gopi and cud like this.
  18. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I ll study this a bit! Looks very interesting!
  19. oldhabit

    oldhabit Fapstronaut

    I read the same book by Mantak Chia and other ones. I know the technique the benefits and the feelling a little bit having experience it with solo cultivation but I can't succeed at having orgasm with out ejaculation. I feel the energy going throught my body but at some point i just lose it and ejaculate or press on the spot to stop ejaculation. Would like to chat with you, might be of a very big help with this. It's been 2 years i work on those technique and can't really get it.
  20. Thrivelife

    Thrivelife Fapstronaut

    I think part of the healing process includes rewiring the brain. Sounds like you did a bit of that. Congrats on your successes brother and overcoming your ED!