Addiction or Fetish

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Cody davis, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. Cody davis

    Cody davis Fapstronaut

    so basically, my gf and I went to have sex. long story short, I couldn't hold an erection. As a guy, what I usually did masturbate to wasn't porn, but instead women wrestling cites and or matches. Now usually, I had figured it was an addiction to wrestling (I consider it the same category as a pron addiction) but anyways. Sometimes I find it harder to get erect to my gf, unless we wrestle and I just wanna know would this be a fetish or because I had masturbated to women wrestling for so damn long. Im currently 5 days into hard mode, with eating healthier and more exercise as well as reading to speed up the reboot. if anyone can tell me if im addicted or its just a fetish please let e know.
  2. VeryUnderstanding

    VeryUnderstanding Fapstronaut

    Man honestly i have no idea were wrestling fits... it sounds like a fetish tho, pretty sure it is a fetish, i used to watch two girls wrestling and the winner gets to be dominant to the losing women. I think by you watching it through other sites and things like that you found it as a sexual arousal, and you must of watched it alot by the way its escalated for you. Its an addiction allthough not through porn sites its still classified as porn in our minds, watching girls grab and touch each other can be pretty arousing, in my personal opinion i would reboot hardmode for 90days to rewire your brain to that of a normal level, but thats just my opinion
  3. kk76

    kk76 Fapstronaut

    Dont focus on the erection or the O. Just enjoy each other.
    Cody davis likes this.
  4. Cody davis

    Cody davis Fapstronaut

    Very understanding, I began hard mode and already a few days in my erections are back. It's like an on and off thing bit I will definitly take ur advice. I'm just glad I'm not the only one with this wrestling problem
  5. lifestyle

    lifestyle Fapstronaut

    Yes got to admit that Girls wrestling and playing with each other is very arousing. There was a time when it was my main focus - hours of it. Its like 2 for the price of one. For me its the time spent with a permanant hard on, sure that can't be right. It is always so predictable, the choreography is usually uck too. I have forced myself not to watch any P atall, because I would head off in this direction again. Stay strong and find something else to do. I have a list of jobs I HAVE to do and anytime I get an urge try and get one done. P is the most wasteful thing ever....
    Cody davis likes this.
  6. Cody davis

    Cody davis Fapstronaut

    Thanks lifestyle, ironically last night my gf and I (yes the girl I lost an erection with) had a very intense make out sess. No sex, but I gave her more than enough hickies. Long story short my erection was back up until it ended, so I find rebooting with a person to be the best way to reboot.
  7. parkinsonx

    parkinsonx Fapstronaut

    Way to go man:cool:
    Cody davis likes this.
  8. RawheadRex

    RawheadRex Fapstronaut

    The way I see the difference between fetishes and addictions is this:

    What was present and frequently thought about before the addiction is a fetish. Stuff that comes after the addiction is established is an outgrowth of the addiction (though there may be exceptions to the rule, as the line can be blurry).
    Cody davis likes this.
  9. I am addicted to gay wrestling so I can imagine your doubts... Yes... I consider it equal to porn... I never EVER watched porn but muscular guys wrestling in briefs or naked and I felt the same. It turned me on much better than my bf but there was a main difference: after I acted out to wrestling I felt total emptiness. After I have sex with my boyfriend, I feel total fulfillment and happiness.
  10. Harvhe

    Harvhe Fapstronaut

    Ehh. It could be any number of things, but PMO does effect ED, especially if you haven't had time to recover fully.

    The coolidge effect (where the mind craves more or shifts fetishes in pursuit of novel or new usually harsher content) could be at play here and it's shifted your interests onto wrestling, as sort of a deviation of 'playing rough' if you want to slot things into context.
  11. Amit shah

    Amit shah Fapstronaut

    Are you talking about ultimate surrender??I am addicted to this site...It's ruining my life
  12. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    Walk away from sexual stuff , Shall the World Award you and improve your destiny! Don't get driven by your thoughts, but control them. You are the owner of your thoughts instead of the slave.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
  13. anonamouse

    anonamouse New Fapstronaut

    In your case wrestling comes under both porn and a porn induced fetish. You have to use the widest definition of porn when it comes to pied, I remember Gary Wilson saying that he knew of a person with pied just from photos of swimsuit models and personally for my pied I was only using porn for about 1/3 of wanks but exclusively to fetishes (both in the porn and in my head) so it built up. Unfortunately you can rewire your brain to develop any fetish so you have to be carefull, I just wish id known about the effects of fetishes earlier.
    Good luck with the reboot.
  14. mmouse

    mmouse New Fapstronaut

    Dude i know i too have a taboo and anal fetish and normal sex does not turn me on.We have tricked our brain to feel satisfied only when certain impulses are triggered in form of these fetishes.It is good to have fetishes or sexual preferences but we don't have to become an addict to it.I too am trying to overcome this try watching softcore movies to induce the element of lovemaking scenes to distract your brain from fetishes .Good Luck Be healthy
  15. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Hi @mmouse. Welcome after your first post. :)

    I can see the idea you have of how to solve your addiction problem. But all the evidence shows this does not work mate. :oops: The first thing to do is have a complete sexual detox. Watching porn, even though it is relatively soft core to your former taste, is harmful. You need to reboot and that takes time, patience and commitment. Start with this video to understand:

  16. Nigel94

    Nigel94 Fapstronaut

    I have this same fetish could you give me advise on how to get rid of it?
  17. Nigel94

    Nigel94 Fapstronaut

    I don't want to trigger anyone but did you ever watch trib dolls / fighting dolls. This is ruining my life, if you did please tell me how you got rid of the addiction. I am glad I found this post as it seems to be a very unpopular fetish