Nothing to do all day

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by L Coroneos, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    Well I'm 30 years old and on Day 20 of my no-MO challenge. I'm not working or studying at the moment and I find myself with nothing to do all day long. It sucks.

    I have a computer with one game on it (Marathon Infinity) that I have already finished. I have a television but without a set top box it is useless, and I don't usually watch much TV anyway. I go for walks sometimes but these are only for a small proportion of the day. Often I just lie in bed or pace up and down my living room. It's very sad.

    What should I do? Can anyone suggest some activities that will keep me occupied? Does anyone else have the same problem of not having anything to do all day?
    Asgardian36 and Getter Better like this.
  2. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    I just read this in @DonB's blog: "Some days I regret waking up. My chief aim for the day is for the hours to pass so that I can return to the sanctuary of my bed."

    This describes what I'm going through exactly.
  3. Hey J Scott, sorry you're feeling so low. I'm sorry I felt like that! I don't feel like that any more. That was written quite a while ago and the bit you've quoted from was from a section that put things in a very bad light.

    You can change all that. It will be bloody hard work at first but you can do it. Anything we're not used to is tough.

    As to activities... crikey! There's so much!

    If you can, you should definitely include some sort of exercise in your daily routine - I do a little circuit training thing that's very easy to start with but can be built up.
    Are you meditating? That's great for helping with this addiction (well done on 20 days! Fantastic!) and you can get quite heavily into it if that's a path that interests you.
    You say you're not studying or working - I suppose you could make looking for work a task? There are lots of free online courses you can do. I'm doing one on songwriting from coursera (I had to pay, but very little and there are free sites). In the UK Futurelearn offers free courses I think.
    Find something good to read. Something for fun, but something self-improving too perhaps. The Slight Edge is good, simple and short and gives you lots to do. It really is a very positive book all round.
    And people are crying out for volunteers in all sorts of fields...

    Hope you're feeling brighter soon. :)
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  4. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    Given that you are interested in a long-term career in a computer science related field, I'd probably first look to see where and how you can help other people and other businesses grow and prosper. Sometimes it actually helps to limit your options a bit and do something like consistently apply for career positions that directly involve analytical work (work that benefits from programming and computer science knowledge). Build versions of your resume around that (or a similar goal). Even if the position you initially take isn't what you want, you are still building a resume around work that can lead to your eventual goals.

    From your life goal journal post, I noticed that you wanted to work during working hours. I can't find a good reason why you shouldn't start doing that today. You can schedule your business hours as though you were already a person working from home. My boss always told me that one fair question to any business person is "what is the business purpose of your action/request?". Keep that thought in mind during your working hours in that if someone were to ask you why you are spending your working hours the way you are, you'd be in some sort of position to answer them effectively. When the work hours are over, stop working and enjoy the rest of your personal life! In your personal time, you should have ample time for self-development, spiritual practices and a number of other parts of your life that ultimately lead to happiness. When you are working, it is often better to put most of your energy into how you can help others. It will show through in most any line of work you choose.

    If I were in your shoes right now, I would put my career before my hobbies until you feel like you are spending too much time on the career. I know that you may have proclivities toward a more ascetic lifestyle, but right now your actions probably need to be more outgoing than internally or introspectively focused. Sometimes to get where you want to be, you need to do the opposite for awhile. That is why I strongly encourage you to take the time to help others and solve some of their tougher analytical problems starting now. Computer science, software development and nearly any other IT related career is about problem solving and about supporting the technical needs of people and organizations that depend on you for daily operational success. It helps to let others know what skills you have as well as what you are interested in and are willing to do to help them.

