Trying Nitric Oxide Supplements for PIED

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Snipes, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. Snipes

    Snipes Fapstronaut

    I really want to be able to perform with my sexual partner on wednesday, so far I we have had sex twice and I was limited to pleasing her without penetration.

    I remembered when I was into weightlifting etc I tried some Nitric Oxide supplements, they're mostly a waste of money for muscle building purposes but I do remember getting amazing boners from it back in the day, so I figured why not.

    Annnnd, I can't say for sure yet as it could be coincidence but it definitely seemed to help, I try not to test myself too much but thinking about my sexual partner after taking it give me an erection much faster than normal and after just a couple tugs I was at 110% and even flaccid it feels bigger with more life.

    Now it should be mentioned that my PIED is probably not as bad as some, usually I can get some kind of erection thinking about my partner (50%) and maybe get it about 70% with touch but it doesn't last long and seems to fizzle out.

    I think if you're struggling to get it up at all then this isn't going to do anything for you, we all know PIED is in the brain, but it seems that bit of help from the organic side can help a little bit.

    Hopefully enough for me to keep my erection going on wednesday night!
  2. Tommy_0113

    Tommy_0113 Fapstronaut

    what product did you get and how does it feel this time?
  3. Snipes

    Snipes Fapstronaut

    The Product I got yesterday is just called AAKG by Pharmafirst, if anyone is interested in also trying this I would suggest to make sure to get a caffeine free product, caffeine causes vasoconstriction and generally affects most peoples erection quality to some degree.
    All you really want is the Arganine in the product which is what your body converts to Nitric Oxide which is what your brain tells your body to release to your penis when you get turned on to increase the blood flow to that region.
    It's not going to be a substitute for V!agra but so far it seems to have a decent affect on me.

    I already mentioned how it feels this time, I've taken it again this morning and will report back on results later.
    Tomorrow I will take a does in the morning and another about an hour before I see my sexual partner tomorrow night, hopefully it will assist me in staying erect for her, I will report back on that too.
    Keys and Tommy_0113 like this.
  4. Tommy_0113

    Tommy_0113 Fapstronaut


    sounds good! However instead of people taking L-arginine supplements to boos NO levels, I've read that taking L-citrulline is better. Only SOME of L-arginine is used by the body to make NO, whereas L-citrulline turns into L-arginine, BUT the type of arginine that is soley focused on raising NO levels. this post on reddit explains it a bit better:
    Snipes likes this.
  5. Snipes

    Snipes Fapstronaut

    Oh wow that's awesome thank you so much for sharing this! I'm going to definitely give it a shot.

    So far the L-Arganine is definitely working, this morning had decent wood for the first time and it seems to last quite a while.
    I'll finish this supply first and then try an L-citrulline supplement and see how they compare.
    Tommy_0113 likes this.
  6. Tommy_0113

    Tommy_0113 Fapstronaut

    that sounds like a great plan. Let us know how it goes!
  7. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I take L-arginine to go along with pine barks extract. I'm considering stopping to take it. I got rid of PIED about 2 months into my reboot, and supplements helped me re-gain self-confidence. BUT I find that its a catch-22. If you don't take the supplements, you might start to think that you may "bomb". I developed a little bit of a focus on erection instead of pleasure. Also, supplements rarely have immediate effects.

    I seen myself gobbing pine bark extract / L-arginine / vitamin b6 / odorless garlic / Maca+ ginseng / korean ginseng, sometimes all together....not good. It started as a desire to get better erections of course (all above help with circulations one way or another).

    I experienced side effects such as headaches, palpitations and light anxiety.
    Addictive personalities have the tendency to re-focus their addiction to something else, and in this case, its buying and gobbing supplements!

