Recently married seeks support for husbands pmo

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by DireMerl, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Nice. I don't think I could stand being far away from my parents. I'm very close to them. I get to see them at least once a week. I'm very lucky.

    I'm hoping the question mark will get smaller over time. Just feeling a bit emotional today. I'm sure it will pass.

    How are the little ones? Nice for them to have grandma over for a while? Xx
  2. BMDirty

    BMDirty Fapstronaut

    So... I cried a bit reading through your posts.

    The realization what I put my exwife through. she was by no means a friendly and supporting woman to me, but she did care. I can see a lot of her feelings in your words.

    We split up a year ago. It did take me leaving to get better, and fully believe I had a problem.

    My exwife's aggression and disappointment had become a huge trigger for me.

    We had other problems prior which spelled disaster for us, so I can't say PMO killed the marriage, but me going an extended period of time without made me deal with my problems. I realized what I had been dodging for so long, and knew I needed to leave her.

    I don't know your situation as well as my own, but if you love him, please try to be understanding and don't shame and scream at him. Let him go out without argument or you showing disappointment that he isnt with you. I would feel so guilty after those conversations making not relapsing so much harder.

    I wish you and him the best of luck.
  3. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Thanks bmdirty. I'm sorry my journal upset you so much, but glad it helped you gain some insigt into your own situation. Not trying to big myself up or anything, but I don't think I've ever given my husband a cross word. I have tried to curb his drinking habits, simply for his own benefit. I'm all honesty, I used to enjoy him going out every once in a while. I could have some me time. I even encouraged him to go out with the boys when he was suffering from depression and barely left the house.

    Sadly, since all of the dishonesty has come to light. I feel I'm unable to trust that he's not doing something he shouldn't be when he goes out with friends. Especially after the 'other girl' incident. And I'm not really sure I can be blamed for that. Nonetheless, I've never told him he can't go out. Not even after that.

    My relationship with alcohol has always been a difficult one. My father is an alcoholic so I've always been cautious about drinking too much. The husband has known this from the beginning of our relationship.

    I've never shamed or screamed at him. I even sat down calmly with him to talk rationally, after I found out about his secret messages with another woman. Even after he told me I was too big to find attractive. Even after all of his relapses and dishonesty. Even when I was heartbroken and ready to burst into tears, I sat down and talked things through without accusation or blame.

    I do love my husband. More than anything. All I've ever wanted was for him to be happy. Perhaps I should lay off things for a while. I do feel like everything has been about porn lately. I think it's stretching me too thin. And probably putting pressure on him.
    WifeInTheDark, Gamerwife85 and Mj1064 like this.
  4. BMDirty

    BMDirty Fapstronaut

    I do find the pressure to be the hardest things to deal with. It wasn't an easu process. I do remember that last month before I left. I felt disgusting, and depressed. I had lapsed again, and I was too ashamed to tell her. She found it on my phone. It hadn't been porn, but craiglist ads.

    You can guess how she took it.

    It wasn't my lowest point in my addiction, but it was my lowest point mentally.

    I white knuckled that last month, but making it was a sudden clarity. I learned a lot about myself, it just took me nearly 2 years of only being able to go at most 3 days.

    I don't know how severe your husbands is, but I had used to to drown problems since I was about 10. 18 years of using something to cope is a hard habit to drop, and I made up every excuse mentally to keep it going.

    If he is anything like me, don't take his failings and excuses as assualts on you, it is very challenging to over come. I made it through the hardest part with heavy distractions, and admitting humilating defeat. I did better without ever admiting there was a problem, and I relapsed heavy again for minute.

    It took the healthy time and the slow relapse to finally see who I was with PMO.
  5. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    The husband pmo'd about a week ago.

    I'm upset and dissapointed. But looking at it positively. He voulenteered the information without being caught. He didn't lie, or make any excuses about it being my weight or whatever. He knew where he went wrong and has a plan to avoid that situation in future. He said he felt terrible afterwards. That it didn't help him in any way.

