rebooting from looking at craigs list

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Fapstronaut

    Mate, you seem like you need to go out there and take a bath of women. Yeah, go out there and talk to any girl, doesn't matter if you feel down. If you want to get a girlfriend you have to live your life at your fullest. To wait for a girl to full your life, that's gonna get you nowhere . Fill your life with goals, go out to the beach, walk in a countryside place, forest, connect with nature. You have to show that regardless there is a girl in your life, you are out there doing what you care for.

    I am 16 and everyone in my grade has kiss, lost their virginity, vape and do some other stuff. That's what is "in". And I have being crazy for this girl since 9th grade. We never got together, but you can tell shes has it for me. Regardless this girl is a swing girl, she wants, but she doesn't at the same time. So I decided that I had to keep moving forward. So i started talking to girls and they'd laugh. I kept getting involved with girls, I realized that if I actually wanted to kiss a girl, I could. I test it out, and almost got a girl to fall for me. So I stopped being desperate for women.

    But I am al melted chocolate for the other girl so I haven't done anything. But if I stayed waiting for the girl, I would stay gloomy. So mate, show yourself that your life is good regardless there is some booty in it. When you stop caring whether you attract girls, that's when they will start dropping like tender melons.
    So shake off the "down" mode and start shaking your life! I might sound corny, but that's how good stuff is sometimes .

    Go the to library, talk to some girls, maybe you'll get rejected, it doesn't matter , because you are in control.
    Stay strong and keep it up mate!
  2. yes, a p-sub.
  3. yep, got to do it! I know I seem down on NoFap a lot, and I am, I need that encouragement! I will keep you posted.
  4. 88 days left, once again, I try it out. letting everyone down. I can do this for sure. no more O for 90 days. the results will be worth it I am sure. been trying to get out in the real world, been good so far.
  5. day 1 but here is the good news...I have no need to look at it, today any way.
  6. DarthLexapro

    DarthLexapro Fapstronaut

    I also found the Craigslist casual encounters section to be a trigger of mine. I'd go to check out nude pics of local women and transsexuals and get turned on. From there I'd hit up the porn sites and it was over.
  7. yeah, in reality, soon as I step out of the house, I forget it. it's only when I am in my house its a problem.
    Traveler85 likes this.
  8. DarthLexapro

    DarthLexapro Fapstronaut

    At least you were doing it at home.

    I was constantly reloading Craigslist casual encounters during work. Pretty bad stuff.
    HopefulJ16 likes this.
  9. Traveler85

    Traveler85 Fapstronaut

    Hi yukon, are you really from there? I'm from alaska originally, so i can relate to the cold, darkness, loneliness, and worse of all - lack of attractive women!! Sounds like you need more hobbies and activities to keep you busy. Women are attracted to passionate guys, but not guys passionate about masturbating to porn. I know. My wife is thinking of divorce right now b/c I'm not the same person as whom she married. This addiction is far more difficult than drugs or alcohol in my opinion. The drug is free and its everywhere, and it's not socially acceptable in the way we can use drugs or drink with friends down at the pub. I know how easy it is to slip, especially when you are home alone. What are you passionate about? Make a plan to accomplish some goal in that hobby or activity, and then put targets and a schedule as to how you will achieve it. That might help get your mind off, and then find a woman or two, not necessarily at the same time :) Good luck mate.
    outedskeleton likes this.
  10. DarthLexapro

    DarthLexapro Fapstronaut

    What type of hobbies are you unto? Maybe try some video games when you get the itch so long as the game doesn't contain any possible triggers like nudity.

    Maybe take up a physical activity will take your mind off it more. I've heard weightlifting helps a lot.
  11. Traveler85

    Traveler85 Fapstronaut

    great post
  12. NYCmwm

    NYCmwm Fapstronaut

    Stupid question but I see it all over noFap and don't know what it is: what's a "p-sub"?
  13. Sven Pellegrain

    Sven Pellegrain Fapstronaut

    porn-substitue - something that is actually not qualified as porn stuf but what triggers you the same way as real porn
    Gionel likes this.
  14. Gionel

    Gionel Guest

    For me it is bikini photos on social media. I deactived my social media accounts for this reason.
  15. no , it took a while to figure out your question, I chose that name because, I want to be strong as the mountains. hardend by the weather of no girl friends, and being lonely. there is a title of a book called, lonely on the mountain.
  16. its not a stupid question, it means something you do in place of watching pornography. it could be just about anything that turns you on, that you masturbate to, instead of watching pornography.
  17. Well when I did look at craiglist and into the personals, it had porn there. It full of porn there as I have discovered.

    What I do is avoid craiglist at all costs.