Heirs of the Sun Manual of Success

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SolidStance, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Here is the manual for our group Heirs of the Sun. It is a shield for this war, our protection and something we can use offline.

    Everyone deserves success. We all deserve to be told we are magnificent. If you don't do anything else on your journey, just make sure you empower someone else. It only takes one person to catch the spirit and then they will spread it. Everyone matters. Everyone is important. You can do so much. Realize that and then let others know that it is in them too.

    Attached Files:

  2. bearbones

    bearbones Fapstronaut

  3. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    A Manual for my Lifetime Sir! Gratitudes and deep Respect!
    SolidStance likes this.
  4. Will have a read, thanks for the support.
  5. Paulo Henrique

    Paulo Henrique Fapstronaut

    I´m grateful for this opportunty! Thank you and congratulations!
    SolidStance likes this.
  6. This manual is not just for Heirs of the Sun, in case you wondered.
  7. NobleKid

    NobleKid Fapstronaut

    Truly enlightening
    SolidStance likes this.
  8. Thank you Noble. You have come a long way and I am so proud of you. Keep going and never get too down on yourself if darkness envelopes you. Anticipate resistance and get back up from the fall.
  9. May this manual bring insight into your life. In every area may it bring peace.
    FreedomIsHere likes this.
  10. dangon master

    dangon master Fapstronaut

    so whats going on friends my name is sumer from india
    yes i m addicted to porn and masturbation but i want to get out of it
    i dont want anxiety ,depression,self hate ,self regret ,bored life, unhappy person , anymore i will leave this and become an joyful person helping enjoying meeting with people in an independent manner and i m writing daily what i can improve focusing on my heath realize who m i ?
    what are you doing to fight this monster reply lets see everybody weapons and easy it to fight with this monster
    black_coyote likes this.
  11. The |E|volutionary

    The |E|volutionary Fapstronaut

    Eh, HoTS are an overrated group. I've read enough of the content to know it's more pontification. No real one-size-fits-all effective self-improvement. Even I can come up with much better in less words. But that's just my take. If it helps you get to where you need to be, great.
  12. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    I found this manual very helpful in my journey...I used to hate myself and call myself a sinner, which greatly affected my self esteem... This book was an eye opener for me, it made me understand about using willpower, stop hating yourself and most importantly, connecting with our inner self

    Regarding self-hate, apart from this manual, I found books by Osho real helpful. And there is "The slight edge" by Jeff olson, which might be helpful in dealing with organizing our life, There is also " The way of the Superior man" by David Deida and if you happen to be very much anxious about relationships, "No more Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glower

    I've been addicted to PMO for several years, I dropped out from college , failed in several entrance exams, very poor in socializing and maintaining relationships

    Addiction, combined with self hatred, depression, anxiety and negative thoughts... Life was so miserable until I stumbled upon this community

    The books I shared helped me immensely. I learned about these books from fellow fapstronauts..But the manual was the starting point from which my life turned around for good

    I say read it without any prior judgments, see if it is of some use to you, and make your decision

    Wish you well! Stay strong! Cheers!!
    sumersingh likes this.
  13. dangon master

    dangon master Fapstronaut

    wow your are amazing person thanks for giving such awesome books name