Is Nofap pointless after 90+ days?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ChocoLoko, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. ChocoLoko

    ChocoLoko Fapstronaut

    Hi there,

    This is my first post on this website, but let's keep it strictly objective.. I will make further posts on my personal success with nofap.

    It takes a sperm cell 13 weeks from its birth to death, after which it apparently is decomposed and "reabsorbed by the body" but no1 actually knows what happens.

    So if the goal is semen retention for the purpose of building up sexual/life energy, it will plateau after 13 weeks, which is approximately 90 days, hence probably why the "90 days reboot".

    My question then is, what do you do after? It's not like your ballsacs are going to keep on filling up forever and ever..

    To all the guys out there that have maintained streaks past 90 days and claim further benefits from it, please explain
  2. Daraen

    Daraen Fapstronaut

    I think that after 90 days it's all about find a girl/build something with her, or learn to be in full blum with real mates, ons, whatever...
    I'm inspired by my own experience, after 70/80 days i've begun to move right on real mates and not just waiting at home for some relapse.
    Wizard157 likes this.
  3. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    i got to 113 days and im dont have anything special i relapsed
  4. Sleeping_Beauty

    Sleeping_Beauty Fapstronaut

    After that 90 days you may reach your peak, but after that point you will still lose some of your virility/energy if you PMO again. So if you want to keep living at the top of your potential, quitting PMO permanently will be good for you.

    Even orgasming with a woman will drain your energy. However, having sex without orgasm will not:
    HappyInTheRain and ChocoLoko like this.
  5. ChocoLoko

    ChocoLoko Fapstronaut

    Yea that is exactly what I plan on doing.. Porn addiction for me isn't an personal issue, I have sufficient willpower to not watch it at all nd honestly I don't find it stimulating enough as real sex with a woman is.. However, i find the latter as draining sometimes as PMO. Real sex, without orgasm/semen release seems to be the way to go.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2016
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  6. Jon.B

    Jon.B Fapstronaut

    I used to have sex with my gf without orgasm/semen release, it felt like having a treat dangled in front of you and never been able to get it. In another relationship my gf felt upset because she thought my inability to cum was her fault, and that began creating a rift between us
  7. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    I say 90 days is just the standard to test your resolve, mental toughness and willpower. To see if you have what it takes. The 90 days is the price of admission. The SAT, GMAT or LSAT to NoFap. If you are able to reach 90 days the door opens to other possibilities. Yet all those possibilities will combine towards one road and destination. That is towards liberation and freedom from yourself and your weaknesses that have been holding you back. PMOing is just a physical, mental, and emtional manifestation of your own crap.

    180 days or 6 months to possibly see some sort of affect. You are going to see immense improvement along the way though. They come in different times and you don't know when. You will know when they show up. But full throttle? May take more than 90 days.

    This is all pointless if you keep relapsing and have this overtake your life. If NoFap allows you to reach in and allow you to discover and reach into the best you that have been dormant for so long then it is all worth whatever struggles you are going through.
    Sleeping_Beauty and iHappy like this.
  8. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @ChocoLoko So, 95% of us here would agree the PMO makes us feel week, miserable, depressed, low on energy and motivation... the list goes on.
    When you stop watching porn, you slowly regain confidence, motivation, energy.... and you have unlocked your full potential.

    So that is the key.
    On the other hand, 90 days is not enough for most of us to heal from all the damage dealt by porn.
    Sleeping_Beauty and Jon.B like this.
  9. ChocoLoko

    ChocoLoko Fapstronaut

    Really nothing special at all?? Nd here there are guys bragging about superpowers after 7days of abstinence LOL.. 114 days is quite the achievment
    HappyInTheRain likes this.
  10. ChocoLoko

    ChocoLoko Fapstronaut

    Why didn't you just explain to her why you are actually doing that
  11. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

  12. ChocoLoko

    ChocoLoko Fapstronaut

    @iHappy yes they will agree on the effects nut why? What is the cause? Is it PMO or the act of ejaculating? I think the nofap community is putting too much blame on porn for their state of being, be it whatever weakness, depression, social anxiety, ED, etc.. IMO the act of orgasming and throwing away vital fluid/male essence is the most damaging and will also occur whether you having sex with a real woman or your hand, hence the number of Nofappers who felt similar life draining effects from real sex and PM, so following that logic, how can semen retention derive any further benefits after 13 weeks, at which point it will stall..