    My problem now is that he's using incognito on his Android. We talked about getting some software to hinder him in this. I can't find any anywhere that work effectively. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.

    The funny thing is. I don't even care about porn. Before I met the husband, I assumed (as most of us do) that it was normal. Just something guys do. Until I realised he was doing that, instead of doing me. The biggest issue for me is that he cannot o with me. No matter what I do. I can't give him pleasure. I feel like a failure. Now imagine how that feels, to know that these porn stars can give him the pleasure that I can't. No matter that it already makes me feel unattractive physically. I also have to put up with the fact that these other women bring him to orgasm. They don't even have to touch him. They don't even have to be in the same room as him. But no matter how hard I try, they give him something that I can't. That's what hurts. That's what breaks my heart, every time he goes back to them.
    TooMuchTooSoon likes this.
  6. WOTL

    WOTL Fapstronaut

    If your husband cannot enjoy a satisfactory sexual experience with you, it means that he needs to get into some sort of serious therapy. It is not possible for this to happen when someone is being abstinent from porn and other types of compulsive sexual behavior, unless there is some other dysfunction that would have to be analyzed. In any event, the problem is your husband, not you. The fact that you are feeling this way is the classic co-dependent symptom. You should not do that to yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Your husband needs to do the recovery work.

    Also, with respect to your earlier post. I do not think it is true that men only care about women's body parts. We may act stupidly and need to learn to control this, but in the end, a long-term relationship only survives when there is intimacy, conversation, intelligence, etc. All the things that you correctly point out a man should try to look for in a woman. And many men are successful. It is not correct to assume that we spend all the time ogling, etc. At least those who are here in this website are trying hard to avoid that.

    I am glad to hear that your husband came clean voluntarily. That is a good foundation to rebuild trust.
    Mj1064 and DireMerl like this.
  7. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    I didn't mean to insult you WOTL. I've been reading way too many posts on here about men being unable to be monogomous, and some chatting with people who can't seem to be able to not perve on women. Stuff like that. It just really got me down. I know most men on here are trying to change. Its just upsetting to me how objectifying our culture is. I'm not personally attacking anyone. Society is built on ' sex sells'

    I know that the delayed ejaculation is my husband's issue. And I really do know that it's not my fault. It doesn't mean that it doesn't upset me terribly. I know that this isn't helpful in any way. Unfortunately, that doesn't make me feel any better about it.
    WifeInTheDark and WOTL like this.
  8. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I feel you. But it's dopamine rush and all that stuff that makes the difference between real and the darn porn. Is you husband watching regular porn or is he into the fetish stuff (If you don't mind me asking)? Is he a victim of the death grip?

    Stopping to watch porn is only the beginning. The next step is to relearn how to enjoy real sex like a regular human would. it starts by re-wiring the brain. Stop fantasizing about unreal stuff like porn.

    Then if he's lucky and you work with him, he will have to re-learn to get aroused by smells/tastes, caresses, tenderness, pay more attention to his SO's needs, etc.

    I know that what arouses me now is to please my partner.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
    Rav70 and WifeInTheDark like this.
  9. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Super long time between posts.

    As far as I've seen, the husband only really looks at bum stuff. I suppose that could be seen as a fetish but it's not what I would call super extreme. In the past I have seen some slightly more extreme videos that he's watched but that seems to have calmed down over the last couple of months.

    Sadly the husband relapsed again on Sunday. I took the dog for a walk and he didn't realise a2y was on the laptop. I texted him straight away to say that I knew what he was up to. When I got home this spiralled into a much bigger issue and he was on the verge of moving out for a while.

    Things were said. Feelings were hurt. He went upstairs for a few hours and we eventually had a rational conversation. He behaved like a total asshole to be honest. But after calming down and talking things through, I think he realised that he was being said asshole.

    He was trying to run away from his problems again. Things don't work out the way he wants and he just doesn't know how to deal. We're heading back to the therapist when she is available. Other than that, he has said he will see someone for his own issues, but I have yet to see him do anything about that.