    Shower yourself with a wealth of knowledge, information and intellectual avenues for improvement and you will likely not regret the decision. Make the wrong call on what your life priorities should be and it may be another story. You may know better than we do what you really need to do next to live the life you want. Just make sure you don't try to tackle too many things all at once. If it were me, I'd work on the career (career not finding a job).
    ifthisislove and Getter Better like this.
  5. Slaet

    Slaet Fapstronaut

    You could watch CBT Nuggets!
    Or look into Not sure how many in Aus, but it keeps me busy some days ;)
    Getter Better likes this.
  6. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut


    Hey DonB, I do go for a walk every day, it's not much but it gets me out of the house. I'm not meditating at the moment but my little brother highly recommends it - reckons it's changed his life. He says that it is only feasible to meditate for five to ten minutes a day at first and then gradually increase the period.

    As for volunteer work, now there's something I can do. I went for an interview today and it went very well. Now it's just a matter of time before they get back to me.

    Thanks for the advice!
    Asgardian36 and Getter Better like this.
  7. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    same exact problem 'cept I'm 20.
    I play fallout 4, I use to have oxycodone to do but I ran out.
    But as the days go by and you continue to reboot you'll enjoy the little things.
    Right now ur probably in a flatline
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  8. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    Yeah I use alprazolam (X-anax) and clonazepam (Klonopin), it doesn't really do much for me. Wish I had some Oxy actually.

    I was playing Skyrim until I found it really boring. Apparently meditation can help, but with the drugs in the picture it's next to impossible. I haven't masturbated in a week or two so maybe it is a flatline.

    Most of my time is spent pacing up and down my living room. It really sucks.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  9. oooo

    oooo Fapstronaut

    Hi bro,

    I am a bit in the same spot.
    Did quit my study in december, since i will start a new study this year i am focusing on math.

    Daily routine:
    • Meditation ******
    • Reading book
    • Math
    • Improving curriculum vitae
    • Cold showers ******
    • Focus on Nofap
    • Watching TedTalks
    • Workout.
    • Learning Spanish
    Asgardian36 and Bemybest like this.
  10. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you have a schedule, which is more than I can say for myself.
  11. oooo

    oooo Fapstronaut

    Start small read for example 10 pages of a good book daily.
    Drift likes this.
  12. ALPHABat

    ALPHABat Fapstronaut

    Read books or learn a new hobby from the internet!
    Asgardian36 and oooo like this.
  13. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    nfprogress, I've reconsidered doing computer science. I didn't do very well in the computing units in school and I find most computing theory beyond me. So, studying IT was a good idea in theory but not in practice.

    There is some good news. I'm applying for some volunteer work at the St Vincent de Paul store in Queanbeyan (Australia). I've also applied for a job at Aldi Supermarket. Believe it or not, I really do enjoy supermarket work. Perhaps one day I can make it to a manager position?
    Asgardian36 and oooo like this.
  14. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    I had a good family friend when I was younger that ended up being a manager at a major grocery chain. He ended up picking the nicest grocery chain in the area that focused heavily on great customer service. As far as I know he and his family are doing well now.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  15. oooo

    oooo Fapstronaut

    @J Scott

    Hi bro,

    Nice to here you are making progress!
    I wish u all the best!
  16. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    Thanks @oooo. Currently working on my hospitality resume. I've compiled a list of restaurants around town and now I just need to get suited up, print off a few resumes and do the rounds around town! It's a pretty good resume, actually and I've done a fair bit of hospitality work before, so my chances are good. Thanks for your support!
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  17. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    how about u go to a shooting range? u like guns?
  18. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    I have a criminal record so I can't possess a gun in Australia. Sounds fun though. Have you been shooting before?
  19. StopDisNitemare

    StopDisNitemare Fapstronaut

    Dude...the idle mind is the Devil's playground. Or something like that.

    Keep yourself busy. Learn something new or work out. Write a journal about what you feel and what your thoughts are. Go for a bike ride. Go for a hike. Look for projects to do. Keep yourself busy when you are not focusing on your objective.

    Last year, when I tried nofap, I failed quickly because I had NOTHING to keep myself busy with.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  20. L Coroneos

    L Coroneos Fapstronaut

    What kind of things do you do to keep occupied nowadays? I keep a journal and go for walks. Also been looking for work.