Cold Showers

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by James2016journal, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. James2016journal

    James2016journal Fapstronaut

    I am looking for AP's to eventually chat to via sms regularly. Reply here or get in contact.

    I'm on day 6 and new to NoFap. Starting my 30 day challenge
  2. I've gone a couple of months before taking nothing but cold showers. I was addicted to that feeling you get once your done plus the health benefits are nice.

    I'm actually going to try taking nothing but cold showers for the rest of my life lol this year it's supposed to be the coldest winter ever here in Toronto, Cananda where I live. Y'all keep me in your prayers :D
    SuperLulox and James2016journal like this.
  3. Dziki007

    Dziki007 Fapstronaut

    Dude, good luck :D
  4. James2016journal

    James2016journal Fapstronaut

    So I am on day 10 of a 30 day NoFap challenge and today is also the sixth day in a row that I have had cold showers.

    In the beginning I started with hot water and gradually made it cold. I have gradually made it so that I having cold showers from start to finish lasting 3 minutes but for the passed 3 days I have had 2 cold showers a day.

    Today I had 3 cold showers. One this morning, one after I exercised as I was sweaty as hell and headed out for dinner. I otherwise would not have cooled down so quickly. Then all of this week I have been having a shower before bed. I wanted to end my night with the same feeling so tonight was the first time I didn't turn any hot water on at all and got under the water. I thought to myself I would make it warmer if I couldn't hack it but to my surprise I was fine. Deep breathes def help with the shivering and lathering myself up with soap does as well. I lasted 3 minutes and know I can get my ass in there without turning on the hot tap at all.

    I like the feeling they are giving me - makes me feel revitalized, more alert. I think they make me feel stronger at the end as well. I have noticed that my hair and skin def are softer as they say as well.

    Also, if you get the timing right they make you fall asleep better as well.

    Keen to hear from people that have experience with this or who are starting like me or who want to take the plunge
  5. James2016journal

    James2016journal Fapstronaut

    Some times at night I have thought to myself that I am actually looking forward to having a coldshower of a morning. Def looking forward to tomorrow as its meant to be 30 degrees so it will be warmer in the morning. Love the idea of exposing my body to the cold elements and withstanding it.

    As soon as you dry myself with the tower its so comforting and feel a sense of accomplishment that I can take a cold shower. Wanting to keep this up.
    Dziki007 likes this.
  6. GoodOl'Abe

    GoodOl'Abe Fapstronaut

    Hey James, I've been taking cold showers for around 2 months or so now, at least 5-7 days a week and it's been one of the most significant life changes I've made as of recent. At first, they suck and it almost feels like self punishment, but if you stick with it for around two weeks you'll start to notice they aren't as bad anymore. You're body becomes more resilient to the cold so they're not as painful anymore, but they're just as invigorating. I have definitely noticed an increase in testosterone after taking one and it could almost be compared to smelling salts, as it wakes you up REAL quick. They've also taught me a great deal of discipline, since it takes a certain level of commitment to submerge yourself in ice cold water day after day. I also feel like they've carried over some in my personal life, I feel a greater sense of calm in situations I used to freak out at and overall more in tune with my body and mind. TBH they also get me hype because of the rush they give you. I also feel like they've helped when I'm feeling down, or sorry for myself, or even anxious. Once you get in that cold shower all you can think about is getting out, so it's a very healthy way to get rid of overthinking or stress. And if you were to do this long enough and consistent enough, that is took a shower to combat your thought processes, your mind will be trained to think in a different way, as cold showers will begin to become associated with these negative thought processes almost having sort of a reward/punishment psych effect, like people who do the same thing but instead snap a rubber band on their wrist. Well James, I hope all of this helps and I wish you the best of luck in nofap and along your journey with cold showers.
    Sincerely, Abe
    James2016journal and Dziki007 like this.
  7. Dziki007

    Dziki007 Fapstronaut

    Yes that is very good feeling.
    James2016journal likes this.
  8. James2016journal

    James2016journal Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply man.

    Really enjoyed the read

    Are you looking for an AP?
  9. h215

    h215 Fapstronaut

    NYCmwm and James2016journal like this.
  10. Leea

    Leea Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. Thinking of giving this a go. Had a bit of a crap day today. Am on day 5 of no M but relationship with girlfriend is going down the pan and I'm stressing. Stress is a massive trigger for me to M so maybe a cold shower will help! Thanks
  11. Plutonium

    Plutonium Guest

    I'm starting cold showers tomorrow.
    James2016journal likes this.
  12. My best advice I can give you is going in them no excuses, no hesitating. Make sure you are consistent and do not hesitate when you go in and it will become a habit meaning you can do it with little force (that doesn't mean it will be comfy :)). With my cold showers I go in and time it for 4 minutes on the absolute coldest setting. The first minute is a real shock but it's well worth it for the energy you get after getting out.
    James2016journal likes this.
  13. GoodOl'Abe

    GoodOl'Abe Fapstronaut

    Nah sorry man I'm actually AP's with my friend who got me into this. I wish you the best on your journey though and I hope all is well.
  14. dengdaodeng

    dengdaodeng Fapstronaut

    Cool, man! when I was 20s, I had being taking cold showers all the year. The cold water make me more worm and healthy. It is amazing.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016