    Things have been pretty rough. I'm still not entirely sure he wants to quit this. I think he resents me for making him face his issues.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  10. wanabefree

    wanabefree Fapstronaut

    Hi, nice to meet u :)
    This is my first post on here.
    Just edited a bit to shorten.

    IMO, the first thing that is really needed in order for your relationship to flourish is going to be the hardest thing of all, complete honesty. I mean in terms of the thoughts and feelings that both partners have, regardless of how hard the truth is to stomach.

    That means your husband needs to be truthful about every thought, feeling, and action. If he is on the verge of PMOing, he needs to be able to tell you right away. Also if he did PMO, he should disclose to you about it right away, even though it may be very hard for him to do. Telling the truth can be frightening especially for PMO addicts because they are racked with guilt over their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The thing about lying is that, when you lie and not tell the truth, it will lead to another lie and it will only compound.

    Now, here comes the part you already know. Pornography is a serious problem and it has changed the way a man's brain is wired. It is like a drug addiction and we get the craving to get the "rush" which leads to PMO. The thing about PMO addiction is that it can be overcome through rewiring the brain. This is the NOFAP that we are all challenging. The reason why we all failed in my opinion, that is relapse, was because we allow triggers to make our brain crave the "rush". Eliminating the triggers will help your husband to make the journey to recovery more smoother. Eliminating the triggers is also very hard.

    In your husband's case, he does a lot of social networking through Facebook etc., and you all watch movies, TV, and play games. The problem with those activities is that they all have triggers that lead to PMO.

    For example, even seeing a regular photograph of an attractive female celebrity on the Internet can be enough of a trigger to lead to PMO. Not only that but scenes with female actresses in movies or TV shows that may or may not be sexual in nature can also be a potential trigger. The thing is is that pornography objectifies females as sexual objects and that is how our brain becomes wired. Therefore any visualizations or imageries of females that we identify with our porn addiction can become a trigger. Like for example, a slim female wearing tight clothing with heels and wearing makeup that we see outside can be a trigger for some people. These triggers lead to PMO in my opinion. It's like placing heroin in front of a heroin addict and telling them not to use it.

    Therefore, eliminating triggers is going to be a very difficult task for your husband. It requires self-sacrifice. It might even mean banning the use of a computer, banning watching movies/TV and playing games, and even eliminating FACEBOOK for some people.

    Our brain is very interesting in that when we seek this rush and PMO, we will rationalize and justify our actions to PMO. We will use every little excuse to get this "rush".

    First of all though, why not clarify what you and your husband wants from the relationship.

    I believe sex in a relationship is important, but some couples remain faithful despite the relationship being sexless. Your husband may just have a preference for slimmer females. If that is the case, and you are comfortable with acquiescing to your husband's preference, you can consider slimming down through diet and exercise, not forgetting that you too can make demands of him (eg challenging him to do 90 days NOFAP challenge). BUT even before this stage, the PMO addiction needs to be overcome since that distorts the essence of sex between partners in my opinion.

    Some members here are doing the 90 days or more NOFAP challenge. That means no PMO for 90 days or more consecutively!! It is really a challenge but in your husband's case, he has you for support 24/7 that many nofappers do not have the luxury of support. Your husband is very lucky :)
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
  11. True-Self

    True-Self Fapstronaut

    Hey @DireMerl going back a few posts I get what you're saying about the importance that looks are given in our society. I think Taylor Swift is a good example of this. Despite being incredibly talented and seemingly a nice, charitable person to boot would she really have been as successful if she wasn't beautiful? Most likely no. I think men face pressure about their looks as well though not as much as women. Look at online dating. From what I've read and heard from my friends the scales are massively in woman's favor and they basically have their choice of numerous men. When given such selection I imagine that women would filter out men based on their appearance.
    Sadly I am guilty of this as well. At lunch yesterday I saw an attractive girl sitting alone. Part of me was thinking "what's her story?" If she had been a plain woman I probably wouldn't have given her a second thought. I don't like thinking this way. I'm no Brad Pitt myself and I don't want to be judged purely on my appearance. I'm hoping that as I continue to leave P and P subs behind I will also focus less on the visual and more on the person.