    Abstaining from watching a few sexuallized image sequences for whatever time it may be will not turn you into some superhuman.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2016
  13. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @ChocoLoko That is true, but the problem is that people who are addicted to porn fap a way more than people who are in a healthy relationships.

    This is also true, but it will help a lot. Because we are using porn as a way to deal with all sort of negative emotions. Feelings sad = PMO, Feeling anxious = PMO ...and so on. It is a great temporary relief, but it does not allow us to grow.
    When you stop running from your emotions and find some other healthy way, you are growing.

    So I can't answer your actual question because I am not a scientist and I am not even close to 90 days. But the stuff I wrote make sense ( at least to me ) and that's why a lot of people are changing their lives for better even after 90+ days. They have learned to deal with their emotions without running from them.
    ChocoLoko likes this.
  14. This is a true story
    Fapping is only wastes energy. it takes 90 days to regain balance on your brains and it only takes 5 minutes to waste it all.
  15. porn was my escape besides music and sleep. it made me forget eveything for a while. when I'm stressed I fap, when I am horny I fap, when I am bored I fap... (the list goes on)

    So this is my addiction cycle
    I want to break this negative cycle and form a new one!
    1 person likes this.
  16. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut


    thats why i think this nofap stuff is bullcrap.. but whatever
    pranav02 likes this.
  17. Seshollowaterbrad

    Seshollowaterbrad Fapstronaut

    Watch mikkois on youtube, he has a nofap series. Inspirational, its great to watch him literally transform his life.
  18. ChocoLoko

    ChocoLoko Fapstronaut

    @Seshollowaterbrad Yea he was homeless last time I checked. What a transformation...
    When he first started he seemed more upbeat, emotionally expressive, now hes just a monotone robot with no facial expression and overemphasizing his faked batman voice. If nofap does that to you then I'm seriously starting to doubt this whole movement..

    I am glad that you actually brought him up, he seems like an interesting case.. Needs to be discussed further.

    Any thoughts guys.. And uh girls
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2016
  19. Leolionmain

    Leolionmain New Fapstronaut

    After the semen is broken down and reabsorbed into the the body the the body benefits is many ways
    1) improved skin
    2) hair
    3) growth
    4) mental qualities
    5) etc

    Your body pretty much uses it to level your states up
    As it translates you not ejaculating as not being fulling optimized for survival, any living organisms goal is to survive and will do what it must to. After break down, the next batch of semen will be of high per quality, and once broken down again will lead even more leveling up of stats. When a person is PMOing his body believes it is successful thus does need to to or has the resources either to level up evolutionary. I’m on day 90 today and I’ve gain weight, my muscle mass has increased and business engagements have been through the roof compared to what I’ve done, Continuing this process would have me close out 2021 as a Millionaire at age 23. NoFap is great but Semen Retention the Real 1up.

    Imagine you have millions of Potential humans in your Balls, that could be scientist, Politicians, Army General, Doctor’s, Scholars, Billionaires and Trillionaires, UFC Fighters and instead of spilling them, your body breaks them down and absorbs them, where do you thing all that potential goes?
    Let’s Level up Gents, It’s a Mans Would, but with no masculine energy being cultivated, it’ll be a woman’s world and then society Collapse.
    Shiva87 likes this.
  20. Shiva87

    Shiva87 Fapstronaut

    You mean the reabsorbtion happens around day 90?