    In all cases, whatever floats your boat, good luck with your penile health.
    Snipes likes this.
  8. Snipes

    Snipes Fapstronaut

    I definitely do not see myself going to that extreme but I will keep it in mind.
    They worked great for me with my partner last night, and was able to orgasm twice, it's done a great deal for my confidence and being able to have real sex will hopefully speed up the rewiring process, so right now I definitely feel like the pro's outweigh the cons, I'll also be trying to have sex every so often without them to see how it goes, the moment I can can have decent sex without them I will stop using them, as to not build any kind of dependency.
    FrizzlFry and Checkpoint like this.
  9. Tommy_0113

    Tommy_0113 Fapstronaut

    what are you referring to here?
  10. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Gotcha. I actually looked for that stuff you refer to in the "sports" section off the drugstore and found that nitric oxide supplement...might give it a try.

    all in all, I found that some nights where I was expecting to "score" I did take some pills, and the night ended up with no candy, so I was dealing with a "loaded gun" so to speak with no hunting to do.
    I prefer the non-planned encounters!
  11. Snipes

    Snipes Fapstronaut

    I was able to keep an erection of a higher quality for longer with a sexual partner.
    Without the supplement I seem to be able to get erect but lose it very fast when the focus is taken off the action, so for example changing positions etc, I think this is because we become wired to constantly smashed in the face with dopamine... the way I used to watch porn (and most of us i guess) was to have multiple tabs open to very short clips that had all the best parts, and you just click from one thing to the next, of course sex is not novel as that and the brain loses interest the moment it's not being hit with heavy stimulation.

    So when taking the supplement it seems to assist with this problem, it does not fix it all together, but I'm definitely harder and can stay erect longer, at least long enough to have a pleasurable experience for both of us.
  12. Snipes

    Snipes Fapstronaut

    My current friends with benefits has a very specific schedule so all my encounters are planned at the moment.
    I agree non planned encounters are much better, whether it's with a girlfriend or someone else, I'm definitely not ready for that yet so it's kinda good that I have to plan it.
    She also knows about everything I'm going through and has been supportive which helps.
  13. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    All good!
  14. Tommy_0113

    Tommy_0113 Fapstronaut

    Yes but which supplement???? Ha
  15. Tommy_0113

    Tommy_0113 Fapstronaut

    @Snipes OMG you can't leave us on this cliffhanger!!! haha ;D
  16. Snipes

    Snipes Fapstronaut

    I did mention it, it's AAKG by Pharmafit.

    I've had a busy weekend and week.
    I saw her on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
    Friday I took pills before we had sex, and same on Saturday but early Sunday morning I had a pretty good erection and had sex without even taking them.

    Then last night after taking them things were not as good as normal, at the end of the day we all know this is a brain issue so stuff like this is only going to have a slight help, I'm still interested in trying L-citrulline when my L-Arganine runs out.
    Tommy_0113 likes this.
  17. needing2change

    needing2change Fapstronaut

    Snipes, I've been using a supplement with L-arginine and pycnogenol for about two years. Based on what I've learned here on NoFap not all of my ED may have been chemically related (lack of amino acids). It really didn't help too much. Like you, I'd gotten a passable erection, but as soon as we moved. Boom, flaccid. (Boom? more like air being let out of a balloon). I'm going to try L-citrulline next and see how that works. I now know that a lot more of my problems have to do with PMO than getting older, etc. N2C
  18. Snipes

    Snipes Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I still had a good chance of losing my erection on L-Arganine but I definitely felt like it helped a little, but I think if we're on this forum to begin with we all know what the main issue is.
  19. Arcsector

    Arcsector New Fapstronaut

    Did you accomplish the PIED removal on hard mode? Or were you able to have sex during the reboot period? Can you please detail how you went about removing it? I would hugely appreciate it.
  20. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    First, my reboot was NOT hard mode. Actually, once I came out clean, my wife gave me support and increased the frequency of the encounters.

    I started with supplements listed above, maybe as a make safe, double whammy. Mind you, it less stressful to have sex with your wife of 20 years than dating and hoping for the best (performance anxiety).

    Then I started to work on screening my thoughts to remove fantasies. I started to avoid watching the ladies in a sexualized way (objectification). It took some time, but I compensated by thinking they are humans, get sick, have family and desexualize so to speak.
    I made sure that I was "pushing" away all sex thoughts and replace by something positive.

    On the sexual aspect, I stopped anticipating sexual encounters and fantasizing before the act. I did let the body go thru the motions, and make my senses awake to the signals: smelling, touching, tasting, sight of her enjoying it, looking at her...

    Nowadays, I don't need supplements anymore, but it took about 1 1/2 months to see an improvement. And my PIED wasn't acting up every time. Better sleep, less power draw from PMO/MO, all made me feel better, less stressed, etc...all contributing to overall health.

    When stressed, the human body re-route the blood flow away from the extremities and bring it towards the vital stress is also a contributor to bad E.

    hope that helps!