    Concerning your husband I agree with @wanna be free about P subs and social media. It has really helped me to limit my social media use (I haven't checked Facebook in close to 2 weeks and feel the better for it). Also P subs are a very slippery slope and only help to keep the path to P clear and easier to return to.
    Clearly your husband has not had the moment were he decides P truly is a problem and he is really going to make an effort to quit. To me your husband has at the very least two very legitimate reasons to quit.
    1. He can't O during sex. This is not normal and I have read several stories where sticking with no PMO heals this.
    2. Use of P hurts your feelings and is causing problems in your relationship. - Personally I feel like this reason alone should be enough. This gets me frustrated because I've read of multiple husbands who somehow don't realize they have a problem with P even though it is causing pain to their wives. If your doing something that makes your wife upset and causes her to feel bad it's a Fing problem....

    My main suggestion for your husband to get motivated again is for him to read some of the Journals on this site. For me and perhaps for your husband as well it's inspiring to see that yes PMO addiction can be overcome and people's lives only change for the better when they give it up. I'll end this long post with a quote by @Bisconaut that comes from one such journal. I feel like your husband may be using P in this way. "In some ways I think PMO addiction is a symptom (albeit a serious one) of living a reactive life, where we derive pleasure from outside stimulus, seek validation from others, and engage in escapism to avoid negative judgments from the outside world"
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
  12. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi DM,

    Yup, he fucked up. Then made things ten times worse with his crazy behaviour. How he handles everything now is going to be very telling for you both. I hope he comes to the realization that things can't continue like this and that he has a serious problems. He just hasn't come to terms with it yet, has he? Till this happens, there is not much you can do.

    I hope the therapist can help you both out. Till then, keep your chin up and look after yourself.

    @wanabefree - you wrote some great things about porn subs there. But, Please do not suggest or even hint that anyone needs to work out to make themselves "more healthier and attractive making sex more exciting". This is insulting and wrong. You should apologize. I have been lucky enough to see a photo of DM and she does not need to change one iota. She is beautiful. Even if she wasn't, her looks are nothing to do with the problems they are facing. She is having a hard enough time as it is without an thinly vieled suggestions that she is some of the reason for the issues. Don't do it again.
  13. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Thanks love. Really needed that pick me up
    Rav70 likes this.
  14. wanabefree

    wanabefree Fapstronaut

    Well, it was not meant to be insulting.
    If I offended, I apologize:oops:

    I was only mentioning it because a lot of females actually do work out to make themselves more physically attractive looking for their husbands, IF AND ONLY IF they are comfortable with it. The reality is is that looks matter to a lot of males (and even females) and it is not just because of PMO that makes them stray away from their partners in regards to physical intimacy.

    Ofcourse, ideally, it would be best for each partner to accept each other for the way they are, but the reality is is that when many of us get into a relationship, there are many expectations that we have that we don't honestly tell our partners for fear that we may turn our partners away from us. That is an issue in itself but no relationship is perfect and sometimes we need to clarify what our expectations are in a relationship. If that expectation happens to be physical in nature then it's up to the partners to discuss if that expectation can be met or not. In her husband's case, he has stated to her that he would like her to be more slimmer, so it is really up to her to decide if she is okay with it or not. But just becoming slimmer may not solve the issue, since PMO is the greater problem. The last thing we all want is to lie to our partners and continue going behind their backs to get what we cannot get from our partners.:(

    Just to clarify, I have no intention of insulting at all. I am giving my comments because I genuinely would like for their relationship to flourish.
  15. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    First off, there is no "if" situation here. You insulted all of the wives and girlfriends of PMO addicts with your statements. What you said is EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE.

    This is not a fitness forum. This forum is for practical and emotional support for this with a PMO addiction and those that have the weary, soul-crushing task of supporting those addicts.

