Getting Triggered by cute girls

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Novarecon, May 5, 2016.

  1. Novarecon

    Novarecon Fapstronaut

    Im finding myself getting turned on and triggered when i see a girl I'm attracted to just by the face. Girls that you would just randomly see on commercials who are not dressed sexually in any way or girls who are in youtube videos talking and are not dressed sexually at all. If i think they are cute i get that porn type rush in the head its annoying as fuck, because most of the times It will be a video on youtube and I'm only watching for information purposes and it requires me to look at the screen or even the voice sometimes gets me going. I need some advice, how do i fucking deal? and is anyone else dealing with this?
    Rianonse and Cheburashka like this.
  2. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    You are not alone. The ladies having channels on youtube are usually good looking anyway.
    You 've been watching porn for a long time I assume. Your brain likes novelty (Coolidge effect). You are probably objectifying women. The face is not only a face anymore, when you are a porn addict.
    It's the surface to ejac on, the orifice to get BJ and DT BJ, its the O faces, etc in your porn-filled mind. The face is part of pleasure in this case.

    There is a lot of nice performers on youtube. There is a lot of nice ladies out there, at the mall, on the street, etc.

    For you, watching "nice girls material" right now is call a P-sub. Its a porn substitute, BECAUSE you get triggered by it. I suggest stopping wathcing these videos for a while. During that break, try to sanitize your thoughts. Try to avoid objectification of women. Try to see the human being (try to imagine the person is sexless, etc)..
  3. thats our society, you gotta learn to live in it. Theres always gonna be pretty girls everywhere. Conquer yourself and don't let them do it :)
    Cheburashka and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Novarecon

    Novarecon Fapstronaut

    Your point about the objectification really resonated. Hopefully this would subside and weaken as my NoFap journey continues. Is that something you noticed? The objectification goes away after you abstain for a long time? And does the coolidge effect go away after abstaining?
    Cheburashka likes this.
  5. Novarecon

    Novarecon Fapstronaut

    i know lol its such an inconvenience basically having to restrict yourself and avoid anything with attractive women. Would you say that after a while of abstaining this effect weakens?
    Cheburashka likes this.
  6. oh yes, girls still get my attention. It used to be '' wow i wonder hwo she looks naked'', and then i would fantasize about sex etc. and now its like '' shes beautifull, good for her'' :D thats about it :D
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  7. Cheburashka

    Cheburashka Fapstronaut

    If you are a guy with two eyes and still breathing, you will have to deal with this. It's just the way we are wired. But you can be the master of your thoughts. Stay in the game and win!
  8. Lyle1958

    Lyle1958 Guest

    I struggle with this every day, even driving to/from work. Glancing at women in cars and on the street. Watching TV, looking at a normal magazine. Not only do I ogle, but I then degrade myself by thinking, "I could never get that one" and so on. One funny thing, the older you get, the wider the age range of women you find attractive. Not only do I still ogle the young ones, the ones in their 30's & 40's, and the older ones are looking better by the day. FML
    Dizzy Lotus and Cheburashka like this.
  9. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Yes objectification does go away. But you have to do something about it. You need to analyze your thoughts, catch the objectification ideas and thoughts, and rationalize those.
    It helps to think that the girl is a human being, not just a sex toy. Actually, you need to watch your eyes and mind when you go to the gym, to the mall, walking down the street. Make a point to keep your eyes leveled horizontally, not looking at body features.

    Yes the coolidge effect goes away, when your mind is not seeking anymore. When you are at peace with yourself and not searching any other source of arousal but your GF in the bedroom, you mind is appeased.

    Myself, I try to totally avoid any sex thoughts during the day, beside real sex with the wife. And then I let my body react, not my mind...

    smells, tastes, touching, kissing, no conscious brain stimulus...if that helps!
    Ploutos, Ten and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  10. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    It will pass if you let it pass. Hang in there brother.
    Cheburashka likes this.
  11. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    It also helps to talk to some beautiful girls from time to time. This serves to 'demystify', or humanize, them; they are no longer the sultry sex goddesses swaying through the dim-lit corridors of your mind. Oh, and you might find a girlfriend.
    Ten and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  12. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    This might sound a bit odd, but I have been trying to associate fear with any fake arousal.