    And you have been sadly misled if you are under the impression that PMO doesn't move them to stray from their significant others. There may be lots of other factors....but PMO is the underlying one that makes them devalue their mate and see her only as a body, in whatever shape that might be.

    You clearly need to be on this program for quite a bit longer before speaking about these types of issues. Your value system is still showing signs of PMO thinking. If she HAD followed your advice, she would be just another codependent I'll-do-anything-to-keep-my-man unhappy woman. SHE IS NOT THE PROBLEM. She is amazing and beautiful and smart and loving and what most women aspire to.

    PMO THINKING is the problem here. You need to seriously reevaluate your thinking.
  16. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Thanks ladies. For some reason I often seen to get people posting on here about how I should change my weight or whatever. Funny thing is, this site is anonymous. You have no idea how I look, and yes I know I have stated that I'm unhappy with my weight. Perhaps that's why people feel ok to comment on it I don't know. Truth is, I'm actually a person inside the meat thanks. Regardless of how I look on the outside, posting things on an anonymous forum doesn't give you the right to say anything about my looks, especially things that most people wouldn't say to another person. You don't go around telling your friends/colleagues/family members, that they are fat and no one could find them attractive. So do me the courtesy of not implying those things about me, or anyone else on this forum.

    Honestly, there are a lot of stories and posters on here that could be judged rather harshly for things they confess. I like to think I do others the courtesy of not insulting anyone. Or trying to make anyone feel bad about themselves. And believe me, I have read some pretty shocking things on here.

    Anyway, to expand on this 'men are visual creatures' bullocks that seems to be used a lot around here. Great. You have eyeballs. Congrats. Guess what, women do too. Just because we can control ourselves when it comes to being perverted peeping Tom's, does not mean we don't apreciate a nice looking chap. We like looking at a hot bod as much as you guys do. The difference is, is that for those of us who are long term/commited relationships, we enjoy all aspects of our partners (exept maybe the assy parts like pmo)

    Do I think my husband is the sexyist man in the world? Nope. (sorry honey) have I seen men around who I find physically appealing? Yes. (sorry honey again) the huge difference is, I can see the parts of my man that go deeper than that. He is funny, clever, usually a good person who is just trying to do the best at this life he can. That, is what keeps me attracted to my husband. Now can you honestly say that you would be happy to live in a world where men don't care about any of that? That they will seek out the most beautiful girl regardless of if she's a bitch, or a murderer, or kicks puppies for fun? Because if the outside is all men care about, then I don't want anything to do with them anymore frankly.

    Besides that, I know that there is so much more to love than looks. If you don't believe me, take a look at those people who still love each Other after an accident that has damaged them physically. Basically, what you (and a lot of men on here who clearly think looks are more important than anything else) that if I lost my leg, or had a masectomy, or acid in my face, that my husband would have to leave me because I'm not hot anymore.

    I'm going to say this one last time for those who just don't get it. I don't know what any of you look like. You don't know what I look like. Let's leave comments about looks of these forums. They don't belong here. Unless you genuinely want to help and support other people with good and constructive advice. Keep your thoughts to yourself.
  17. Mj1064

    Mj1064 Fapstronaut

    Bloody well said @WifeInTheDark
  18. wanabefree

    wanabefree Fapstronaut

    I never said PMO was not the underlying issue. You must have misunderstood what I was writing.:(

    It is unfortunate that you take my comment to be so offensive, but I understand that I have to be more sensitive to other's feelings more.
    I apologize again for even suggesting that she can consider working out for her husband. I understand from your perspective that partners should accept and love each other for the way we are and that no changes should be needed to be accepted.

    I am merely pointing out that partners should do their best to accept each other's expectations if it is within their boundaries to accept it. ;)

    I want you all to know that I was merely expressing myself not out of hostility but out of my concern for this post.

    I already regret writing about my thoughts in regards to this post, knowing now how my post has sounded so offensive when it was not my intention to do so. :confused:
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016