    I intentionally think a lot about how shitty I feel right after orgasm, how I stand at the toilet, wiping off and cursing myself it creates numbed dopamine receptors.

    Basically, I am training my subconscious that lusting after screen images or mental porn results in pain.

    I've only been trying this for a few weeks, but it seems to be working. I find that I am automatically and quickly diverting my eyes from sexy images on the screen.

    So..... rather than trying so suppress a feeling that feels good, I am teaching my subconscious to fear and run away from porn and lust.

    Rather than fight against my subconscious, I am trying to train it to fight with me.
    Novarecon likes this.
  13. Lyle1958

    Lyle1958 Guest

    I guess I need to be on deserted island somewhere, because the idea of not looking at attractive women seems totally impossible to me. Have you seen what women are wearing these day? Should I even mention the leggings and the yoga pants? Are we supposed to walk around with blinders on? This issue seems more difficult to me than giving up porn. At least porn is confined to computers and electronic media for the most part. Women though, are EVERYWHERE!
    Cheburashka and Novarecon like this.
  14. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    You can not change the world, but you can change yourself.
    Cheburashka and feo1966 like this.
  15. Bench

    Bench Fapstronaut

    Will having a girlfriend help with objectifying thoughts? Anyone else want to chime in?
  16. Lyle1958

    Lyle1958 Guest

    Having a wife of 20 years hasn't helped me, so I guess that makes a me a pig. Feeling rather sarcastic and depressed tonight, can you tell?
  17. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Nothing external will determine who you are. You need to make yourself, or re-construct yourself if need be, at the existential level. What the mass mind does not want to admit is that at the core of our being is the moral self capable of real and radical choice. It abdicates itself to the majority. Our rational/ moral self, our sovereign self, which never goes away, has largely been plastered over in our modern world with a rampant egoism centred on self-gratification and a distorted view of human nature. Our misery, when indulging in excess, is also the protest of our better selves. Is this moralism? No, it's simply a philosophy of self-determination, dignity and freedom. The unexamined life is not worth living. Anything less is a form of 'bad faith'.
    Bench likes this.
  18. Novarecon

    Novarecon Fapstronaut

    I feel you man it can be hard because women are literally everywhere and it doesnt help that not only are there women but there is over sexualization everywhere, its tough but stay positive its not as bad we make it sometimes. Head up! But yea its one thing to give up porn but its tough when you are "recovering" to avoid all arousal that isnt like actual sex, because triggers are everywhere.
    Cheburashka likes this.
  19. Novarecon

    Novarecon Fapstronaut

    Interesting and thanks. Do you think i should try and avoid all arousal period no matter how soft the trigger is, like even arousal from a girls voice, etc. for a certain time until they no longer give me that head rush. Because i would like to think eventually i will get to a point where i can listen to a video of a girl with a nice voice without getting turned on in that negative porn sense, or be able to watch a video with a pretty girl and be ok with it lol. What are your thoughts on that?
  20. Ten

    Ten Guest

    There is a stimulus and then there is a reaction. The reaction you describe happening in your mind where just a visual look at a cute face turns your thoughts to hyper sexualized fantasying is unhealthy and unsustainable.

    You know it otherwise you wouldn't be here posting about it. This reaction you describe is automatic and is a byproduct of porn abuse. You can't control it, so it brings you shame. That ends up bringing self hate. These are all not good things.

    The healthier mind will not jump from a visual of a feminine face to perverse thoughts of pornographic acts with that person. The healthier person would just recognize the face and admire the face as a thing of beauty, but of another being. A being with a soul, a history, imperfections, a background, fears, dreams, hopes, family, personality, and so on.

    When you break free from the grips of PMO, and when you regain control of your chemistry, thoughts, and emotions, you become to humanize once again. It's a natural process, and not one modified by the minds of men.

    I suggest backing away from anything that turns you on. Anything that produces hyper sexualized thoughts which leave an impression of longer than five seconds. If you are left affected and excited, don't return to that source. Do this until you have 90 days free of No PMO and then reaccess what is happening in your subconscious. At that point, ask yourself, "am I having reactions or taking actions that bring me shame?"

    Good luck and thanks for posting this and initiating this discussion.
    Ploutos, Buzz Lightyear and Rianonse like this.